
Shadow Monarch In Naruto

A man dies and gets an opportunity to reincarnate in his favorite world with some wishes. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This novel contain bl content. So reader's not interested can leave. This is only a time pass writing, so update will be irregular.

Male_storm · Komik
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6 Chs


Within a week a boat and food that can last for couple of months were collected by the shadows. During that time I figured out the at what timeline I transmigrated, I'm now in the time were in Water country people with kekkei genkai is being killed left and right.

So the best thing to will be go there and collect the shadows of the dead discreetly. I don't want anyone to find about me anytime soon, especially zetsu. I need to thread carefully in this land so that I won't be in the radar of obito, zetsu and Orochimaru for the time being.

Figuring out what to do, I ordered fifty normal shadows to take the supplies and ship into the sea at night without being detected. As soon as the order was given they went from my shadow into the darkness as stealthy as possible.

After that I ordered rest of the normal soldiers to spread out in the land of water to find the corpses of the dead kekkei genkai users. After that they also went to do their mission. The elite soldiers were with me all the time to protect me so I didn't had to worry about anything.

After that I packed my belongings and threw it into my shadow, my shadow swallowed it whole. The pack will be inside the shadow realm where time is not present. Then I went out as usual to find some food, as I reached the market in our village I bought some bread and started to eat.

As I was eating I saw a scene that gave chills to my spine. A kid of my age was battling for food with stray dogs, after a couple of minutes of wrestling the dogs won and took the food away.

After the dogs left I went towards the kid to check upon him/her. As I reached near the kid I saw the kids face and I was attracted to the kis on the spot, I don't know why but my mind is telling me to take this kid as my lifelong companion.

Seeing me approach, the kid tried to run away from me scared, but befor the kid could escape I took hold of the kids hand and I spoke "Do you want food?"

The kid stopped struggling and nodded it's head for affirmation. As soon I gave the food the kid wolfed down it and looked at me expectantly for more food, so I gave the kid one more loaf of bread and asked "What's your name?"

The kid looked at me for a couple of seconds and spoke "Haku."

Right then and there I was struck by lighting. Haku, the trap in the Naruto world, I fell in love with a trap at the first sight?

I started to contemplate about my decisions, but I got a simple memory from my past life for a brief moment. In it I was a bisexual man, and I was in love with Haku and another girl in Naruto. But I can't figure out who the girl is. As I was thinking this Haku pulled my shirt and asked me "Can I come with you?"

"Sure." I replied instantly, even though the revelation that I'm bisexual is big, I don't think I can handle if Haku look at me like that.

So from there I was accompanied by Haku everywhere I went. After couple of stores I figured it was tine to get him some clothes. The one he's wearing now is tattered, so I went to a cloth store with him. Reaching ther I said to hom "Go and select some cloths that suit you, I'll pay."

Hearing this he started to tear up a bit, seeing him like that I couldn't handle it and hugged him and whispered to his ear "Don't cry, you look beautiful when you smile." Hearing that he hugged me tighter and said "Thank you."

"Now go and select some clothes." I said to him after releasing from the hug.

As he walked away I checked out the clothes and picke some that would be fit for me for couple of years.

After half an hour he returned with some clothes and spoke to me "Can you come with me?"


"I need your opinion." Saying that he started walking to the changing room, I followed suit behind him.

As we entered the changing room he undressed himself right in front of me. Since I'm neither a pedo and I haven't reached my puberty I didn't get aroused or anything. I just stood there as he wore different cloths. After trying couple of cloths I selected two T-shirt, two trousers and kimino, just as I have taken. After paying for the cloths we went on to our shopping spree.

As we were shopping I told him that I'll be leaving the land of water in month or two, and if he wanted to come with me, he agreed to come with me within a second.




∆∆∆∆∆Chapter 2 End∆∆∆∆∆