

AVA is a dangerous killer with a troubled past. She grew up in the Assassins' gang, where she learned everything she knows about seduction and murder. AVA is very good at what she does, and her knife has never missed its mark. AVA is not perfect, though. She can't get rid of her past, so she always looks over her shoulder because she's afraid of getting caught. When Alpha Storm, the head of the most conservative pack, gives AVA the job of killing him, she knows it will be her most dangerous mission yet. Storm is a strong Alpha who is not easy to trick. But AVA is set on finishing her task, no matter what it takes. She will use her looks, her wits, and her ability to kill to attract Storm and get close enough to him to kill him. But as AVA gets to know Storm, she starts to wonder why she is doing what she is doing. He's not the monster she thought he was, and she starts to wonder if she can really kill him. AVA will have to choose whether to follow her heart or her orders in the end. Will AVA's evil lead her to kill Storm? Or will she be able to make things right and save him from her own darkness?

Christabella_Clara · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
85 Chs


I hoped Storm hadn't made my skin react that way. I wished Storm hadn't made an impression on my senses. I wanted nothing inside of me to react to him, but it did. I felt a rush of great pleasure when his hand touched my skin. I finally tried to speak to him after closing my eyes to gather my composure.

I retaliated, "We have nothing to talk about, Storm." What possible conversation could there be between Storm and me? Our chapter came to an end.

Storm immediately drew me into him, almost causing my cosmo to spill, and then he fixed me with a direct gaze. My legs were flimsy. I simply gazed into his black eyes, as I had done in the past, feeling a warmth spread across my body. I was never one to give up searching. Ever. 

I shook my head away in response to Storm's insistence that "we have a lot to talk about," shattering the trance I had been in.