
Shadow Clones in MHA

Dano had been fucked over more times than he could count. His mother died when she got stuck in the middle of a fight between a hero and villain. His father left his ass when mom croaked. His brother, whom he looked up to, turned villain and left him to rot in an orphanage. The very same brother made it his goal to make his life a living hell. And now? Now he had to deal with the trouble that came with enrolling in UA high school! Villains coming for his head, new and old threats popping up, memories best left forgotten coming up to the limelight, and so much more. Honestly, it was all bullshit. No one person should have to go through all this madness. But who am I to complain? I got one of the most overpowered quirks in existence. And you bet your ass I'm going to abuse the hell out of it! So look out world! You may be fucking me now, but soon you'll be the one bending over! ...... A/n: Up until the USJ arc canon will remain somewhat intact. Only slight gender-bending of characters. Also slight AU, nothing Major just taking some creative liberties with character personalities and Quirks.

ForThe_Lolzs · Komik
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3 Chs

Prelude to Chaos pt 1

A/n: For future reference I did put a twist on Dano's Quirk to make things more interesting.

I'm sure most of you can figure it out, but if you can't comment and I'll explain.


When people can shoot laser beams out their eyes, crush refrigerators with nothing but their physical strength, and even turn into dragons, it's quite hard to stand out as a hero. Most people who get their license simply fade into the background as simple side characters who only get screen time at rare moments.  Only those with truly awe-inspiring Quirks, or absolutely infectious personalities, become superheroes.

Yes, in Dano's mind there were two types of heroes. Those who, while having the occupation of "hero" only managed to impact a small minority, such as a singular village or district. Then there are those who have impacted a city, a country, or even the world on a large scale, aka the superhero.

And as our protagonist looked at the massive building that was the UA high school he couldn't help but think of the superhero who stood on top of it all, the man who the entirety of japan saw as the symbol of heroism for their country. 

All Might, the symbol of peace. 

The man he was sure to surpass one day.


My name is Dano Touma,  and I want to be a hero. The reason is fairly simple. At least to me anyway.

I want to beat the shit out of my villain older brother, and to do that (legally) I need to go through hero schooling.

So here I am at the gates of UA ready for both the physical and mental aspects of the test I know is coming.

With a deep breath, I ready myself and take my first step towards my future, towards my role as a part of the next generation of heroes, towards the stepping stones that would lead me to my ultimate goal and beating my brother and gain the title of number one hero, towar-

" Move out of the way you fucking extra!"

My thought process was rudely interrupted by the words of a fiery blond girl as she pushed me to the side to continue her walk towards the UA building.

Honestly, I could have had a thousand different responses to the words the girl just shouted at me, literally as my "tenants" spouted some rather colorful words at the audacity of this bitch.

However, I held my tongue. 

' No use starting shit before the exam.' I thought mentally, with my occupants agreeing after half a second of consideration. 

Continuing forward with a now neutral expression plastered on my face I eventually reached my destination; the written exam area.

Looking around for an empty seat I eventually found one next to a cute green-headed girl who seemed to be mumbling something about…All Might?

Ignoring that I sat down next to her and promptly raised an eyebrow at the cute noise the girl made upon noticing my presence.

Turning her head she looked at me with wide eyes and a blushing face, like she was caught doing something she shouldn't have.

' Cute.' I thought amused. 

Motioning my hand for a greeting I introduced myself.

" Name's Dano Touma, lover of all things science, martial arts, and Quirk related. Disliker of Pancakes." I said with a grin that seemed to cause the girl to blush even more. 

Though most would assume it was their good looks that caused the green-haired girl to blush I knew better. It was clear from the few seconds I'd observed the greeneit that she'd have a similar reaction if anyone else was in my shoes.

'A sheltered life perhaps?' I pondered as the clearly stunned girl slowly snapped out of it. 

Clearly, at a loss at how to respond to my rather unique introduction, the girl hesitantly shook my hand before awkwardly introducing herself in a similar manner.

" I-I'm Izumi M-Midoriya. I like heroes, training, and learning about Q-quirks. Um, I don't really dislike anything though." The now named Izumi said nervously.

Smiling I nodded at her introduction. Though mentally my tenants were going over the introduction given by the girl, already coming up with ways I would interact with her should I meet her in the future. 

" Nice to meet you then Midoriya, I wish you luck with your exam." These Were the final words I managed to say before the pro-hero Ectoplasma walked in the room.

It seemed my fellow clone user was the written exam overseer. 

Hope you like the Fic, leave a comment if you'd like.

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