
Chapter VIII

*Triggers ahead, mentions of r@pe*

A few days later, Ellean is startled awake. Something was wrong, but Ellean couldn't tell what. It felt like someone, or something was in her room. Calming her breath, she tried using her other senses to figure out what was happening. But, before Ellean could figure out anything, a cloth was slapped over her mouth, causing Ellean to pass out.

When Ellean came to, all she could see was darkness. Heart pounding, Ellean tried sitting up, but she could feel something was wrong. When Ellean tried to lift her arms, she could feel that they were tied down. What was happening? Was someone trying to scare her? Because if they were, they sure did an excellent job of it. Ellean's heart pounded so hard that it felt like it was going to jump out of her chest.

When the light snapped on, Ellean blinked, trying to see. But the lightbulb was too bright, and all she could see were shapes. Her nose was telling her that it was some of the pack.

Turning her head to shield her eyes, Ellean blinked when she saw Jenny. Jenny smirks evilly when she sees Ellean look at her. Then, moving to stand over Ellean, Jenny runs a claw down Ellean's cheek.

"You thought you could take my mate away from me? I am going to teach you a lesson slut. One that you will never forget."

Stepping back, Jenny gestured towards the other people that were standing in the room. Ellean's eyes opened wide when she saw most of the boys of the pack standing there. What evil plan did Jenny have for her?

Trembling, Ellean bites her lower lip, trying to struggle out of the ropes. But no matter how hard Ellean fought, there was simply no way of getting out of them.

Jenny laughed with the boys as Ellean fought against the bonds that were holding her. Then, walking over to the wall, Jenny picked out a long whip. Walking back over to where Ellean lay, Jenny flicked the whip, her face full of anger.

"I am going to have so much fun with you tonight; no one will even know what happened to you."

Jenny raised the whip before bringing it down on Ellean's body. Ellean jerked at the pain as the whip sliced through the skin on her arm. It hurt so much, but Ellean held back her scream.

Snorting, Jenny raised her hand towards the boys motioning one of them to come over.

"Strip her; I want to see her whole body laid bare."

A tall, bulky teen stepped out of the crowd, grins down at Ellean as he flexes his finger, causing a claw to appear. He is running the claw down Ellean's nightgown, causing a tear to appear. Satisfied, he rips the remaining cloth away from Ellean's body. Stepping back, he bows his head towards Jenny.

"After you, Luna."

Jenny nods, satisfied at his attitude, before turning back to Ellean.

Ellean quivers at the look on Jenny's face. She had a bad feeling about this. This night wasn't going to end well for Ellean.

Jenny raised her arm once more before bringing it down, the whip landing on Ellean's fair skin, blood beading up from the mark left behind. Pain seared throughout Ellean's body, making her body twitch.

She just wanted to pain to go away. She had never done anything to anyone. Ellean was quiet and shy. Why was this happening to her?

Trying to blank out the pain, Ellean could feel the whip making more cuts on her body. Luckily, she had no feeling in her legs, although the pain in her upper body was almost more than she could bear.

Jenny seemed happy with herself as she caused her sister to feel pain.

Reaching out, Jenny once more runs a claw down Ellean's face.

"Such a beautiful face would be a shame if something happened to it."

Smirking, Jenny sinks her claw deeper into Ellean's fair cheek, leaving behind a cut that almost is laid to the bone.

A muffled scream leaves Ellean's mouth as she feels Jenny's claw open the skin of her cheek. The blood slides down her fair neck, making the red of her blood stand out against the white of Ellean's skin.

Jenny laughs maniacally as her gaze follows the blood trail. She reaches over and does the same thing to Ellean's other cheek.

"Now you match."

Jenny steps back and motions towards Ellean, her face twisted into a snarl.

"Boys have fun, I will leave, but when I return, we will finish the rest of her"

Ellean watches her sister walk out the door before her tear-filled grey eyes move towards the boys moving toward her. Ellean knew there was no hope for her. This was going to be the end.

Closing her eyes, Ellean could feel hands grab at her breasts, squeezing them tightly. Cruel hands tilted her head back before someone slid their cock down Ellean's throat, causing her to gag and cough. Ellean knew she had no feeling between her legs, so she kept her eyes shut in fear.

But the boys wouldn't let Ellean keep her eyes shut. They kept slapping her face leaving Ellean's cheeks swollen and sore. One after the other, the boys abused her throat. Cock after cock was shoved down Ellean's throat carelessly. They didn't care about the helpless innocent girl lying there as they took their fun out on her body.

Tears and snot ran down Ellean's face as she struggled in her bonds. The violation of her body was slowly making her mind snap. But she wasn't strong enough to escape, and Ellean's mind wouldn't let her escape the horror that was happening to her.

Ellean felt teeth tear at her skin. The pain was making her pass out. But as soon as Ellean passed out, they would do something to bring her consciousness back.

After venting their anger on Ellean for most of the night, Jenny came back to witness her sister laying there, cum running out of her holes. Walking over to Ellean, Jenny laughed while slapping her face.

"Wake up slut; I'm not finished with you."

Ellean slowly opened her eyes to see Jenny standing there with a knife. She tried to jerk her head away from the blade, but a boy held her head firmly between his hands.

Jenny slowly ran the blade down Ellean's face, starting from her forehead, slides it down to her chin, flaying the skin open.

"You will always remember what I did to you. And no one will ever want you ever."

Ellean welcomed the darkness that took her under. Then, finally, the pain stopped.