

Princess Yasuline has always yearned for adventure but has never left the confines of her castle. That changes when she meets the infamous assassin, the White Reaper, and they become friends. Their timing is perfect as Yasuline can prove herself of becoming an adventurer and explore the world as did her father.

ReSoul · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
50 Chs

The White Reaper - Intrusion

The capital was packed with bystanders, more so than usual. It was because today was special, more than the annual holiday. Normally, there would be celebrations for the founding of the kingdom. Today is a momentous occasion for the inhabitants of the kingdom, and they would feel a sense of pride. But now they have another thing worth being in high spirits. Today, the citizens will be able to see their princess once again. The princess has been living in the castle for over 18 years since the day she was born into the world. They have only ever seen her when she was a young baby. But ever since the incident occurred, nobody has seen her since. That is until today.

The main road was bustling with people coming into the capital. Not just the city residents were present. This made the trafficking over at the city entrance that much more difficult for the city guards, who shared the high spirits as they too welcomed everyone with open arms.

"Welcome to Lux!," Someone can be heard shouting so all could hear, "Be sure to not lose your place nor manners when in our city or risk your chance of seeing the future Queen." Even to the outsiders who just arrived. At least a few people have shrouded their identity in long dark cloaks, they didn't greet the guards, or other sellers who stood by the entrance to entice visitors with souvenirs. They soon began branching away from each other. One of them went on their own, while the other four split in pairs.

"Why did we come from the front, brother?"

"Do not draw attention to the other method. Should things go wrong?"

"With us in charge of the mission, it's nothing more than a waste of time." He chuckles, gloating in his unearned ego. but that kind of remark seemed to be shared as the other was chuckling with him. And their laughter blends in nicely with the surrounding cheerful roars of celebration.

The same kind of cheerfulness was also being shared with the other pair that arrived at the capital. They even began interacting with the locales as it were. One of them was half the size of the people walking about and was lingering with the children. The other was only speaking to the woman at present.

The last one had already disappeared somewhere and had ensured he couldn't be found until he wanted to be found.

The time passed by quickly during the bustling of the party going on. Before long, it was nearly time for everyone to be gathering at the main gate of the castle. The gate has closed for years since a certain incident had occurred that caused the King himself to be paranoid and blocked off access for the public. Until today. rumors began from the guards and reached the public ears that the king was finally going to open the gates once more and the people would finally get to see how the princess had grown up.

"Bet she has grown to be as beautiful as the Queen herself." One resident assumes. His hopefulness is shared with many of the male population that arrived to get their first peek at the princess.

The castle gates have opened at last, the crowds erupt in a roar seeing the rumors were true. The yard of the castle was as beautiful as they remembered, special thanks to the Queen who is known for her green thumb.

Before long, the king began stepping out into the balcony where he normally addresses the public for his speeches and various announcements. This is when those cloaked individuals began making their move. Two of them managed to escape the crowds and scurried up onto one of the rooftops.

"The time has come, brother."

"Yes, it has. We only have one shot at this. Then the plot will gain traction at last."

They begin pulling out various weaponry from under their cloaks, just partially revealing their red bodies underneath the daylight. Thankfully for them, no one was around to see what they were. Nonetheless, they acted quickly to begin preparations. They set aside their melee weapons and begin to set their bows ready.

On one of the other rooftops, one of those hooded individuals that entered the gate along with them had the attention of the king as well. He didn't prepare for anything but simply watched. As the speech went on, the other two would continue to prepare for their attack. As they get into position and aim their arrows toward their target, The solo individual gets on the move. He dashes toward them with such inhumane speed. They couldn't even react to the silhouette that was closing in on them. One small jump onto the roof they were on was enough to make them miss their mark.

The arrow flies, and just barely misses someone that was on the balcony.

"Damn it to hell!" One of them shouted.

"Of all the possible timing to have to do with the brotherhood, the retreat is in order!" The two scramble about and begin to escape the scene of the crime. leaving behind the variety of weaponry they had brought with them. Just as the single individual begins to give chase, one of the brothers begins to air their palm at them.

[The daemon Race Skill: Eternal Burning has been activated]

[Description: A special flame magic that will always burn whatever the flames catch. It will not quench until the object is completely burned away. Can be classified as Fire Magic Skill]

Flames begin to materialize in front of the red-skinned palm. The flames looked dangerous for sure as the tips of the heat whip about violently as if they were searching for anything it can burn. With a push, the flames begin shooting back toward the one chasing the two. As a quick reaction, the chaster would turn on their heel and begin to take their cloak off. Leaping forward to give themselves a great distance between him and the cloak as it catches on fire and at a moment's notice, the cloak turns to ash.

Afterward, things went to how Yasuline vaguely saw. The sighting of the White Reaper caused global panic.

The capitol went into a severe lockdown after the events. Those who entered the capital for the celebrations have either already escaped the city before the gates were sealed or they have been ordered by the knights to stay for questioning and risk letting the White Reaper escape from their grasp. The reaction is mixed but understandable at best. A unique result that can only occur when dealing with someone like the White Reaper.

The public even cooperated with the questioning and was prepared to aid the knights, even volunteering in their patrols to scout out the assassin. But, even with how smoothly everything went, it seemed there were no hints or signs as to how the White Reaper showed up at the event and nearly killed the princess.

Hidden in one of the more unkempt districts of the capitol, the two individuals patiently awaited in the shadows up until they saw the moon begin to rise from the horizon.

"It's time for the next step."


"You're hesitant, brother."

"Because we lied about hitting the mark! If they find out, it'll be our bodies that will be used to fuel the fires."

"We'll hit our mark now, by then, it will be too late for anyone to know the mistake."

"And after we complete our mission, we'll find that one who stopped us and take our revenge on them."

While night had fallen over the city, the lights were still bright and kept the streets, as well as the rooftops lit. The city was still bustling with activity, though half of it was mainly from the patrolmen.

The way to the castle proved to be tough, but the two managed to break through the defenses and were scanning the castle wall that separates the castle grounds from the city to find any form of weaknesses. Their luck is struck when they find that a tree growing from the castle yard has stretched and managed to break through the stone. With a little more work, they were able to forge a hole to get in and out.

They found that the yards were empty. Most of the guards were on the top of the walls, likely anticipating a higher plane of invasion like before. Meaning infiltration would be that much easier for the two.

"Where must we look for our mark?" One of them said as he looked to see how high the castle structure was and how much they would have to scout to find what they needed.

"Hmm, It will be difficult, but because our enemies are on high alert, they will be sure to keep their prized ones contained in one spot to ensure they can protect it."

"That's why you're the smarter of us."

They begin to look for a way in. But...

"Who are you two?" A voice breaks the silence. The two jolts turn toward the one that called out to them. It was the Paladin himself, Caliber.

Caliber stood before two strange hooded beings. Neither of them looked to be the White Reaper, the main threat. So he was willing to let them go unless they proved to be threats to the crown.

After the encounter with the White Reaper that day, he made sure that everything went in complete lockdown. Nothing was going to enter the castle, let alone leave. If anything moved, he would confront it firsthand for the chance it was the assassin himself.

Caliber was daunting with his brilliant armor and sword. The shine and magic radiating from him gave a faint glow. The glow comes from the various enchantments and casted magic that he had prepared himself to face the White Reaper head-on.

The two hooded beings remained in their spot, stiff from the discovery. They were calculating what their next move should be.

"I ask again. Who are you two." His hand hovered over the handle of his weapon. The delay in the answer was enough to make him wary of the intruders. He would need a lot to become convinced that they were innocent.

But the two did not plan to deceive him. They both decided to take the Sword of the King down.