
Chapter 2 - Enera Awakening Exam

11th October, 3134. Ren sat in his room, the morning sunlight filtering through the window, casting a warm glow on the wooden floor. He stared at his reflection in the mirror, his white sneakers tapping lightly on the floor. Dressed in a white hoodie that bore the words "Peace✌✌," he exuded a sense of calm amidst the excitement brewing within him. It was a symbolic reminder of his desire to bring harmony to the world through his Enera manipulation.

Contemplating the significance of the upcoming Enera Exam, Ren felt a mix of excitement and anticipation. This exam would determine the path he would take in harnessing his Enera abilities. With each passing moment, his heart beat faster, fueled by the curiosity of discovering his true potential.

"I am Ren Takeshi, and today is the day," Ren whispered to himself, his voice filled with determination. "I will finally know which path of Enera manipulation I am destined to follow."

As Ren made his way downstairs, his white hoodie stood out against the backdrop of his surroundings. His mother and father greeted him with supportive smiles, recognizing the importance of this moment in their son's life.

"You've come a long way, Ren," his mother, Mrs. Moon Takeshi said, her voice filled with pride. "We believe in you and the unique path you'll carve with your Enera manipulation."

His father, Mr. Mirano Takeshi nodded in agreement, his eyes gleaming with unwavering support. "Remember, Ren, it's not just about the destination, but the journey itself. Embrace every step of this exam and let your true potential shine."

With their words of encouragement resonating in his mind, Ren stepped into the car with his father at the wheel. They embarked on a quiet drive, the anticipation palpable in the air. As they neared the exam location, Ren caught glimpses of other students dressed in their own unique styles, representing the diversity of Enera manipulators.

Arriving at the bustling exam arena, Ren marveled at the energy and excitement that filled the air. Students and their families mingled, sharing stories of hopes and dreams. Ren absorbed the atmosphere, finding solace in the collective anticipation that enveloped them all.

Inside the exam arena, the students gathered in anticipation of the transformative journey that awaited them. The instructor, an experienced seraph with a calm demeanor, stepped forward to address the eager crowd.

"Welcome, young power seekers," the instructor's voice echoed through the room, commanding attention. "Today marks a significant milestone on your path to self-discovery. The Enera Exam will challenge you to embrace your inner potential and uncover the manipulations that reside within."

The instructor explained the structure and purpose of the exam, emphasizing the importance of introspection and self-awareness. Ren absorbed every detail, his mind becoming a canvas for the possibilities that lay ahead.

"Now, let me elaborate on the unique aspect of this exam," the instructor continued, his voice resonating with authority. "Each of you possesses an Enera core, the true essence of your manipulation. It resides within you, waiting to be discovered and honed."

Ren listened intently as the instructor delved deeper into the concept of the Enera core. The instructor explained how the core served as the foundation of their manipulation, a wellspring of energy and potential that would shape their journey.

"To truly understand your manipulation, you must connect with your Enera core," the instructor continued. "In the first phase of the exam, you will enter a meditative state, seeking the core within yourself. Once you have found it, you must use the power of your mind to shape its form, unlocking your unique manipulation."

Ren's eyes widened with curiosity and anticipation. This was the moment he had been waiting for—the chance to tap into the depths of his being and unlock his true potential.

"As your core manifests in physical form, a mark will appear on your body, representing the nature of your manipulation," the instructor explained. "You must pay close attention to these marks, for they hold the key to your destiny."

With each word, the instructor fueled the flames of excitement within Ren. The path to self-discovery was illuminated before him, and he was ready to embark on this transformative journey.

The students were instructed to find a comfortable spot in the arena, their surroundings hushed in anticipation. Ren settled into a serene corner, closing his eyes and focusing his thoughts inward. He entered a state of deep meditation, his breath steady and his mind open to the possibilities that awaited him.

Within the recesses of his consciousness, Ren embarked on a profound journey. His mind connected with the pulsating energy within, searching for the elusive Enera core that lay dormant within his being. Guided by his intuition, he delved deeper, embracing the silence and stillness that enveloped him.

As Ren's consciousness expanded, he felt a subtle shift in the fabric of his being. The Enera core stirred, responding to his presence and the call of his determination. A surge of energy coursed through him, a sign that he was on the verge of discovery.

In the depths of his meditative state, Ren visualized his Enera core—a luminous sphere pulsating with vibrant energy. With each breath, he willed the core to take shape, to reveal the nature of his manipulation.