
Chapter XIII

Ellean woke up to a pounding headache and a metallic taste in her mouth. Something felt off, but she couldn't pinpoint what it was until she heard a soft voice echo in her mind.

"How are you feeling, Ellean?"

Right as she was about to answer, Ellean stopped. What. What?! SHE HEARD THE VOICE! That didn't sound right. Ellean knew that she had never heard anything. She was deaf, for cripes sake. Turning her head, Ellean turns to see a sleepy Xavier smiling at her. Jerking her upper body away from him, Ellean pales. She had no way of escaping his arms.

Xavier gently pats Ellean's back, voice soothing in her mind. "It's ok, Ellean. I just gave you some blood directly from me, and I gave you some of mine, all you have to do is think along with the bond, and I can hear you."

Ellean freezes in Xavier's arms, not sure she heard right. On the one hand, it was lovely to talk to someone, but on the other hand, it felt like it was an invasion of her privacy. Breathing out slowly, she peeks up at Xavier only to see his gentle smile. He didn't look like he was pushing her into anything, but Ellean had learned the hard way. Never trust anyone.

Closing her eyes, Ellean pulls the bond up in her mind. It flicked purple and green, mixing flawlessly. She was almost afraid to use it. What if Xavier found out the things that happened to her and did the same thing to her? What if he threw her out of this bed and made her sleep on the floor?

She feels Xavier's chest rumble slightly before his voice echos in her mind softly.

"For one thing, I would never make my mate sleep on the floor. That is just cruel. And I don't care what has happened to you; it's in the past. So we go from here."

Ellean blinks. "Wait. What? What mate?"

Xavier chuckles, "You. I found out the day I found you. We are bond-mates."

Ellean shakes her head frantically. "I don't have a mate. I can't shift. And I am a cripple."

Xavier snorts, "Who told you that load of bullshit? You don't have to shift to have a mate. That is the biggest load of crap I've ever heard. And you not being able to walk doesn't matter to me. I can carry you everywhere."

Xavier grins down at his flustered tiny mate as she tries to argue her way out of this.

Ellean huffs, annoyed. She was going to find a way out of this, by hook or cranny. Ellean was done with people telling her what to do, especially after what happened to her in the woods.

Xavier smiles, watching Ellean's emotions play over her face. She was a cute little thing. But Xavier knew that wasn't even close to the end. There were a lot of things to work through. He was afraid Ellean would end up drawing away from him. All he could do was take one step at a time. He was reaching up pats Ellean gently on the head.

"Breathe, tiny one; we will figure this out as we go. There isn't a hurry to get all sorted out right this minute."

Ellean pushes Xavier's hand away from her hair as she glares up at him. Why did he have to be so big and bossy? She didn't like big and domineering men. Although Ellean didn't notice that she was still lying comfortably in Xavier's arms, he saw and grinned.

Xavier decided that right now wasn't the time to tease his small mate. Sliding over towards the edge of the bed, he asks.

"Would you like something to eat? How about some more broth and maybe a few crackers?"

Ellean nodded eagerly; she could feel her stomach hurting from being so hungry. Maybe after she ate, she could start thinking of a way to get out of here. Ellean had no idea where she was, and she needed to find the way back home before starting a war.

Ellean had no idea that she had broadcast her thoughts to Xavier, but he only smiled, knowing that unless she knew her way out of the castle, she was going to be stuck for a while. Then, standing up, Xavier made a note of giving her a trustworthy servant. Even if Ellean managed to escape, Xavier would be able to track her down quickly, especially now that his blood ran in her veins.

Ellean tilted her head, watching Xavier walk towards the door. Something was off about his smile. But she didn't have time to worry about that. She had to get to planning. But eating sounded good. She'd start with eating first and plan to escape later.

Xavier chuckles as he shuts the door behind him. His little mate was going to give him a run for his money. But it excited him as nothing had ever excited him before. So let the running began, and see who came out the winner.