
Shadows Glow

CatherineRozen67 · Fantasi
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2 Chs

Stone Sickness Part 2

After Cordelia made them a quick dinner of pasta with Ciaran helping as much as he could then went to bath

hey...don't you think we're too old for this? he questioned somewhat flustered

what do you mean? I'm only 23 and your hmm...we aren't sure but with your height and intelligence me and dad think you are only 21 or 19 she answered reaching for the shampoo

Seriously that's still too old!! I'm an adult a grown man I am capable of bathing by myself I'm not that confused kid who just washed ashore anymore! he replied annoyed

can you wash my back? Cir I can't reach it well. she says ignoring his protests Ciaran sighs before grabbing her Lofa and scrubbing her back Cordelia sighs in happiness while telling him where to scrub since her back was itchy after a while she then turned to him with a soft smile I know your, not the same boy I first met 5 years ago on the beach I just love spending time with you and since I started working as a teacher we hardly spend any time together anymore I appreciate you for everything you've done for me and dad 😔

well it can't be helped sigh your really....jeez don't give me that look Delia I should be the one saying that I appreciate everything you and mister Dan have done for me you welcomed a total stranger into your family without much thought 😀 he said remembering those times he stayed locked in his room and hardly came out and Cordelia and Mister Dan would encourage him and showed him kindness though out everything until he grew used to them and the village

Ciaran Cordelia said surprised at his respond before she could say more he interrupted her Yes yes we can agree to disagree for now let's finish washing up before we start pruning besides mister Dan should be home soon we have to clean the bath for him to use Ciaran grabbed the bucket full of water and wet Cordelia back he then continued to wash up with Cordelia who was trying to hide her flustered face

Once both were done and everything cleaned up they both went to bed but Cordelia insisted to share Ciaran's bed

Hey...remember how I said I'm a man? 😡

hehe yes yes just for tonight I promise she said hugging him from behind Ciaran turned bright red hey stop doing that!!... they're touching me he turned his head into the pillow while Cordelia snicked at his cute action she loved to tease him like this sometimes hmm what do you mean? what's touching you and where ? she said with a smirk 😏

forget it! just get off me! He said moving more to the side of the bed Cordelia frowned a certain feeling creeping up before she shook her head and turned to her side it was quiet for a while hey Cir can we hold hands? she said suddenly

hmm..why? he asked tiredly

when you first came here we use to do that all the time remember?

....yes just for tonight Ciaran felt Cordelia's hand in his own then after a while he heard soft snoozes he closed his eyes but couldn't get to sleep for some reason he feels Like something bad is coming he's been ignoring it but given how Cordelia is acting he wonders if she feels it too with worry on his mind he somehow falls asleep not knowing that his instinct was right

Mid Night

Aw I drank too much again Cordelia is gonna be angry again shit Dan was trying to find his footing still feeling drunk he walked home although he froze when he heard a song

Ohh the frozen sky painted gray ..Frozen in time

what is that? that sound? he looked around still drunk but slowly sobering up he fell to the ground in fear a woman suddenly appeared right in front of him with long flowing silver hair glowing cold purple eyes and a black dress one sleeve long and the other short wearing a witch hat she gave him a sinister smile Dan was frozen in fear as she raised her hand out in front of them everything in him was telling him to run he tried but couldn't he looked down and to his horror his legs and half his arms were stone blue

I guess I'll start with you 😈 was all the women said

please stop I don't want to die !! I need to get home my daughter, My family their waiting for me Please I'll give you anything!! he begged as memories of Cordelia and his wife and later on Ciaran flashed through his mind

(Father I'll see you later come straight home it's dangerous for you to be out so late ) that was the last thing Cordelia said to him before she left for work Dan felt his mouth turn as well tears still flowed down his eyes his thoughts only focused on his family whom he wanted to see more than anything

the silver-haired witch let her hand fall as she walked away humming her song it started to snow


In the Village of Renee, a man was doing his usual morning routine except that in front of his shop lay a giant stone of a man he knew for years

OH MY..is that Dan by this time everyone in heard his scream and came to check out what was going on the villagers looked in fear of the statue

what happened to him? Did I see him out drinking last night again? how did this happen? do you think it's stone Sickness? maybe it's magic

what that's impossible magic hasn't been seen around these parts in ages only a royal or witch can do magic?

the villagers were talking among them selfs

one finally asked a question that made them all go silent

has anymore informed little Cordelia yet?

to be continued