

Placeholder until the actual novel is ready to be published. You can find the draft on my profile page. It's currently titled "After getting Bullied Everyday, Now I have Decided to be the Bully"

Ganu · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
1 Chs


Growing up as an orphan, Zenil endured a lifetime of relentless bullying, with no one to lean on. One fateful day while getting beaten up as usual, a powerful master stumbles upon the scene. The man gives him the power to rise up, and take back his dignity. But, nothing is free after all. Zenil would have to endure suffering, misery, and misfortune far beyond what he had already known.

According to the prophecy, one day, the whole world will be against him.


You can find the draft version on this website currently titled as "After getting Bullied Everyday, Now I have Decided to be the Bully"


As of today (3 January 2024), this novel is currently in its initial draft. Once I am done setting things up, I will proceed to adjust the initial chapters accordingly. I have divided the volumes into different [Pages], with each Page encompassing a single arc or introducing crucial elements. Each volume is expected to consist of approximately 3-4 Pages.

Until these first two pages are completed, please treat this work as WIP.

Hope you enjoy reading this.


I will be posting this story on RoyalRoad as well

The cover was generated with AI.