
Shadow Secret

Adam was reborn into a world where humans still couldn't rule the planet despite the existence of superpowers. Humans with superpowers, often referred to as Mages, had been striving for peace on the central continent by guarding borders and prohibiting wars. Unfortunately, Adam now had to face an era of change. The social order system established by the International Mage Association began to falter. Seeds of war had spread across the peaceful central continent. In an era that would produce heroes, Adam preferred to lurk in the shadows.

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31 Chs

the Second Experiment and the Sister is leaving

At a time when the sky was still dark and the sun had not risen, a teenager named Adam was seen running around the de Brown family's plantation. He had decided to train his body well, especially after discovering that his mage talent was only of class F.

Adam had asked his father about the physical limits of humans in this world. As a mage, he had quite a lot of experience and knowledge about the world. His father replied that he had once met an ordinary human without mage talent who could withstand his attacks and nearly defeat him.

Those words alone were enough to show that the upper limit of human physicality in this world was actually several times higher than the upper limit in his previous world. Therefore, training his body to compensate for his shortcomings was a good step.

"Bond plus Alpha, then physical strength, even though the combination of the three might not make me defeat Katarina, but if they all develop well, I'll be strong enough to protect myself," murmured Adam, who had a positive attitude towards his future.

This world was certainly more dangerous than his previous one; if he conflicted with a mage or accidentally encountered a monster, he could die. That's why strength was needed to protect himself.

Adam continued his morning run until the sun was up a bit and some workers had arrived at the plantation. He returned home after finishing his exercise.

The second experiment had begun. With his father's approval, Adam implanted a permanent suggestion in the minds of the 100 workers employed at his father's plantation. Although the plantation was vast, the plants didn't require daily care, so not many workers were needed.

The suggestions he implanted in them were to work hard to improve their lives and remain loyal to the de Brown family, which had provided them with employment. These two suggestions had consequences and reasons, so both worked well. Now, before 7:30 am, every worker would arrive at the plantation.

This second experiment would last for a year. Adam wanted to see if the permanent suggestion would still hold after a year and how many people would break free from it. It was a very long-term project that Adam could handle gradually.

Adam returned to his room, where he saw a chubby black cat curled up on his bed. He walked over to the cat and picked it up, then went outside to meet Katarina.

Katarina was in the front yard. Just as Adam explored his powers, Katarina also continued practicing her abilities under her father's guidance.

A red thunderous gleam surrounded Katarina's right hand. The girl then jumped and slammed her right hand down. The thunder extended like a serpent and struck a tree trunk. After a while, the sound of cracking wood was heard, and the tree fell.

Katarina heard footsteps behind her, so she turned and saw Adam. She frowned and warned, "What are you doing here? Don't disturb my training."

"Aren't you leaving the day after tomorrow? I want to give you this cat; it's quite clever." Adam then lifted the cat he was holding and handed it to Katarina.

Katarina's eyes immediately lit up; she accepted the cat and saw it gently meowing towards her, then she hugged it. Katarina then smiled faintly and petted the cat.

A few moments later, she furrowed her brow, feeling suspicious about Adam's actions. There was no way her brother suddenly became kind to her, right?

"Have you done something to this cat?" Katarina asked.

"No, I just made it recognize you as its owner. It's just a gift from me."

"Alright, thank you. I like this cat."

Of course, this wasn't an ordinary cat; its mind had been modified. Firstly, it would retain memories related to any mage it encountered. Secondly, its intelligence had been enhanced. Lastly, as Adam had told Katarina, the cat had been set to perceive Katarina as its owner.

The reason he gave the cat to Katarina was that Adam wanted to know what Katarina would experience at the academy. This cat could be considered a small spy Adam had prepared. Regardless of which world it was, information was valuable. Adam wanted to learn as much as possible about mages. Since he couldn't enter the academy, sneaking in this small spy seemed like a better option.

Two days passed quickly. Outside the town of Fiora, a large airplane was parked; several children accepted by the Vollen Academy walked up the stairs and boarded the plane. On the other side, Fiora's townspeople had also gathered to witness the departure of these children, as they rarely had the chance to see an airplane.

Meanwhile, Katarina was bidding farewell to her family.

"Study well and don't slack off in your training," Alphonso advised his daughter while patting her head.

"Okay, father," Katarina replied with a smile. She then walked towards her mother and hugged her.

"Don't forget to send us letters at least once a month," her mother said.

Katarina nodded slowly. A few moments later, they parted ways. Katarina walked towards her twin brother, Adam.

"You're the only one who can continue father's legacy as a mage, so fight on. I'll take care of them here." Adam extended his hand and shook hands with Katarina.

"Humph, of course I will, make sure to take care of our parents properly, or else I'll come after you," Katarina replied with a proud smile.

After that, Katarina walked towards the plane, not forgetting to wave to her family, who waved back. She then boarded the plane like the other children.

All the children had entered the plane, the stairs folded, and the door closed. A blast of air suddenly kicked up dust. The plane's body lifted high, and then a high-pressure flame shot out from the tail, propelling the plane rapidly into the sky.

Adam watched the increasingly distant plane with a curious gaze. He felt the plane wasn't powered by engines because he didn't see high combustion engines on its tail; instead, it seemed like the high-pressure flames emerged from thin air. It could be inferred that several mages were likely working together to operate this plane.

Nevertheless, it showed that knowledge and science here were advancing well. Perhaps due to certain reasons, an industrial revolution hadn't occurred, but some aspects of knowledge had developed.