

I wasn't one to care about material things but I won't deny the fact that I am longing for it.

"Hi ...Good day, My name is Declan Darling and I'll like to purchase the JAMB form"

"Good day, ..miss Darlington....was it?"the receptionist asked.

"Oh ...no it's 'Darling' not 'Darlington'.." I replied keeping a calm expression.

The receptionist who appears to be at her middle 30's stared at me warily...but I was used to those stares.

"Alright....the form will be 10,000 naira"....she replied.


I brought out my wallet at handed the sum to her, I collected the form and took a public transport back home.

My name is Declan Darling, Dee for short..am a sixteen years old weirdo striving into the medical world. I come from a middle class family... although we don't have much but we live a decent life. Lost my dad through a car accident and my mum is tryna hold up as a single parent. I have an elder sister who is about finishing her NYSC in Lagos State and a junior brother who is just entering into Junior secondary education.....and me who just got my SSCE and aiming to be a surgeon.

Funny how am about entering the university when am only sixteen....but the thing is I look kinda older than my age and also have a fake birth certificate claiming am 18 years old.

Growing up, I always have this fantasy of being more like a guy. I despised dressing up like a girl cause it's really uncomfortable to me and prefers the male clothing which seemed more relaxing and helps me masks my insecurities. Don't get me wrong...I have a good body which is really attractive to guys and whenever guys stare at me, it always makes me feel kinda insecure and uncomfortable.

I live in a community where lesbianism is really uncommon and is highly prohibited.I started having this sexual attraction to girls but I thought it was normal and it will eventually pass but it got worse , which even led to me going online to watch lesbian pornography just to suit myself..I tried to manage it by getting myself a boyfriend so I can proof to myself that it was just a phase and it will pass but in every relationship I got into with a boy, I find myself trying to perform the duties of a boyfriend and not a girlfriend and probably just gets tired and end the relationship with the guy.