
Sex System in Solo Leveling

"Hmm? What is this blue floating screen?" I was always a bottom feeder, always acting kind, always pleasing people.... why? Because I had no influential background. I didn't expect to get everything handed to me on a silver platter suddenly. {Monarch of Lust System} {Congratulations on activating the 'Monarch of Lust System'!} {Note- "The system will not assist in obtaining girls for the user. Instead, it will empower the user with enough strength to stand on top of the food chain. How the user chooses to pursue their sexual desires is entirely up to them.".} {The System wishes the host a joyful journey!} "....... It's like, I'm the MC of some degenerate's FanFic" ______ Brief Description- A very degenerate piece of work only being written because the Author is horny. Tags-OP MC, Invincible MC, Evil MC, Perverted Protagonist, Smart Protagonist, Scum Protagonist, Blackmail, An@l, BDSM, R-18, R@pe, Incest, Netori, System, Harem, Large Harem, Smut, Sex... And various other fetishes, you can probably find everything here. BUT NO Gay stuff and Femboy stuff. **NO YURI, NO NTR. Me myself being a Reader, will never provide content that will destroy reader's mood. Support me on: patreon.com/MilkLoverFanfics The idea of writing this shit came to me while reading my favorite FanFic [Multiversal] Sex System in The Class Room of The Elite by AlmightySkyDxddy. The story will be different coz it is set in SoloLeveling but the system is kinda same Also, there are No traps. *** Remember do not compare reality to fiction. If you're as trashy as me then enjoy the work. If you're a snowflake then kindly leave. Thank you for reading. To read ahead—> pa treon.com/MilkLoverFanfics

MilkLover · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
78 Chs

Chapter 20 Querehsha is happening

Author Note:

Ok, it took me many attempts to write this chap. I wrote some parts on my phone inside the class, and other parts after gaming... long story short, don't forget to send Nudes*ehm!* I meant Power Stones!!

Ah! One more thing, I wanted to remind you guys that Solo leveling is the ultimate power fantasy—Well, just enjoy~ Teehe!


"Haa..Ack.." I struggle to draw breath under the mounting pressure.

Through it, her rich melodic voice reaches me once more. "Ahh~ It seems you are no ordinary man."

Her lips curve into a smile as her aura intensifies, licking them suggestively.

"This will be fun."

—3rd POV—

In an instant, she closes the distance between them.

'Shit!' Azaroth instinctively tries to block by crossing his forearms before his face.

But she moves too fast. A single punch lands in his stomach with crushing force.


"Heok!" The boom sends Azaroth rocketing backward through the forest.

Trees splinter and snap as his body tears through them until colliding with the mammoth waterfall in the distance with another *Boom*.

Stone crumbles under the impact, and water cascades around his crumpled form.

"Puchi!... *cough* cough*" Azaroth coughs up blood, staring down at his mangled abdomen in disbelief. 

"She wants to kill me aye?", His organs are distorted, crushed beneath pulverized bone and pulp. Any normal man would be dead already.

[Unread Notification: Garuo's physique and Deadpool's regeneration are resonating, Creating a new skill—> Hyper Regeneration!]

He didn't read the notification but sensed something changing in his body. Then the healing begins - a rapid, violent process as Deadpool's factor on steroids kicks into overdrive.

"Too bad.... It seems, I indeed am the MC, heh." He said with a smirk seeing the regeneration kick in, wiping the blood from his lips.

Bones grate and grind back into position, tissues, and muscles knit together before his eyes. The wounds seal at an impossible rate.

Within moments, his stomach has been fully restored, nary a scratch remains.

*Boom* *clap-clap*

In a blur, Querehsha landed before the waterfall, hands clasped in sarcastic applause.

"Wow~, what a great ability you've got there." Her grin is predatory.

Azaroth peels himself up from the rocky shore, wiping the last of the blood from his lips. "Thanks...I guess."

He knows that was only a fraction of her true strength, if she wanted to kill him, she would have done so in ages.

Hmm... she is playing with me...

But the question remains, Why?

"Let's see how far your body can hold," she says, crimson eyes gleaming with challenge and eager cruelty.

'Hmm, it seems now she is more interested in playing with her new toy' Azaroth thought.

 It's clear she intends to test his limits through violence.

Querehsha lazily lifts a hand, palm facing him, "Don't die on me kay~"


A massive swarm of jet-black bees erupts from nowhere, buzzing furiously as they rocket towards his position.

Looking at the incoming swarm he quickly snaps his fingers towards them but, "Fuck! they are wet!"

His alchemy gloves were wet due to the waterfall.

Acting on pure instinct, Azaroth pushes off from the ground in a powerful backflip.

He sails high through the air, narrowly avoiding the angry insects.

'Here it comes again!' He somersaults avoiding dodging the bees again. As he somersaults, Azaroth unequips his wet gloves with a thought.

He had already known about Roy Mustang's weakness so he had experimented after getting his powers,

If he un-equips then equips them again...

'They become completely anew,'

So, when he re-equips them mid-flip, they are bone dry once more.

Azaroth lands steady atop the raging waterfall and—

*SnNAp!* With a flick of his wrists, arcs of azure flame snap towards the oncoming bee swarm.

He turned the whole swarm into crisps and ashes in an instant.

But his momentary victory is short-lived.

Just as the last bee is reduced to ash, Azaroth hears Querehsha's delighted voice directly behind him.

"Another ability! Let's play some more!"

'Not again!' But before he can react, her foot lashes out in a backward kick.

*crack-boom* The blow catches Azaroth square in the ribs with impossible force.

"Ack!" All air whooshes from his lungs as he's sent hurtling off the falls once more. Rock and water blur past as he tumbles helplessly through the darkness below.

Even as Azaroth's healing factor mends his shattered bones, '.....Hurts like a bitch'

Querehsha with a mocking smile points one finger toward him, and two massive centipedes materialize from the shadows.

Each beast is as long as a building, twisting pincers clacking hungrily.

They lunged at his way at a break-neck speed and he realized his gloves were wet again.

And the most deal-breaking part was, that he didn't have any time to do the re-equip.




As the abominations rush towards him, Azaroth's heart begins pounding furiously in his chest.

Blood sang in his veins slightly turning his body muscles red, his pupils shrunken.

His right eye turned red and his surroundings seemed to slow imperceptibly.

Cold calculation replaces base fear.

Launching himself sideways, Azaroth narrowly avoids the centipedes' first attack as he mutters "...Red Garuo physique"

Their pincers snap shut mere inches from his flesh.

He pierced his own chest and grabbed his right rib. He wrenches it from his insides with a wet crack.


Blood flows briefly before his wound knits closed, fresh bone already starting to protrude. He spins the gruesome makeshift weapon in his hand.

*crii* The centipede lunges, pincers agape to tear his flesh.

Azaroth darts inside its reach, torso bending unnaturally aside to dodge the snapping jaws. Don't forget that his martial arts mastery is Perfected!

"Heh," He drives the rib-dagger upward in a plunge, burying it hilt-deep into the beast's eye socket.

*Creekkkk!!!!!!!!!* Its agonized shrieks shake the forest.

Black ichor flowed out of its eye followed by veins of sickly green.

Sensing the other Centipede coming for a bite from behind, he jumped in a backflip and did the glove re-equip, and shot a condensed flame inside the bleeding eye of the 1st centipede.

The Centipede's body bulged from the inside and its body exploded in a mixture of black and green mess.

He did the same to the remaining one and then looked at Querehsha, she looked impressed with a slight smile on her face.

Is it over now...?

He thought and then shouted, "Is that enough for your playtime, my lady..?" 

She closed the distance in a flash, and with her long black nails pierced his upper body and grabbed his spine.


*Cough* Azaroth coughed up blood.

She was still too fast, even for the Red Garuo form,

She..... licked the blood that flowed from Azaroth's mouth and her tongue elongated and she licked... his whole face.

"Not enough~ not now~," She said in a seductive voice.

'Ugh! fuck...' Was the only thought in Azaroth's mind.


Meanwhile inside the Mall...

Outside the ominous gate, only 10 minutes had passed since Azaroth's entry.

After making a call to his Guild Master Baek, White Tiger's 3rd team captain, panting heavily, approached the anxiously waiting group.

He looked like someone had fucked his mom.

Jin-ah and the others noted his ashen expression and swaths of sweat.

"Why are you guys wasting time even after knowing everything?" Jin-ah inquired.

"W-Will your team go inside to assist Azaroth?" It was Song-Yi who asked.

"Aehe... Inside you say?" He said as he forced a smile on his face. Looks like his Guild Master was indeed not good after listening to his news, or maybe someone had really fucked his mom...?

"Ehm*" He cleared his tone and saw the worried faces of the students in front of him.

"I'm afraid not. After reviewing the details, Master Baek determined this dungeon contains threats.... ehm* far beyond our abilities as a C and D-rank team."

He looked somewhat shameful while telling them that.

'No one is going to help him..?' SongYi thought with a mixture of complex emotions in her heart.

He took out the E-rank no they were probably D-rank Spiders like it was nothing, while the D-rank hunters were struggling....

So, he must be at least a B-rank hunter.... 

But he got inside with only a C-rank healer and a D-rank warrior... T-That too while thinking the Gate was a D to C-rank one.

At this rate... Azaroth will die...

I should be happy, right?

The man who raped me, the man who threatened to kill my family, the man.. the man who helped my father..? Eh?

Song Yi didn't know why, but started remembering the good things he had done,

How he after that day, had always treated her kindly,

How he made jokes and laughed while talking to her mother, whenever he came home,

I..It's not like she had started to like him... It's just that, He had become a part of her life now.

The.... thought of him, dying!!?

W-will I feel good if he disappears from my life..? 

He saved us from those monsters, h..he saved me, he saved ME from those monsters, why?

He... got inside the Gate, for my sake...? 

It's ok if he goes away..b-but... Do- do I really 'Want' him to die..?

'No no no.... I don't want him to die!' These were the true thoughts of Song Yi.

She didn't even know that at this time, she was completely under the palms of her tormentor.... Azaroth Morningstar.

She had become a victim of the term called Stockholm Syndrome,

Stockholm syndrome.... a proposed condition or theory that tries to explain why hostages sometimes develop a psychological bond with their captors.

It is supposed to result from a rather specific set of circumstances,

Namely, the power imbalances contained in hostage-taking, kidnapping, and abusive relationships.

Well, she doesn't needs to know that, does she...?


A/N: Remember that- THIS IS FAN-FICTION!!

Advance Chapters- P@treon.com/MilkLoverFanfics