

Alex Crowe, the boy who lost everything and cursed with the powers of undeath now seeks vengeance, and he has taken it. Will he find the light strong enough to repair his soul? or will he lose himself to the darkness of his hatred. His path will be paved with those who sought to control or remove his existence. With his back against the wall, the fearsome killer must fight with all his strength, skill and power if he is to forge his own fate.

Emo_Crow · Fantasi
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51 Chs

Chapter 14: Field Trip

(Alex's POV)


I'm surrounded in darkness with fog lofting my legs. I looked around in the limbo and I understood this is only a dream.

Seeing no point in standing still, I took steps forward, walking and wandering for something from this void.

Then my hopes were answered when a light shines behind me. I turn around only to shield my eyes from the light.

When it faded, I opened my eyes and stood before me is someone I didn't expect.

"Lana?" I asked dumbfounded.

Lana responds with a warm smile.

How she end up in my dreams was a first question that came to mind and what the dream was trying to tell me. I could only assume she would end in my dreams given how often I interact with her.

I approach her to question what was going on. Then the next I knew, a sharp burst of pain overruns my head. I clutched my head from instinct, fell to my knees and scream in agony.

'What is this? What is happening?' I mentally questioned as the pain still surges.

Once the pain subsideed, I looked back up, only to be greeted with a sight horror.

I saw Lana lying in a puddle of blood, lifeless. Stood before is a crow pecking on her body, feeding on her flesh. Then the crow turned into a black mist and grew until that most turned into a hooded figure donning a black cloak that reaches down the thigh level, and a black pants and grey boots. I recognize this figure as a reflection of myself.

The figure slowly turned his head to face me, then he glitched like a television static. In his place was the last thing I want to see.

A younger teen, black messy hair with longer bangs covering half of his face, skin white as a ghost but with blood stains, and red glaring eyes filled with hate. Wearing a red blood stained hoodie over a white formal shirt, black skinny jeans and black Converse shoes, wielding a bloodstained knife.

This boy is me from the past, where I slaughtered everyone in my hometown just for revenge.

The figure keeps glitching from me in a black cloak to young me in the red hoodie. Staring deep to my eyes, and for the longest time, I actually felt afraid.

"What do you think you're doing?" It asked.

I stood there frozen as my shadow doppelganger continued to glare at me.

"You made a choice...to become a monster....a monster born from hatred....from despair....Now all of sudden you want to become human?"

"This isn't living! I'm retaking my life!" I respond with my voice raised.

"Because you say so?....you think what you have is life?...everyone hates us....betrays us.....steals from us!!! You chose us...you chose to destroy."

"I want no part in that anymore! Death can't be my only life!"

"Death is not there to meet you."

I didn't even realize that my dark reflection was suddenly right in front of me as I reel back in shock.

"All that awaits you...." His hand reaches for my face as I froze with my eyes wide as saucers.

"....is true darkness."


My opened my eyes with a gasp, noticing I was sweating and panting heavily. I see the room is already filled with the morning sun, I sat up from my mattress to contemplate and calm myself.

Of course it was a bloody nightmare, but a similar yet different one compared to my past nightmares of my victims. What was it trying me? That I do not know. And the sight of Lana, dead. It was sight I would not see it happened.

Lana, of course. I kissed her last night.

It never crossed my mind that I would harbor feelings in that regards, even less that she'd would have the same.

With a heavy sigh, I threw myself off the bed to get ready. Viewing my clothing choices, I decide to get rid of the black vagabond wrappings and went with my signature clothes.

A grey formal quarter length sleeved shirt with two tails, a black leather stab vest short enough that covers only the upper chest, a left black fingerless arm glove, black skinny jeans and dark grey boots with black belts hugging each ankles and red soles.

Hanging my weapon on the straps on my back waist, I ditched the black cloak for being filled with rips and tears, far too damaged to wear. I was about to head out the window then I heard knock on the front. I jumped from my nest, descending from woodens planks and a stone pilled then the wooden floor.

I approached to the door to see who it was, and I found Naomi standing.

"Good morning Mr. Crowe."

"Morning to you miss."

"You may call me Naomi, Lana said this is where you live. Do you have any plans today?"

"Miriam has plans for me. May I ask why?"

"Lana is to accompany to children to a neighboring town for their field trip."

'Field trip? I wasn't told that' I thought to myself.

"And she is inviting you, and Miriam has someone else taking over your duties, she was the one who approved you come along."

'Great. Miriam must've planned it.'

"Alright, I'll come along." I answered.

"Splendid. Please follow me."

We both exited the church and walked towards the direction of the orphanage. As we make it to the streets, I could feel any eyes on me. I could hear several whispers around him, and all of them were about me.

'Don't these people have nothing better to do than gossip?' I mentally asked myself while irritated.

"Hm, you have become quite the talk of town ever since that duel last night. Given that Charles Mane was infamously known to be pompous and entitled, most of us praise you for putting him in his place. You should be lucky no one's swarming over you to give their thanks."

"Why is that?" I asked.

"They're afraid of his father, but they'll give you their thanks when they get a chance."

I don't know what to say. I never think I would be receive positive regards from many people, given that I'm used to being feared and hated.

"If I may Mr. Crowe, There's something I need to ask."

"Just Alex is fine, what is it?"

"Alright Alex, I respect privacy, but as her guardian I need to know. What's going between you and Lana last night?"

"She insisted to heal me herself, nothing more." I decided not to share the kiss, given it's a question she should ask her.

"And what do you think of her?"

"I find her more than a pleasant company and a woman who knows her heart, but I question why she chose me."

"Hmm. I can't begrudge her of her choices, but there's something you should know. She wasn't always like the way she is now."

"What do you mean?"

"In the past, she was selfish and apathetic. She does reckless things while never caring what her actions does to others, and often isolates her self from the outside. Then three years ago she fell into a sickness that no cure could save her, we would've lost hope after medication and prayers. But then the next day, her sickness was gone and she looked as if she became a different person. She even received healing powers, after then she began to help the people, even those she wronged. We were all pleased after who she became, selfless and kind, like that way you see her now."

I digested her story, I would've figured not everyone is that benevolent. But it's still a surprise that this came from Lana herself.

"I might imagine that she may saw herself in you, so if she seems you worthy then I accept it. But I'll give you the same warning, do anything to hurt her, I'll make you pay for it."

"Alright." I replied.

So her benevolent actions were based on redemption, a noble cause I can admire. However, there's something that bothers me.

"Naomi." I called.


"You said she received this sickness three years ago. What date was that exactly?"

"Hm. October 13th. Why?"

I stood in before silence for a brief moment before responding. "It's nothing. Lead the way."

She nodded and I followed suit. For the whole walk, one thing has been on my mind.

'That was the day I destroyed my hometown, the day she died. Those dates lined up, it can't be a coincidence. Just who is she?'



(3rd Person POV)

As the two made it to the orphanage, Alex spots a bus parked on the front with children gathering with bags. Edna was counting them.

And Lana interacting with the children, in her usual white dress and black poncho with a hood attached.

While the sight of her brought serenity, it also brought some pang of fear. Even when they share that moment, she does not know him. How would she react if she finds out who he was, and all the things he did.

When she took notice of him, she smiled and waved, excused herself from the children and approach him.

"Heya." She greeted.

"Hey yourself."

"Well, at least your speech pattern has improved." She quipped.

Which he turn huff in amusement.

"Getting cold? Haven't seen you in your black cloak."

"Shredded. Far too damaged for me to wear."

Lana hummed in thought. "Then I guess now is a good time as any."

She removed her black poncho and handed to him, which he became confused with this act.

"Here, wear this." She offered.

"Are you sure?" He asked.

"It's fine, it was going to be gift for you anyway."

"How thoughtful."

He took the poncho and put it on. Surprisingly, it's comfortable and just the right fit.

"How do I look?" He asked.

Lana stared for a brief moment before answering. "Like it was made for you. You should keep it."

Alex couldn't help but feel a pride and blushed a little at her compliment, which he lifted a part of the poncho to hide it, which caused Lana to giggle.

"Anyway, I'm sure Naomi already filled you in. We're going to Solus Carnival very close to Luciana." She explained.

"So it's a carnival and not a field trip, but why invite me? Surly my presence held no significance."

"To be honest, it wasn't really necessary for me to be there either, but....I wanted to have our first date there."

"I see."

Lana took a step forwards and puts her fingers together, she actually seemed shy, which is cute.

"So um....would you like go out with me?"

She asked with a blush on her face.

"Say no more, I like to." He answered.

Happiness shot her like a bullet as she jumped in excitement and reeled him in for hug.

"You will? Thank you so much."

Alex froze for moment before slowly return the hug, he was not used to this, but it was not bad either.

"Alright is everyone ready?" Edna called out, which the children answered with a yes, then she turned the Lana and Alex. "Are you two ready?"

"Yes, we are ready." Lana responds while Alex simply nodded.

"Alright everyone, form a line and enter the bus correspondingly."

The children are the first to enter the bus. After that Alex and Lana entered, followed by Naomi and lastly Edna. Alex and Lana chose the back seat and sat next to each other.

Once everyone's counted, the bus door closes and began to drive. Lana leans on Alex's shoulder and he looks out the window and relaxes for the rest of the trip to Solus Town.


Meanwhile far from the rooftop overlooking the orphanage, two figures watched the bus drive away.

"Why are we to put our hunt to a halt? Every chances we miss makes him away from our reach." Shin snarls impatiently.

"I agree, but there are innocent people surrounding him. We have only one target, the rest are unnecessary." Nate reprimands him.

It was unlike Nate to ally himself to a killer like Shin, he had heard rumors of their ninja clan being terrorizers of Endoa. But regardless they both have the same goal, once he makes Alex pay, then he will make Shin face justice.

"Your compassion makes you weak as your hypocrisy boy."

"I am not proud with this alliance, The Reaper will answer for his crimes by any means necessary, as will you." Nate rebuked.

"That is not justice you seek, it is vengeance. While we have common goal, you would hold back. Is it a wonder why you could not kill him?"

Nate was about to rebuke him but a soft male voice interrupted from behind.

"Neither can you, had you taken your chances."

The two looked back to see handsome man with long dark purple hair that reaches down the back, pale skin, glowing purple eyes with black lines down on each eyes, black tiger stripes tattoos on each of his bare shoulders. His notable feature is his black angel wings with purple glow under the feathers.

He dons a purple sleeveless vest with black feathers decorated his shoulders and gold linings which exposed his shirtless torso, purple arm sleeves with gold linings on the hand areas and a spiked armlet on his left bicep, he wears a circular amulet with two horns and a red snake eye in the center. Complete with white pants and dark purple boots with black tiger stripes with gold linings.

The dark angel towards his two collaborators with his scepter of black color, at the head is a red snake eye, decorated with black angel wings at the lower part of the orb with two horns above the wings, what sits at the tip of the head is a glowing purple crystal.

"It was a necessary cost."

"You have expended your men and still you could not claim his life."

Shin grabbed the hilt of his katana in anger. He was about to unsheathe his sword to strike but Valus already points his scepter at his face point blank with the purple crystal glowing. Realizing his position, he let go of his sword and turned away, grumbling.

Nate simply frowned with his eyes narrowed. Valus noticed this.

"I sense apprehension from you, Nathan."

"Had you expect otherwise, I joined this alliance full of evildoers for one man to pay for crimes." Nate replied bitterly.

"Despair not, I forged this alliance to give you both what you desire. But the boy is far too strong for either you."

"What do you suggest?" Shin asked calmly.

"I will intercept him at the carnival, and have him realize his despair."

"You mean to break his spirit?" Shin asked incredulously.

"His pain is too great, and he shall drown in it all at once. Once he does, he will be vulnerable. Until then, you will wait. Neither of you will be able to claim his life, not as long as he clings to hope."

Shin understands and nodded. Satisfied with the agreement, Valus walks away, but Nate has doubts naturally.

"And what of the promise you offer? Would you really bring us back what we lost?"

The dark angel stops in his tracks. He didn't even hide his hesitation to the question until he answered.

"I will relieve you of your despair. Be assured."

With that, he flexed his wings and flies away. Shin huffed before he jumps and disappear in midair, leaving Nate alone on the rooftop.

He knew the dark angel would not keep his word, yet he tells himself it was necessary to avenge his father's murder.

Yet, ever since his encounter with him, he began to have doubts in his heart. That Alex told him his father had taken everything from him. He had trying to focus the good things his father had done for him, but as a child, he was oblivious to what his father had done behind curtains.

Nate tried to discard it, to convince himself that Alex lied to him to get in his head.

But what if he's telling the truth.

Out of all criminals he out to stop, this one kept his in circles, even back in Empire city.

"What do I do?"