

The look of utter confusion seemed to last on his face for too long as the young woman noticed.

"Why the hell are you so confused?! I was told that you control the knight."

The woman shouted, telling Aldric off.

The complete shift from the shy girl asking for Bael to her saying something that he would expect a boss to say to their subordinate was jarring. 

And she was certainly not his boss.

He was starting to get pissed off.

Giving him no time to speak, she continued. 

Placing her hands on her hips, she leaned forward with a hard expression. 

"Where is he?"

Not knowing what this stranger's intentions with Bael were, a sudden pang of adrenaline spread through his nerves. The honed feeling of his body preparing for combat announced itself.

'Calm down.'

A familiar wave of tranquility spread through his body. Numbing the feeling.

The woman spoke again. 

"I just want to thank the knight for saving my life during the siege. I owe him everything."

A face of absolute passion and gratitude fell over her face as she whispered.

"I was supposed to die there."

Aldric heard what she said. He was beginning to piece together exactly what this woman's intentions were.

Composing himself fully, he responded coldly. 

"Bael is indisposed of at the moment. That battle did a number on him."

Aldric had not received any feedback from his soul sea to ascertain the condition of Bael and if it improved from the last time he checked. He hoped that whatever his apostle was undergoing did not take too long.

The woman's sharp face melted into a heartwarming expression at the mention of her saviour. The same expression a fan would form at the mention of their favourite celebrity. 

'What is wrong with her?'

Aldric did not know how to react; he was rendered speechless. 

She whispered in a voice of adoration. 

"So that's his name!"

As a red hue spread over her freckled face. 

'Seriously, what the hell is wrong with this girl?!'

Aldric's thoughts were expressed on his face vividly, indicating what he was feeling and thinking about the girl. Reacting this way to the mention of what she thought was an echo made him question her sanity.

A look of confusion with a hint of disgust formed on his face at her expression.

'I really should explain myself better.'

The woman thought to herself. Seeing the look of derision form on the young man's face.

"My name is Marielyn. I was a healer during the siege, or at least I was supposed to be."

She said, her voice sounding less confident as she spoke. Shaking her head at an errant thought, she continued. 

"I was a dead woman. When two Spire Messengers invaded the healer's tents and found us, I gave up. What could I possibly do when I was surrounded by two Fallen-ranked creatures?"

She looked down as she spoke. Reliving the memory.

"That was until he showed up. Like a stream carving through stone, he weaved between the Fallen creatures with fluid precision, every strike of his blade rippling with purpose."

She said earnestly with a look of reverence and adoration. Describing the Black Knight like a figure out of myth. Regaling his every action with descriptions of valour.

"And after exhausting all his strength to protect us, he carried us past the deadly sunbeams into the spire."

While Aldric understood her gratitude, he could tell that there was more that she wanted. 

"You're welcome. So, what exactly do you want from him?"

Aldric spoke out bluntly. If all she wanted was to give thanks, she would have left by now.

Not liking being confronted about her intentions, her face formed a grimace. Twisting into a look of awkwardness and mild annoyance. 

With a sharp look on her face, she ordered.

"I will stay with you until my saviour feels better and shows himself."

Expressing clearly where her interests lay.

'Just who exactly does she think she is?'

Aldric thought. As far as first impressions went, her face was already beginning to annoy him. 

He knew the next few days were going to be a massive headache. 


Marielyn, or Lyn as she liked to be called, trailed around him. Always within visible distance as he ate and went about his day. It was getting ridiculous with the fact that they weren't sleeping, so Aldric invited her to eat with him and talk. 

It seemed she was not the only person that wanted something from him, as the numb-sounding, rimmed-glasses-wearing girl that answered his question during his recruitment speech joined him to eat. What they discussed was something to talk about another time.

Many other people that he recognised as members of his new organisation began to talk to him. From when he would be in the library to the hallway and during meals. He welcomed every interaction with confidence, building a healthy rapport with his new members and asserting his leadership.

Now he was in his room as he deliberated on his next move.

His citadel of choice. 

While there were many to choose from, he was more so limited to regions in a geographical sense rather than citadels.

As many citadels in the same region are close to each other, there was not much of a point deliberating each one separately when they were within a day's distance. This was the nature of expanding in the dream realm. Similar to villages being close to each other. 

The Chained Isles was the best choice to make. It was the region that he knew the most about, as well as being the region of choice for his second nightmare. 

The Sanctuary of Noctis would welcome him with open arms due to his fame and Special Strategic Asset designation.

From knowing about the dangers first-hand to the true value of the Noctis coins and the obsidian knife, as well as knowing about the demeanour and character of Saint Tyris. It was a logical decision.

"The Chained Isles truly is the perfect place for me."

However, his body language did not match the assuredness of his statement. 

Tense shoulders, sweaty palms, and an irrational feeling of anger and annoyance.

Aldric was feeling anything but logical. 

His complex feelings surrounding Sunny tore through any rational thought.

"Forget trailing behind that rat like a puppy scrounging for remains." 

He spoke to himself. Openly insulting Sunny. 

It was not that he disliked the guy, but he felt comfortable talking about him this way. After all, he knew more than just the current Sunny but also future renditions of him.

And his life was pretty pitiful at times.

However, following Sunny was just not on the table. He was not close with the young man. And why would he want to put himself in the position to trail behind him? 

Looking at the large map of the dream realm that was projected onto the wall, it was time to make his choice. 

"No Song domain, so nothing to the left of Godgrave."

He zoomed in to the east of the map. 

"Nothing too close to the Chained Isles but close to Bastion."

While Sunny was fine isolating himself in the Chained Isles, Aldric had an organisation to manage and a job to do.

"I choose you."

Aldric said as he looked at the remaining location. 


Thanks for reading. 

So, where did he choose?

Who exactly is this 'Marielyn' and what does she want with poor Bael?

I love all the names you guys offered for the organisation. Imma cook something up.

See you in the next one.