
Shadow Beaster

In a world where Beasters, individuals bonded with powerful Spirit Beasts, hold sway, Eldon once a skilled assassin in a world of shadows and deceit, now awakens in the innocent form of a young boy bearing the same name. All Eldon desires now is peace and quiet, a respite from the chaos and bloodshed that defined his former existence.

Usot2 · Fantasi
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11 Chs

Level 1

Quest: Achieve Adapt Level 2

Objective: Sync with your Spirit Beast at a deeper level.

Reward: Unlock new skill.

For the remaining days without school, Derek, Liam, Kane, Jaxon, and Eldon were given an assignment: increase their skill "Adapt" to level 2. The Instructor emphasized its importance, knowing that only through this mastery could they hope to succeed against the other Beasters.


The day of the competition arrived, and Eldon, Liam, Derek, Kane, and Jaxon found themselves sharing a carriage. Tension simmered in the confined space as they embarked on their journey to the city. Derek's usual bravado was replaced with a brooding silence, his gaze locked onto Eldon with a mixture of suspicion and resentment.

After a long stretch of uneasy silence, Derek finally spoke, his voice laced with venom. "How did you do it?" His eyes bore into Eldon, demanding an answer.

Eldon, typically reserved and only speaking when necessary, replied simply, "What?" His tone was calm, yet it sent a ripple of confusion through the carriage. The other students had rarely heard him speak, and Derek's reaction was one of disbelief, as if witnessing an eclipse.

"How'd you cheat? There's no way your puny rat defeated my Ifrit," Derek accused, his frustration evident.

Kane, who had been staring out the window, snorted in annoyance. "Derek, shut up."

"You shut up, you bastard!" Derek snapped, his temper flaring instinctively.

Kane's eyes narrowed, his voice low and dangerous. "Who's the bastard?"

Realizing his mistake, Derek knew he couldn't back down without further damaging his reputation. "You bastard!" he retorted, though his voice wavered slightly.

The argument escalated until the instructor opened the door to the carriage, catching Derek and Kane mid-fight. His expression turned stormy. "You brats want to go home?" he barked, his voice full of anger. Instantly, the fight stopped. The students exited the carriage, awestruck by the buzzing city around them, with its tall, colorful buildings—a stark contrast to their humble Sunleaf Village.

The instructor led them to a building labeled "Beaster Suites." They followed him inside, where they were greeted by a woman with long black hair and pointy ears. Jaxon, curious as always, asked the instructor, "Is she using a skill?"

The instructor chuckled. "You're talking about Adapt, right? No, she's not using it. She's an Elf."

The students were taken aback. "My mom told me about them," Derek blurted out, only to be met with silence and awkward glances.

"Alright, listen up," the instructor commanded. "Eldon and Jaxon, you two will share a room. Same for you, Kane and Derek."

Derek immediately began to whine, "Why do I have to share a room with him?"

"Because I said so," the instructor snapped. "Or would you prefer I take you home?"

Derek shut his mouth, while Kane smirked slightly. "Liam, you'll be bunking with me," the instructor added.

Sorry couldn't write more

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