
Shadow of deceit

Athena Stanford is a 21-year-old orphan living in the bustling city of New York. She is jobless and lonely, but she catches the eye of Caleb Martin's, a charming and successful businessman. After a whirlwind romance, Caleb confesses his feelings for Athena, and they become a couple. However, their happiness is short-lived when Caleb develops a nervous problem that requires an expensive operation. Determined to help the man she loves, Athena takes up various jobs to earn money for Caleb's operation. Her journey leads her to the Elite Restaurant, a prestigious establishment owned by the wealthy and powerful Liam Steele. During her time working at the restaurant, Athena encounters Luke Steele, a notorious playboy known for his perverted interests. Luke becomes infatuated with Athena and starts pursuing her relentlessly, despite her clear rejection of his advances. One fateful day, Athena stumbles upon a beautiful ruby pendant and impulsively decides to sell it to cover Caleb's medical expenses. Unbeknownst to her, the pendant actually belongs to Liam Steele, who values it dearly. Determined to retrieve his precious possession, Liam seeks out Athena, but rather than taking her as a slave as expected, he becomes intrigued by her resilience and independence. Meanwhile, the Steele family faces internal turmoil when Logan Steele, Liam' brother, discovers that Luke has betrayed him by sleeping with Logan's fiancée, Jaden Ravenwood. Seeking revenge, Logan sets his sights on Athena, using her as a pawn to inflict pain upon Luke. With the help of his loyal bodyguard, Flynn Martin's, and devoted right-hand woman, Sandra Scott, Logan begins a dangerous game of manipulation, which further complicates Athena's life and fuels tensions within the Steele family.

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49 Chs

Chapter Sixteen

Athena POV

"Good evening everyone, I had to come as quickly as you called to check on your patient hope all is well". The doctor introduced staring at Liam as I also stared at him and he already had his mask on his face.

"She is pregnant". Logan began.

"Might be pregnant, we just need you to confirm because she keeps claiming she isn't pregnant". Liam said, the doctor nods and moves closer to me staring at me from up to toe.

"I would start the check now, just escort me to your bedroom", the doctor said which I nodded to.

"Your pupils are weak, which clearly means someone is sucking from you". He announced in the presence of the triplets as Logan laughs out loud. I escorted the doctor to my bedroom which the doctor gladly entered and ran a few test on me which was so long and meaningless, 

"We would find out the results in a few minutes", he said to Liam and they all entered into the bedroom and Logan stared at me with concern.

"Don't worry I am always here for you". Logan mouthed to me while I just smiled back trying my best not to look as nervous as I felt inside, the doctor was still waiting for test results which he made private and I still don't know if I could hear the news.

"The test is ready". The doctor began making the triplets all stand up together.

"What does the results say?" Liam asked like he was the father.

"I am sorry to disappoint you but she is pregnant". The doctor said, making Logan yell in Joy and Liam walk out disappointed which Luke did a few minutes after he had left , the doctor also excused himself leaving me with Logan..

"I know you don't like me and you clearly think this was a huge mistake I just want to make you trust me for who I am and not what I am here to offer". Logan said before walking out like he did not just scream out due to happiness that I was pregnant, I sat there in my room totally confused if was really pregnant I would know. Just when I was still being lost in my thoughts, I heard yelling and shouting from the sitting room, please not Logan and his brothers. I thought to myself as I rushed down the stairs. it was Liam and Luke who were an argument.

"She can't leave, you know Logan won't allow it now that she is pregnant for him ". Luke Said to Liam and Logan was not amoungst them, I thought he agreed not to take me anywhere if I was pregnant, not that I want it but this clearly meant I shouldn't be taken away from here.

"This was all your mistake for claiming to want to be with her aje take back your pendant which she had already sold". Luke said looking furious.

"If you just let Jadennn be then none of this would have happened and Logan won't want to make you pay for anything". Liam said walking away and Luke just sat on the sofa running his hands in his hair while I just stood there, they were not aware I was standing behind them all this while, I was about to walk in and assure Luke that I was not going to leave him but Logan pulled me back.

"I cooked something for you to eat but you were no where to be found, let's go back up". He whispered so his brother won't hear us.

."I am not a child and can take care if myself so move away". I said pushing him away before walking back into room and locking it behind so Logan won't have access in. This pregnancy was ruining everything and making things difficult for me, Liam would not want to make me an assassin like he planned to if I continue to be pregnant for Logan. I stared at the food he had prepared for me and porridge was still very hot. I felt so much bitterness in me as I stared at the meal, they all had their reason for everything they did and I can't blame any of them but myself for getting into this mess in the first place by selling Liam pendant. How was I so dump to notice that the owner of the pendant would definitely come back.

"Athena, open the door or I would push the door down". I heard from outside my door but I still couldn't figure who it was because how similar their voice is with each other.

"I am coming!!" I yelled before rushing to open the door. And the minute I opened Logan rushed and held my tummy like I was already in labor.

"What's wrong?" I asked staring at him a bit too surprised.

"You shouldn't run around like that, you are endangering my baby girl". Logan said smiling, I hardly ever saw him laughing.

"Baby girl?" I asked trying by best to hold in the laughter in me.

"Of course, I had two twin brothers. I won't want my first child to be a boy". Logan said escorting me to the bed and then he kissed my stomach.

"I want a boy." I teased smiling.

"I don't want that, I would prefer a girl so I can pamper her as much as I want ". Logan said sitting beside me as his gaze landed on the food he had prepared which was slowly getting cold.

"You haven't eaten what I gave to you yet?" Logan asked, frowning.

"No appetite ", I lied.

"I never knew I could still be this happy". Logan said, still smiling at my tummy.

"When you were with Jadennn didn't you have a child with her?" I asked him to look at me weirdly.

"Jadennn's parents only arranged us together, we never really loved each other at first but she fell in love with me first and I felt harder but things never worked out for us together and till today I still couldn't find her". 

"She isn't dead?" I asked.

"I don't know but I couldn't find her". Logan said still avoiding my gaze like he was still very sad about what happened.

"You gave on her even before it started, I don't want us to have any relationship together just because I am pregnant for you". I said to him with a frown.

"Why?" Logan asked staring at me angrily.

"Because I don't want to cause problem between you brothers ". I said to him but he caresses my hair.

"I am the only one who loves you amoungst all my brothers so you should be happy about that". Logan said.

"I don't want to be loved by any of you three because it's nothing but trouble and stop treating me like a baby", I said to Logan, referring to the porridge he was about to feed to me.

"I am sorry but I can't do that". Logan said still moving the spoon closer to mouth.

"I am not hungry," I said to him rejecting the food before it gets to my lips.

"You can't be hungry, I would always look after you even if my brothers try to stop me". Logan said making me open my mouth to the food he was pointing to me, it was delicious but I won't say that so he won't think I like it.

"Do you like it?" He asked.

"I can't really tell, Logan can we please stop this". I asked with a frown on my face.

"I won't ". He replied. Just then Liam walked in with a platter of meal, what their issue with feeding me different delicacy of food.

"Liam". I called, smiling but his eyes was still on Logan who was also looking at Liam, this doesn't look good at all.

"Get out Logan". Liam ordered pointing to the door.

"You can chase me away from her just because you own her,I own the child inside of her". Logan replied.

"Why are you acting like a child this much?" Liam asked walking into the bedroom.

"Logan please go, I am tired". I said to Logan but he still stares at Liam with a smirk.

"I hate being ordered around, so Liam can't tell me what to do". Logan said with his leg crossed, I stared at both if them trying to prove stubbornness and just laid on the bed covering myself with my bed cover.

I didn't hear a word from them for a while.

" Logan stop acting childish, with this attitude you are bringing up you can only make things worst, do you even know that Luke is planning against you and that won't be good at all, I am only trying to coll things down between you two. You are only doing this because she is an exact copy of Jadennn but she isn't Jadennn put that in your brain and let go". Liam said to Logan as I heard a footstep leaving the room, Liam must have left.