
Beginning of the Clash

Atop the tree, I was sitting and examining the weave of the [Silver Bell]. During our stay, Sunny and I had made a lot of progress. 

Of course, I was in control the whole time; if I weren't, Sunny would have fallen under the tree's influence. 

First, I'd spend a few hours examining the weaves of Sunny's and my memories. Thanks to my attributes, I was able to understand it quickly enough, but it was still definitely complex, i also put the remains of the Vile Thieving Birds Spawn into the storage memory, along with the egg's shell.

It could have been used for making equipment, and considering that the hide of the Vile Bird was of a Great Rank, it could be incredibly useful. 

Now weaving memories was difficult, so of course i failed a couple of times and wasted about six awakened soul shards in an attempt to make memories. On the fifth day of our stay, I was finally able to create one. 

Although making a memory took some time, transferring enchantments was a completely different nightmare. 

After examining memories, I'd get my raven to search for fruits and bring them to me. I'd eat them, but knowing their origins definitely didn't help with digestion. 

Pushing through eating them was simple enough and with me switching my state of being full with one of the hungry residents in the outskirts of the dark city i would consume about fifty fruits per day.

And after the seventh day, Sunny was finally able to saturate his core. He was shocked when he gained another core. 

I explained everything about the path of ascension, and two days later, Sunny had reached one hundred and fifty-six shadow fragments. 

As I instructed, he turned Krabs into a shadow. Now, Krabs was a little bigger than before and had a shadowy appearance. 

After he did that, I told him about evolving his shadows, and though he was unsure about turning soul shards into memories, he was now on board. 

Fourteen days later, Krabs was able to evolve, and even I was shocked when he became an Ascended Monster. 

Not only did he increase in rank, but he also gained a new class. It was crazy. 

And I wasn't too far behind Sunny. 

[Soul Fragments: 607/1000] 

After two weeks, we had officially been at the tree for about three months. Even though I had planned to finish this sooner, it was out of my control. 

I also got a good grip on how to use my aspect. Before, when I used it, I was crudely turning essence into poles. Now, I was able to conserve more essence and do so with a little less concentration as well. 

After fifteen days, I considered both Sunny and me prepared. 

The only problem was that I had only one awakened soul shards remaining. Of course, I still had the transcendent and supreme ones left, plus the two I kept from the demon. 

Sighing, I put the memory down and stretched. All the fruits on the upper part of the tree were gone, and the only ones left were the ones that gave just one fragment, so I wasn't that interested. 

Now it was time to get to boat making. 

[Sunny, I'd say we're sufficiently prepared—well, as prepared as we could get.] 

He agreed. (Yeah, and since we have my shadow, we should be much safer than before.) 

I looked at my feet and at the new guy. 

It had the same appearance as Gloomy, but this one seemed more laid back, lazy even. He looked at me for a moment before turning to the side and putting a hand over his mouth—almost like he was yawning. 

Gloomy, on the other hand, seemed even more annoyed and headed toward the lazy one, berating him. 

[What a nice little group we've got here. We've got Lazy and Gloomy as the younger brats, Krabs as the little guardian, you as the little scout, and me as the…] 

(Cocky one?) he interrupted with a devious tone, and I didn't let my smile waver. 

[Now, Sunny, that's quite rude, don't you think? I could have called you a cockroach, but I didn't… I wasn't going to insult cockroaches, after all.] 

I smiled and walked over to the edge of the tree. 

I created a pole. This time, thanks to my practice, I exerted only a small amount of essence. 

Sunny humored me. (Oh, apologies. Who was it that called me a street rat an unfathomable amount of times? And need I remind you of your sense of confidence? Or arrogance, more like.) 

[Tsk, tsk, tsk, Sunny, I'll show you today where I get my confidence from.] 

Gripping the pole, I tapped my feet on the ground twice, and the shadows looked at me. Gloomy seemed to sigh, while Lazy hesitantly got up after looking at me. 

'These guys are just a couple of brats' I thought. The shadows augmented my body, and with a near-perfect throw, the pole descended downward with astonishing speed. In minutes, it smashed into the ground. 

Crashing into the ground, it created a small smokescreen from the ash. Once it dissipated, I switched places with the pole. Instantly, I was on the ground. 

I quickly summoned the [Covetous Luggage] and took out twenty poles from the thirty I had made. 

I created a rope and tied the poles to my shoulder. 

Then I took a large mast made out of the tree's red wood. I took out another piece, and right behind me was the corpse of the demon. 

Turning toward it, I dismissed the memory and pulled the two pieces of wood closer to the corpse. 

Approaching it, I inspected it and concentrated on using [Grafting]. The corpse flew into the air and began turning from side to side.

Focusing on the lump where the head once was, I activated [Impossible Thief] and 'stole' all of the meat within. The meat fell a meter to my right, leaving me with the empty carapace of the demon. 

Swallowing hard, I concentrated further, and the lustrous steel carapace began to tear. With each crack, the hollow insides were revealed, and I started to reassemble them differently. 

Its previous mess of appendages and pieces of carapace strewn about now took the shape of a bowl.

I then extended part of it, creating a bowl with a ship's beak. I shaped the lower part into a small keel and focused on the two large pieces of wood next. 

They flew upward and began to tear as well. They reassembled and started to form a mast, which I placed in the middle of the ship. I tore the bottom part into roots that connected to the middle. 

Stopping my ability, I let out a sigh and fell to the ground. 

I wasn't tired—not in the least, actually. It was just my nervousness about using such a powerful ability. As I relaxed, I was met with the disgusting stench of the demon's rotting flesh. 

Switching POVs with my raven, I looked at the dark city and switched the places of a loose wethered brick with the lump of flesh. 

(Where'd you get that?) 

Getting to my feet, I jumped higher up and entered the ship.

[I just switched places between the lump of flesh and a brick from the dark city.]

Inspecting the interior, I was more than satisfied. Sure, it was just a simple bowl, but the lustrous steel was so shiny and pretty.

The mast made of scarlet wood perfectly complemented it.

Then I remembered something and summoned the luggage again. Rummaging through it, I took out the large amount of spiderwebs I'd kept from the nest, then started decorating the interior.

On both sides, I made two beds, using the poles on my back as the foundation and the spiderwebs as the mattress.

Opposite the beak, I made a hammock from the webs, intending to give the girls the two beds while I kept the hammock for myself.

I used the remaining webs to reassemble parts of the floor, then tied three webs into nooses—just in case the ship got trashed and we needed an anchor to hold us here.

I could've made a roof, but I wasn't sure how to make it work.

Swallowing hard, I climbed out of the ship.

[Sunny, it's done. Say hello to…] I paused dramatically before excitedly continuing, […The Humble Cohorts' Wall Breaker.]

After a moment of silence, Sunny was hesitant.

(Why Wall Breaker? Are we going to destroy the wall in the dark city?)

[Of course not. I named it that because of a ship called Chain Breaker. I would've called it Titanic, but, well… I'd rather not repeat history.]

Sunny seemed curious. (What's the Titanic, exactly? Another ship, I guess?)

[Well, there was once a ship that crashed into an iceberg. It sank to the ocean floor, and for decades remained undisturbed, and one day, some rich guys went down to see it in a submersible called the Titan. Well, that ended badly, to say the least.]

Sunny wasn't impressed. (Who in their right mind would go into the ocean? I mean,going over it with ships is fine, but into it? What kind of people were around in your time? Lunatics?)

[You'd be surprised.]

Ending the conversation, I made my way toward the tree. When I reached our little hideout, I found Cassie staring into the air with a smile.

I cleared my throat and, doing my best impression of Sunny, said:

"Hey, Cassie, are you crazy? I need you to come with me! Damnation! I made something for you and Neph, for spell's sake."

Sunny was amused. (As if she'd believe that. Is this really the time for jokes?)

Cassie perked her head up and tilted it. "Sunny, did you find a good fruit, perhaps?"


Barely holding back my laughter, I could feel Sunny fuming, too embarrassed to respond.

Clearing my throat while stifling my amusement, I entered the hovel and gave Cassie a kind smile. Even though she couldn't see it, I made sure to be polite.

"Well, it's something better than fruit. I really want you and Neph to come with me. Damnation!"

Cassie lingered for a moment before standing up.

"Alright, but in exchange, I want some fruit," she said, smiling as she clumsily grabbed my hand.

[She's completely forgotten that we were gone for two weeks, and aslo seems she's completely unaware that it's not really you speaking...My impression must be spot-on.]

(IT'S NOT! NOT EVEN CLOSE! I DON'T SPEAK LIKE AN IMMATURE CHILD! DAMN—AGHHH!) savoring every moment of his agony, silently thanking the tree for letting me have my fun. We made our way to Nephis, who was where she usually sat, gazing out at the expanse.

Hearing our footsteps, she turned and looked at us, confused. I coughed a little and locked eyes with her.

I could feel Sunny hoping—no, praying—that Nephis would know it was me.

"Err, Neph, I want you and Cass to come with me. Alright, damn it, you can trust me! I'm super honest, and you'd be crazy not to listen to me."

(Please, Nephis, I'm begging you.)

[Please, Nephis, I'm begging you.]

We both said it at the same time.

[The hell are you pleading for?]

(What are you pleading for?)

Nephis stood up, eyeing me strangely. "What? Did you find something… Sunny?"



Hiding my excitement, I told a little lie and led them to the boat. But as we approached, Nephis stopped a few meters from it.

Noticing her hesitation, I felt a bit nervous. Just in case, I tapped my foot on the ground twice, and the two shadows coiled around me

"What are we doing outside our home? It's cold, and where are the fruits, Sunny?" Cassie asked, stopping in her tracks.

Discreetly, I created a small piece of iron and flicked it a little ahead of me. I turned to them, speaking calmly.

"There are no fruits. I'm actually taking us away from this island."

Cassie immediately panicked.

"T-Take us away? Why? The island is our home! Why would you want to leave?"

I stepped forward slowly.

"The island isn't our home, and the tree isn't just a source of fruit. It's an Awakened Terror that's keeping us here as its servants."

"No! It's not!" she shouted, backing away.

"The tree has provided us with shelter and food. It's been nothing but good to us."

I turned to Nephis.

"You should be aware of it, right? You've felt it too, haven't you? The tree's influence."Nephis was contemplating, and before she could answer, I dashed toward Cassie, throwing a branch I had taken from the tree behind her.

Nephis reacted quickly, summoning her sword, but I stopped in my tracks and switched places with the branch, grabbing Cassie in a bear hug.

She squirmed and panicked.

"Let go of me, you jerk!"

Nephis turned around, confused, but I switched the place of nephis with the piece of iron I had created earlier, putting her a few meters away.

I created chains around Cassie's arms and legs as she continued protesting, and i simply ignored it.

Nephis, now sprinting toward me, I kicked the iron she had switched palces with toward her, She deflected it with ease and i smirked.

The piece ricocheted off her sword, went over the side of the boat.

It was about to drop into the boat when I switched places between Cassie and the iron. She disappeared, and Nephis's eyes widened in shock.

From my raven's POV, I saw Cassie squirming in the bed made of spiderwebs. Letting out a sigh, I summoned the [Midnight Shard] and held it tightly.

"Neph, let's not do anything too crazy." I said, gripping the piece of metal.

I activated [Explosive Arrangement], held it for ten seconds, and threw it into the air, letting it fall to the ground.

Nephis pointed her sword at me but remained silent. Now it was obvious. She wasn't going to listen to me.

'That's just fine with me' I thought, tensing my muscles and letting out a little laugh.

"Time for scorched earth."Without hesitation, I rushed toward her, and she stood steadfast.

Then our blades met.

And all hell broke loose as soon as the clank of swords sounded.

Next Chapter: Horror of the Immortal Flame