
Shadow Magic

SirNatas_Daves · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
2 Chs


" What is the point of associating with others, when you have yourself?"

This in the thought in the mind of 16 year old Ryu Suzuki on the day that will that will change his life forever.

It was a typical summer day when Ryu was doing what he normally does by sitting in his dark room, having deep thoughts about his life when he is interrupted by a mysterious voice.

"You are now my successor you will be seen as the shadow of death and the world will fear you."

hearing this Ryu jumped out of his bed in shock. He went to the bathroom and washed his face. He soon got dressed and left his house. Walking down the street he notices a woman being mugged.

"help...." she screamed as loud as she could.

Hearing this Ryu hesitated, but he helped. Using his stealthiness and crept behind the man. the man unknowingly was knocked down. Ryu tried calming the woman down so they could leave, but as they were leaving the man got up and stabbed Ryu in the back. the woman ran without looking back. The man let out a laugh and said " see where trying to be a hero gets you kid, you should've minded your own business." Ryu barley breathing heard the man and didn't react. In fact he doubted someone would help him. In his mind there were always a shadow,in everyone no matter who they were.On his last breath he heard the mysterious voice again.

" You are right,but you are also wrong. shadows exist everywhere except in darkness. I can help you control the darkness, meaning you can generally control anything."

Ryu thought about this and responded with " What you say has sense i could control anything sense darkness exist in everything i could control everything, but now i am dying if not already dead. So tell me how can i control everything."

The voice then in turn said "You are indeed dead, but if you accept me i can help you regain life although you will awake in an entirely different place from which are used too. Only if you accept me, you can regain life. If you refuse though you will just die. So what is your choice?"

Ryu hesitated for a moment before saying " I accept, show me this new opportunity." The voice chuckled before saying " fine now you will showcase your talent and have boundless potential."

Everything faded and Ryu now found himself in total darkness. then he slowly started to see light before long he slowly started to see a whole new scenery instead of buildings, streets, and cement. He know saw a beautiful forest, that looked very appealing to the eye. across from him was a lake, that looked as though it had somewhat of a shimmer to it. he got up and walked towards the lake, as he was walking there he could feel that his body had changed drastically. Without hesitation he quickly looked at the lake to see his reflection when he noticed he now had snow white hair and a vibrant shade of purple as his eye color.

As he was examining his face he noticed that other parts of his body had changed also changed. His arms were some what's muscular, he had an eight pack, and he was around 78 inches. One thing he hadn't noticed was that he was completely naked in a forest. Once he realized this he was shock and looked around to see if there was something he could cover himself with. he stopped and yelled "why am i naked."

Unaware to him, with that yell he had attracted the attention of a group of girls around 15-16 years old and the slowly were coming his direction.

A short while after his little yell he heard somewhat of a mechanical beep go off in his head.
