
Sewer King - An SI in Gotham

Imagine waking up in a sewer. Now imagine you got no legs, no memories, and no bitches- Hey, there's a huge croc guy! To make sure he doesn't you, you promise him you'll make him a king! And he doesn't eat you. Now, you gotta make him a king. Well, at least that sounds fun? ------ Author here! Originally posted on Questionable Questing, where I reccomend you go read this because of the way the text looks :3 Also, Hi, read my name. This is gonna be gay.

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77 Chs

Chapter 59: Pickled War (Part 1)

[Clock - 12:33 | 12:33 AM]

[Calendar - 04/05/2003]

[Location - White House - Washington DC, United States of America]


POV Change

3rd Person POV

It was so sudden. No one really expected such a thing to happen, but it did. The declaration happened as a performative speech act by the unauthorized party of the US government- How exactly? Well, Geoffrey is the president yes, but in order to create a state of war between two or more states, he'd need an official sign of approval from the congress. And who, in their right fucking mind would declare war against a newly formed nation? But that's the thing about war- it drives men crazy! All the bloodshed, death, cries, and endless slaughter seems to have an effect in the human mind because it makes everyone either crazy or even crazier than they already are. And that? That is something a certain someone locked away in a jar would have loved.

Talking about him, why don't I bring you back a few hours to watch Waylon beating the shit out of Ares and putting him in a jar?


Flashback - 6 Hours

[Clock: 06:12 | 06:12 AM]

[Location: Beastialis Kingdom's Above Ground Territory - Old Gotham, Gotham City]


POV Change

Waylon Jones - King Croc | King of Beasts

"Put that one right there-" Lifting an enormous piece of concrete debri from one of the many shaken up and broken (at least not a lot of them were completely destroyed by the cataclysmic earthquake) buildings within the Old Gotham region, Waylon and several able bodied citizens of Beastialis were working together to clean up the streets. They have been doing this for weeks now, and this has both helped the relationship between him and his people, and also cleaned the street, which was awesome too! "-with caution, it will totally break apart if you put a lot of pressure on it." With Ptah's guidance, this also allowed the population to interact and worship Ptah in an unorthodox way that nobody ever thought of before! Because Atlas has been driving constantly in the heads of the people of Beastialis (Waylon included) that everything you do can be an act of worship, the Gods have received a lot of worshippers and a lot of power.

And with that, Waylon has officially become a Shazam.

With the Strength of Sobek he can lift a lot of weight! He hasn't found his upper limit yet, but he knows its probably very high. With the Wings of Hathor he can obviously manifest his own wings and fly, be it either just floatinng towards where he wills himself to go, or by using his fucking awesome dragon wings! With the Wisdom of Thoth, Waylon has found himself having so many ideas about everything he has ever seen or done before, with a new perspective in life and in the way he interacted with it. He has also developed a great sense of governance, knowing approximately what to do to rule a nation and fully understanding everything that Atlas has ever done for him and the sheer amount of responsibilities that he has taken upon his shoulders- He promised himself he would do anything to make it up for him, because there were times when he didn't understand what Atlas was doing, but now he does have an idea at least. With the Rebirth of Khepri, his regenerative abilities were up and through the roof! He could literally regrow limbs in seconds (please don't tell Atlas that he tore his arm off...), recover from seriously deadly injuries in the span of seconds, and even heal others by touching them! Isn't that awesome?

With the Endurance of Ptah he became able of getting hit in the face by a truck falling from the sky without even feeling it. Thankfully this did not affect his sex life! He was still able to feel pleasure as easily as when he was a simple croc man- with the addition of another cock, you might as well consider him being able to feel even greater pleasure than before (and he must say, fuck, Atlas takes it so well) -and that was enough for him. The last blessing he received from the Gods of Beastialis was the Magic of Isis, and this one was more complicated than it sounded... Well, it allowed him to use magic! That's easy, right? Well, as a Son of Sobek (and according to Isis herself) he had a higher affinity towards defensive magic. She called it aproto something, but he wasn't paying a lot of attention at her words because he was too fucking hyped by the fire in his hands that he had managed to summon. He was considering getting Atlas to teach him shit, but his love was too occupied with things to teach him properly, so he decided to wait.

"Hey, incoming!"

Waylon heard Sobek's cry before he too felt it. This bundle of energy that emanated from above- There was only a second of hesitation before Waylon dropped everything he was holding (read: rocks and shit) and leaped into the air while shouting the word of power that would immediately allow him to use all the powers of the gods at the same time- because he can only use one of them at once, besides the Strength of Sobek, because he's his son: "Sekhem!" And with the roar of a might beast, magic enveloped his body and exploded outwards with a blast of thunderous sound. He felt the wings of his back burst out as he flew towards this black dot from above, and meeting the force midway, Waylon genuinely felt this heavy impact against his body. The heavy, heavy force pushed him down, but he refused to yield and pushed back with even greater strength than he already had- Suddenly, the force pushing him down moved out of his way, and Waylon flew high into the sky for a few moments before he felt this slashing force on his back alongside great pain: "ARGGH!" He screamed in both surprise and pain, but the pain easily vanished as the wound on his back closed even faster than the wound happened.

"AHAHAHAHAHA!" A deep voiced laughter echoed out, as Waylon turned around to lash out at the attacker- he saw this guy completely wrapped in deep dark red metallic armor, it was like he had bathed his armor in blood, let the blood dry, rise and repeat until the dried blood bad become this blackened crust above it. It was horrible to look at and even worse to smell it because of the sheer strength of the distusting metallic smell of blood. "A mighty warrior- Finally, a worthy opponent." The man had this sick looking glaive in his hand, it looked to be made of the same metal as his armor, except the blade was this deep burgundy red colored metal that had this liquid dripping of it constantly while these shadow tendrils wrapped around the pole of the weapon and coated the arm of the wielder in shadow and darkness: "Prepare yourself, Godblood, to face the mighty God of War- Ares!" With this roar of might, this aura of darkness and shadow started to slowly emanate from around his helmet covered face and his armored body.

"...huh." Waylon just stared as the god of war lifted his glaive, ready to attack him. He raised his arms, his onyx black scales seemed to click closer together before this aura of power manifested around himself in a tightly held aura of deep and powerful endurance! The power to hold weights heavier than the earth, endure storms, floods, storms, and much worse than whatever this puny god can do. Unexpectedly, there was also a small but noticeable part of himself that was excited to trade blows and fight against the God of War himself, but another, bigger part of him easily found and understood the problem this guy would cause and was already causing the entirety of Gotham. "Let's dance, little fuck." He did not wait for the god to rush at him, instead he willed his body to fly towards the god, and with a blur of black, he was punching towards the god, who blocked it with his glaive's handle. Waylon did not stop, he punched again- the glaive moved to block another punch of his. And like that, they moved and dance the dance of battle. Waylon was focused on the fight, but thanks to the Wisdom of Thoth, he could easily think about multiple things at the same time, and one of his focus was what was happening beneath him. His people had long run and taken cover, and he knew that he had to finish this quickly to not perturb Atlas because he was doing something very important right now and he'd rather not bother his love right now.

Mentally, he reached out to Sobek, his divine father, and said: "[Hey, Sobek, can you get that weird jar that Atlas made for me? I'm gonna shove this guy inside it.]" He had heard Atlas talk to him about the story of what happened with Ares and a jar as he was making it, apparently he was shoved inside a jar by two giants? Or was he fucked by two giants and shoved inside a jar? He doesn't remember the story itself, he only remembers that the God of War, Ares, was shoved inside a jar at some point. Of that he is very sure! "[Make sure this guy doesn't feel or sense you getting the jar, be sure to not get inside ot either.]" With a turn, he let his tail blade to be carried alongside the momentum of his spin to slash with the blade tip of his tail- Sparks flew as his tail blade slashed against the blade of the glaive. His clawed hands clashed as he parried a sword that flew towards his face, his mouth opened and he bit down on another blade and broke through it by biting. He was doing his best to dodge the attacks he couldn't block, and block the attacks he couldn't dodge.

"Fight! Fight like a warrior!" Ares was going crazy, his voice accompanied by an extremely unhinged laughter as he slashed, clashed, and bashed against the black scales of the large draconic man- this was one of the few fights that he has felt excited for in weeks! Diana was starting to get boring, and when he felt the sheer amount ot blood and death coming from this place, he first thought that a war was happening, but when he got here he was kinda disappointed to see that there wasn't much of a war happening... sure, people were being killed left and right, but there was no fighting, no rage, and although he did enjoy a swift take over and destructive death, he got bored quickly. He immediately went to the place he felt a bunch of weak divinities slowly growing more in power. He knew these divinities, but it has been such a long time ever since he had fought against such divinties! Sobek was a brutal god, eating everything he killed and many times going berserker. And Sekhemt? Oh, she was a bloodthirsty beast! Sadly she got separated into three Goddesses, which made her boring, so he left her as their little fling ended quickly. "FIGHT HARDER! FIGHT LIKE A WARRIOR! LIKE A-" Suddenly, darkness enveloped his head, and he felt himself being... shoved inside something weirdly familiar. The sensation was worse, however, because he felt these chains wrap around his entire body angrily and tightly. "-...fuck."

Waylon swiftly pushed the legs of the chained war god deeper into the endless jar, making sure his entire godly body was inside it before he closed it with the lid: "And, done!" If you're confused about what happened, Waylon distracted Ares and made the god focus solemnly on him with all his bloodthirsty rage that he forgot everything around him. From above, Thoth held the jar with the lid off, aimed it, and dropped it right on Ares' head while he was having a monolog.

And like that, Waylon now could make divine pickle.