
Shadow And Fire

The Mark of Kane burns again, as the Princes of Grisha arrive to collect on a deal made long ago. Step into Grisha for a journey filled with adventure, discovery, love, friendship and betrayal. Follow as heroes on opposing sides come together to bring peace emits a broken Grisha.

EchoBlack · Fantasi
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11 Chs

Part 5 - Future Curtiosities

Kane once again found himself in the council chambers. Marcus, Brandon and Wyatt also there. Each knowing trials awaited those in the Vampire Kingdoms. The stone tower was filled with silence, neither ancient man being able to bring themselves to speak the daunting words, that haunted their minds. History had been made in recent weeks. With the arrival of the Seven mundane women, three prophecies had been set in motion. All three created at different times and by three very different people.

"The Morcarians know their Midnight Star has come" spoke Marcus, recalling keeping an eye on the Morcarians over the centuries since Decidit, the last known High Seeker was killed. Most of them had found peace, although Dragon Sickness had run rampant. Other rogue warriors had sought revenge against the vampires, for their part in the ruling king's brutal demise. Although none had been successful, even less so when their magic began to weaken. "Soon they will attempt to retrieve her" calmly spoke the stringy haired vampire, like always his face mostly shrouded in shadow, as if his very identity was a secret, besides his name. Similar to how Wyatt was the only one of them, to really know which of the seven mundane women, was the foretold Midnight Star.

"What of the princesses?" asked Kane, his voice deep and demanding respect and attention, just like always. Yet the Vampire King slouched in his chair, an unusual sight for those who knew him, it was as if the ancient ruler knew where the path, they were on would lead. As if he knew what past decision would result in now, when there was little to stop the cause, they were on. Brandon perked up slightly, at the mention of the princesses, even more so when he'd done his duty. He visited each, ensure they had all they needed. He'd even visited Morgana well in Erised.

"They have settled well. Daryl has already included Katherine in festivities and celebrations. He refers to her as his love. Lucian and Alden take Mercedes and Maggie to visit each other, as much as they can, allowing the ladies to bound" started Brandon, his features softening upon realizing the princesses were helping to mend broken relationships between brothers. Lucian was slowly fixing each of his brotherly bounds now, as if he'd finally found what he was looking for. Although the question still remained if Alexander would see the error of his way.

"Echo has settled in well, met Morgana and Ode. Credence often takes Evie to visit Erised. Finnick is his normal protective self, although the bound he has with Echo appears to be stronger than he realizes. Valentine introduces Jessica as his princess, she's settled well, those of Black Wall refer to her by Princess and often involve her in things. I believe Mira is right at home in Heiress, she's blended in well, although she has trouble keeping Alexander's attention" gently spoke Brandon, smudging the black and white, painted marking on his ageless face a little, although he didn't seem to mind all that much, instead just wiping the black and white paint off his hand, as if nothing had happened.

"His bound will be weak" spoke Kane, knowing the bound his eldest son has to his princess, would be far weaker than others. Several reasons accounting for it, the most prevalent being Alexander's tendency to mark all mundane women who entered his kingdom, thrust ensure they were bound to him over all others. The ancient king knew, with the weaker bound, Alexander wouldn't be able to find Mira if she happened to go missing, he wouldn't be drawn to her like others would be to their significant other. "What of the other prophecy?" asked Kane, knowing the last of the three prophecies set to come to pass, was by far the oldest, being thousands of years old.

"His true heritage shall be revealed soon enough, when it does, Lyra and Micah will return again" calmly spoke Wyatt, his voice barely above a whisper. A half smile etched upon his lips; the hero would return again. He'd return when Grisha needed him most, only this time he wouldn't be alone, but would have his love at his side. The two together doing what no other could before them. Kane turned his attention to Wyatt, the ancient Shade being powerful with foresight. Being able to see both past and future events, although sometimes it appeared as if it had driven him in to insanity.

"Your sons will be divided. Six walk a righteous road together, the other walks a lonely road into darkness. Their paths will cross again on opposites sides of the battlefield" cryptically spoke Wyatt, although he didn't speak the princes' names, he knew which would wonder down the lonely road he spoke off. Just as he was certain Kane, Marcus and Brandon also knew where which prince he referred too. The one whom already wondered down it, his princess merely motivating him to walk faster.

"Is there nothing we can do to stop it?" asked Kane, knowing where all roads would lead. He knew so much but still found it difficult to stand by and allow somethings to happen. Even more so when it was his own children in the firing line. "What about Lucian, is there anything to be done, to change his fate?" questioned the vampire king, his heart heavy, even more so when he knew the fate to befell each of his children, although he was pleased for some, it broken his heart what awaited others. Just as he knew if Crystal was still at his side, she would do all in her power to prevent the pending events.

"I wish there was my king" whispered Wyatt, still not truly accepting what was to come. Every night he prayed to the gods, hoping for his visions to change. Every day he was let down, yet still he held hope, as the king did things could be different. "Only Alexander holds the power to change his future, the rest were set in stone a long time ago" quietly added the ancient Shade, his heart heavy, yet at least one of the two princes could change their fate. Even if there was a strong possibility he would choose not to and continue down his path of darkness until he discovered the end of it.

Elsewhere in Black Wall, the third vampire kingdom, Valentine walked the streets of his Mediterranean home with Jessica, her blonde mid length hair styled to that of noble women of the kingdom. With a tiara woven through to symbolize her status as royalty. The stroll was peaceful, intended for the two to know each other better. Valentine with the intention on answering any question Jessica may have left or explain things a little further. As he had done with the marking/bounding process between vampire and human.

"So, what happens if a married couple no longer love each other here? Do they divorce like back home?" asked Jessica, moving some stray blonde strands from her face and mouth. Her voice gentle, her emerald eyes focused on the winding path before them. An arm linked with Valentine as he leads her around with care. A chuckle escaped the much older vampire, finding himself amused by Jessica's curiosity, almost as he looked forward to what would catch her attention next or what her next question would be.

"I'm afraid to say my lady, marriages here are for life. There is no divorce. Here in Grisha, we take till death do us part, very seriously" answered the third prince, thrust revealing a truth few others rarely thought of. Yet he understood her curiosity. Grisha was like the mundane world in so many ways, it seemed a given his curious Jessica would ask questions on things so similar to what she already knew. "Weddings can last up to three days here. Although it does depend on the couple" added Valentine, leading her to the river front, a private area he often went to relax and forget his duties and birth right as prince. At least when he wasn't cooking in one of the river front restaurants.

"What else is different here?" asked the third Princess, her emerald eyes sparkling like rare jewels when the light of the suns reflected off the water. Valentine could only offer a soft grin, wonder entering his mind. His mother had chosen Jessica as his match, did she know they would get on so well, or he'd do anything for her so early on. He often wondered about his brothers too, if they had become attached to their princess, as quickly as he had with Jessica, or if they were slowly growing their bound, helpless when it come to them.

"Mourning period varies, up to 12 days depending on the person. As you've noticed there is no technology here, but we do have magic. Morcarians and Shades live here as well as we vampires and humans. Travel is slightly different, as is fashion. We're more medieval here" listed Valentine, recalling his own prior trips to the mundane world, the technology there never ceased to amaze him. Alden always commenting on wanting to create something similar in Grisha, although he had yet to do so. Mainly due to their memories of mundane technology and history fading the longer they leave between visits.

"I think I've finally worked out which deadly sin each prince represents" announced the third princess, a small giggle escaping her. She'd taken it upon herself to try and work out which prince was which deadly sin, ever since entering Black Wall weeks prior. Valentine had assisted her, giving her books on the royal line and the family tree, even some on Grishan history. Valentine soon turned his attention fully to his blonde princess, a gentle nod shortly after. Wishing only to hear her soft and peaceful voice more. "Alexander if I'm not mistaken is Greed, Daryl I'm certain is Lust, he sees the beauty in everything. You my dear Valentine represent Gluttony. Credence is Pride, he gave it away by the way he acts. Finnick I'm certain is Wrath, he's quick tempered but fiercely loyal. Which leaves Alden and Lucian. Lucian, I think is Sloth and Alden is Envy" confidently spoke Jessica, finding herself with pride, although she was unsure if she'd gotten Lucian and Alden right, especially when she'd decided based on their kingdoms.

"Not quiet dear Jessica" commented Valentine, although he realized her mistake. "Lucian is Envy, Alden is Sloth, although he embodies it a little different than most expect" corrected the third Prince. Seeing as Jessica nodded, as if understanding her mistake and trying to understand it. "Alden invents things to make life easier for others. Maybe interested to know Finnick prefers his sin to be called war rather than wrath" finished the vampire prince. Knowing his youngest brother was far different from the rest, his bound with Morgana was strong, much like his own with Lucian was.

"Your father mentioned Morgana is supposed to embody love" whispered the blonde princess, as if her words were a well-kept secret, others weren't meant to know about. Valentine nodded, recalling the celebrations to happen throughout the seven kingdoms, when Morgana was born. So many celebrated Morgana's birth, perhaps more than they did with the birth of each prince, before and after.

"Indeed. Morgana is a Shade, born of both Vampire and Morcarian" enlightened Valentine, he intended on taking Jessica to Erised one day, so she could see the peaceful rustic kingdom for herself, and perhaps meet his only sister. "We vampires believe Shades represent the balance in Grisha. Shades were created by Quinlan, the god of light, and Makkari the goddess of dark" explained the third prince. Many in Grisha held Shades in high regards, Morcarians were equals to vampires, balancing out the darkness within them. Only those of Heiress believed vampires were meant to rule everything. Only in Heiress were Morcarians and Shades treated cruelly and less than vampires, their basic rights stripped from them.

"How does the planning stage for wedding work here?" asked Jessica, as if to change the subject. She wondered over the question often, even more so when she had attended several weddings in Black Wall already. It being her duty to make an appearance alongside Valentine at every wedding. Jessica found herself wondering if that too was different from the mundane world or if it was the same and the bride does the majority of the planning.

"Most plan their own weddings. Royalty has assistance with it, a wedding planner if you will. Although you are free to plan it yourself, an assistant will take over other duties. If you do wish for the latter" explained the third prince, he expected his mother would have put something in place for the weddings, his father too would ensure each princess would have everything needed to help them, if only to ensure the planning was far more enjoyable than stressful. "The only certain thing for the wedding is the place. Royal weddings take place at the High Palace, the reception in the kingdom of the prince and princess" added Valentine, recalling it had been centuries since the last royal wedding. That being his own parents one. His mother had been a healer before she married, yet his father had chosen her over all other noble women, none the less.

"Any traditions?" asked the third Princess, as if unsure what to expect. Almost as if she expected a loophole to be found, where the princes could have more than one wife, or something had to happen before the wedding. Her mind thinking up things, she didn't want to imagine. Yet the princess found herself questioning if any of them could be true.

"A few" responded Valentine, seeing the concern to appear in her emerald eyes, to which he felt the need to calm her. "Do not worry my Jessie, they are not cruel ones" reassured the third prince, seeing her calm a little, yet none the less he offered her a reassuring hug, if only to settle her nerves. "Its tradition for the bride and groom to be separate the day before the wedding. The groom will send his bride a gift that day, something for her to wear at the wedding and remember him by. The groom wears a specific color, one that represents his kingdom. But will also have something of his bride, so she is always with him even when parted. The bride stays at the High Palace, where as the groom will go by boat the day of the wedding. And finally, the brides wear something belonging to the previous monarchs" listed Valentine, showing most of them were sweet and meant to ensure the bride and groom were together even when apart. The final two ensuring the royal bride would feel welcomed into the royal family.

"What's the color you will wear?" asked Jessica, a soft playful grin appearing on her painted lips, upon realizing he had called her by the name she'd asked. Jessie. Valentine merely grinned, knowing the question was coming, hence he motioned to the banner behind them. The black banner with the blue crest of gluttony embroidered in the middle. "Blue" spoke the third princess, quickly realizing he'd only wear the color on the day the would be parted. After that it would be the traditional wedding colors, black and white. Yet the more Jessica thought about it, the more she wondered what color each of the other princes would wear, on the day they were meant to be parted from their future bride.