

Simon de montfort,simon,simon!!! I heard my name being called but I was in my head,an abyss of total darkness.... How did I get here?? sighs and holds his head. He woke up in a room filled with strange things a bed made of something soft like wool and linen.. He looks up and sees iron connected at the middle turning round and bringing the wind..ahhhh he screams in terror where am I? Is this the afterlife?. He abruptly stands up and runs out falling down and getting up because of the tiles pushing through people moving around busily pushing half dead people around and treating some...who are these people?why are they dressed in uniforms?...he walked around lost to this unfamiliar surrounding then he opens the main door of the hospital and goes to the road and before him he sees a whole new world different from where he was from funny things carrying people inside and moving in an orderly form!!! am i in the future?? he says to himself and he blacks out......

Gedoni_Eyo · Sejarah
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3 Chs

Chapter 3

The new world he promised...

In the new world simon de montfort was a professor at the renowned patheon-sobonne university at paris he was a renowned researcher and self made investigator but he was sought by many though surprisingly who preferred his discretion and experience in some matters best kept private..

He walked out of his quiet office on a rainy Wednesday and locked the door as his usual routine ,it's almost midnight,he said " it's time to go home",and he took long strides out of his office and locked the door before leaving the university premises to the road.

He didn't go out with his car because he walked to the office with his umbrella since he loved the rain,and as he walked through the busy streets of paris with laughter inside bars and tourists taking pictures and having the best night of their lives he thought about his life and if it was really going the way he wanted it to be.He had nothing to protect,no love,no family and no overwhelming desires to fulfil.sometimes he felt like an empty shell waiting to be filled up by something or someone and he was so in his head with his thoughts that he didn't see an upcoming truck driving towards him with full speed byba driver whose breaks suddenly stopped functioning and he didn't know himself anymore like he was being pulled by a force greater than him.before he could notice the truck it was too late! He had already been knocked off the road and into blankness ....

The scene was then flooded by curious tourists,and parisiens who had previously been having the best time.the surrounding suddenly washed with new emotions of gloominess and pity,the onlookers could only wonder what had happened without a specified cause.Not long after the police sirens were heard and sounds of an ambulance too,professor simon was taken away in rush ,he had a serious head injury that the nurses and doctors thought almost impossible to treat or operate on but they had no choice.....he entered an induced coma where his fate will be determined if he wakes or not...

Huuuuh loud gasps were heard in the room were professor simon was kept in an induced coma,when he woke up something and someone awoke with him;he was still in there he finally had everything missing put back in place love,family,something to protect and desires alot of them...

In another hospital a beautiful woman was also in an induced coma after surviving from a fatal accident will she remain the same or will somethinng huge and important change inside her...