
Shadow Monarch Power in MHA.

One day, a gentle couple of farmers found a cute and healthy baby... The said baby emerged out from a dark and somewhat ominous gate. //////////// Disclaimer: Nothing in this book belong to me nor the book cover.

VastoHeaven · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
12 Chs

Chapter 10: Unexpected meeting.


*Early in the morning before the sunrise*

"Yawn…" Morgan woke up and he yawned before stretching his arms.

Rubbing his eyes, he glanced at the upper left corner of his eyesight and saw the familiar floating screen that was reminding him that he had to get up.

It was time for his daily quest, of course!

Getting up from his bed, he went to the bathroom to brush his teeth with a tired expression.

*brush* *brush!*

[Isolation activated, 30 mana will be consumed per minute.] 

This skill enables one to create a domain where all sounds are noiseless.

Due to the system influence, Morgan was the kind to get up early, so this skill was pretty useful to not wake up everyone at once.

Taking a look at his wardrobe, he then grabbed his hoodie before going down the stairs to get his shoes.

However, he was surprised to find that three people were already up, but the first person to see him was actually… 

Yuzuri! Yes, she didn't go back but asked to stay here. Being Kaede's friend, the latter agreed right away without even consulting Adam. Her reason was that she would be lonely all day long, she wanted someone to speak with.

And the person in question too was pretty surprised to see him already up in the morning.

"Youn- young master Morgan? You're already up?"

"Uh- yes, I was… going to run a little… and please don't call me that anymore..." Morgan replied awkwardly, thoroughly not used to this young master thing.

"Run?" Yuzuri was rather surprised by that, not thinking that Morgan was such a dedicated young man.

"What? You're going to run?" Kaede who was of course one of the awake along with Adam came straight at him. 

"But, we have just arrived, what if you get lost somewhere or people kidnap you?!"

Morgan had to hold her back and smiled wryly. "I will be fine Mom, I can't even get lost, remember? And as for getting kidnapped, that's completely stupid…"

"Yes but… still…"

"Kaede, let him go, he's just going for a stroll and he will eventually need to familiarize himself…"

"..." Kaede listened to his explanation and then sighed. "Sigh, alright then… when will you be back?"

"Uh, in three hours at most I think…"

"Okay, that's perfect, here." Saying this Kaede smiled and handed him some money.


"On the way, can you go to the grocery, we didn't get to do it yesterday, I totally forgot, tehe…" Kaede laughed softly and also handed over a list of what he had to take.

[Quest received: Assure Mom's shopping!]

[Impossible to refuse the quest!]

[Failure: Mom will be angry and disappointed.]

[Reward: the Skill Shopping lv1 will level up]

"...sigh, okay…"

Not having much of a choice, Morgan put his shoes on and went out.

"Come out…"

Taking a look at the house, he smiled faintly as his shadow separated in two before attaching itself to the home's shadow. 

This was a way to find his 'way back home' in case he would 'lose his way'. It is also security in case his home needed his help even if his family members already had some of his soldiers protecting them.

"Alright, let's go…"

With that, he put his hood up and started to run in a direction.


[1/10 km]

[2/10 km]

[3/10 km]


The counter was quickly filled up and soon enough it hit the end…

[10/10 km!]

"Hmm…" Edam stopped a bit and then looked at the hour and saw that only thirty minutes or so had passed by.

"...Let's run some more…"

With that decided, he ran to do the double of what was planned.

[20/10 km] 

And after the footing came of course the workout!

Luckily after running a long twenty kilometers, he saw a beach and stopped there.

"Whoa, I thought Japan was cleaner than that…" Entering the beach, Morgan saw what's got to be, a huge mountain of trash and such.

However what was cool was that there seemed to be some people who were cleaning the beach although they were only two, a green-haired young man around his age and a blond-haired skeleton-like old man.

"Hmm, should I help them?" Morgan simply thought as the two guys noticed him.



[Green-haired Boy: Lvl 1]

[Blonde-haired man:Lvl 10/ Lvl???]

"...?" This skill, like the name imply, allows Morgan to see the approximative level of the person he looks at.

He wasn't surprised to see that the blonde-haired guy had two different levels since some people had a boost-like ability and [Analysis] took in count the current level of the target and the level after boost.

However, what surprised Morgan was the [???]. In his entire life, it was absolutely the first time something like that happened.

"That's a first…" He thought that it was a bug or something and looked again at the two but...

For a reason or another, his presence seemed to disturb the two with their cleaning and so, Morgan being a sensible guy since his most tender age decided not to care about them any longer and went in a corner to do his workout.


[200/100 push-ups]

[200/100 sit-ups]


The rest of the quest was rapidly achieved and Morgan finally decided to go back home when…

"...?" He suddenly heard some noise from the two cleaners.

"Fight on, young Midoriya!"

"Y- Yes sir…!" 

"Take some examples of that youth there!" The skeleton guy pointed at Morgan and shouted as the young guy carried a microwave.

"...?" At first surprise by that, Morgan blinked his eyes before turning around to leave the place with a smile. "What a funny person…" 

He then ran back ten kilometers till he saw a store to buy what his mom asked.

"Hell-..." He pulled his hood down and entered it quietly while greeting the store's manager but the latter was already on the phone calling someone. "I swear you're always late… You can't go on like that…"

Not being any of his business, Morgan accomplished his objective and went to pay for his stuff.

The manager who had finished scolding then noticed Morgan.

"Ah, I'm sorry for this sight dear client…" She apologized and bowed before doing her job.

"It's nothing to apologize for…" Morgan waved his hand with a faint smile.

"Oh, are you perhaps from overseas?" The manager said taking notice of his accent which was although good but still didn't hide his native English accent.

And it was especially his face that shocked her, he was super cute!

"Uh, yes, my family and I arrived yesterday…"

"Oh, then you came for the inscription to U.A high school right?"

"Uh, yeah…"

"Then I wish you good luck, young man!" She winked and handed his stuff.

"Oh, thank you very much…" Morgan thanked her and got out.

He put the shopping stuff into his inventory and pulled his hood up before running back home.

After running half the way again… 


"...? You want to come out?"


"Hmm…" Looking around and seeing no one, Morgan smiled and said. "Alright, you can come out…"

And from his shadow, a puppy jumped out into his arms to lick his face.

"Okay, okay, stop it… I can't see..." Morgan laughed as he held Enma in front of his face.


Without understanding anything, he accidentally bumped someone.

And this someone happens to be a golden-blonde-haired girl around his age along with another black-haired girl with her.

"Ah, I apologi-..."

"I'm sorry! I'm so very sorry…!" The girl's voice sounded out very sorry and embarrassed by the situation.

He at first wanted to apologize but he was overtaken by the said girl.

They both lifted their heads at the same time to take a look at who was their interlocutor when Morgan's pair of blood-red eyes met a pair of clear-sky blue eyes.



The moment their eyes met, time itself seemed to stop on track.

"Uh, I…" For a reason that Morgan ignored, his brain seemed to be dumbstruck, incapable to think.

The girl he accidentally shoved onto was at first sight kinda ordinary and wore a pair of glasses. But if you were to take a good look, you would see that it was actually the glasses that were hiding all the beauty beneath it. 

"Hey, are you okay?" The black-haired friend who was near quickly helped her friend up and then asked Morgan with a gracious worried tone. From her clothes and her way of speaking, she was clearly from a wealthy family.

Shaking his head a bit, Morgan looked up at the black-haired girl. "Ah, yes, I'm fine!"

Looking at the blonde-haired girl, he spoke out. "I'm really sorry about that…" 

"...? Uh, oh yeah me too…" The blonde-haired girl said with a rather blank expression.

"Umm, we've got to go, you're already way too late…" The black-haired girl whispered to the blonde-haired girl.

"Ah! It's true! Quick let's go!" The blonde-haired girl panicked and said as they turned around to go.

"Sorry for that again!" The blonde-haired shouted as she ran.

"...Yeah… me too..." Morgan looked for a few seconds at both girls as they ran.

* An hour later, both the girls could be seen coming out of a store*

The blonde-haired girl walked out with a pretty disappointed expression. "And here we go again…"

"Ah, hey Kara, wait for me, that's why I told you that we should take the car…" The black-haired girl said.

"But…" The girl called Kara mumbled.

"Just wait I'm calling the driver…"

"No wait let's walk a bit…"

"Hmm, okay, why are you so dead set on getting a part-time job?"

"I want to get a phone quickly…!"

"But, I can get you one though, my parents already clearly told you that we would get you anything you want, they already promised your parents after all…"

"No! I have to get it myself, you're not allowed to use your money, hear me Momo?" Kara pouted and glared at the Momo girl through her glasses with an unsettled expression.

"I'm thankful to aunty and uncle but I have to buy it myself…"

"Okay then…" Momo accepted and then thought. "Now that I think about it, that guy that you bumped onto was kinda strange, isn't it? Do you perhaps know him?"

"Hm? No, I don't know him but..." Kara pondered with a hand on her chin and said. "It's true, from his accent, his first language should be English…"

"Yes I think so too, he's just like you then…"

"Well, that's strange, I'm pretty sure I saw a puppy in his arms, and you?"

"A puppy? Hm, I don't know, I was struggling to keep up with you so… but if you say so, it should be since you have the most accurate vision…"

"It seems as if his puppy went into his shadow or something like that…" 

"So his Quirk is about shadows, hmm…. Hey, when you two bumped into each other, you both had blank eyes, are you sure you don't know him?"

"Well, he does remind me of my childhood friend…" Saying this, a small smile formed upon her face.

"Hmm, what was his name again?"

"It's Morgan, and contrary to this guy from earlier he doesn't have a Quirk and his eyes aren't red like his…"

"Okay, anyway, let's go home…"

Meanwhile, Morgan was nearly at home, walking along with Enma. His eyes were kinda troubled and confused.

He was actually thinking about the two girls he saw earlier, especially the blonde-haired girl. 

Apart from her beautiful appearance, Morgan was particularly shocked by her level.

'That girl… she's at a higher level than me…'


And cut, next part, next time.