
Seven Sins Academy

R-18 (Mature Content) Grey NewGate, born as a prodigy... In the magic world, he was born to be the strongest. Since birth, he exhibited feats that already established him as "terrifying". Born with the aura of the Azure Emperor. Acquiring over 5 Magic Techniques from birth. Intense good looks that and an ability to relate with women like it was his sixth sense. Having been sent to the Lyronia Magic Academy, located in the Magic Continent by his Grandfather due to the fact that he was supposedly a Demon Lord Contender... Grey now had an entirely new goal... He was destined to be the one to court the reincarnations of the Seven Deadly Sins: Pride, Wrath, Lust, Envy, Greed, Sloth and Gluttony. One of the strongest mages in the modern era was relegated to being a student. Whether or not his pride would allow him to survive in the new school was entirely up to him. Warning; No Yuri, NTR or Rape.

Pendulum_ · Fantasi
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22 Chs

Romantic Cream.

Grey took in the sights and sounds of the bustling city before turning to face Elsinia, his curiosity getting the better of him.

"So, Elsinia, since I'm so out of touch with Lyronia, where are you planning to take me?" he asked.

Elsinia looked pensive for a moment before replying, "I don't go out as much nowadays, but I guess the Central District is still the go-to place for a fun date. It used to be quite the hotspot."

"Really?" Grey raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "Alright then, Central District it is," he decided, and before he could fully register her words, Elsinia grabbed his wrist and darted off, exclaiming, "Alrightie then; let's get going!"

As Elsinia dragged him along, Grey found it difficult not to notice her infectious enthusiasm. "You seem really excited about this Central District," he remarked, keeping up with her pace.

Turning back to him, Elsinia flashed a radiant smile as she replied, "I'm just happy that I get to go places with you."


Minutes later, they arrived at the Central District.

Grey couldn't contain his surprise at the lively atmosphere.

"Woah, this place looks amazing," he exclaimed. "Dayum!"

Elsinia giggled knowingly as she responded, "I knew you'd like it."

Just then, an ice cream man passed by, prompting Elsinia to sneak furtive glances at the ice cream cart.

Noticing Elsinia's interest, Grey asked her, "Want some ice cream?"

She hesitated before declining, "No, it's fine," yet her eyes lingered on the tempting treats. Seeing this, Grey flashed her a warm smile and reassured her, "I'll get us some," and made his way over to the ice cream man.

As Grey approached the vendor, Elsinia's demeanor shifted suddenly.

With a strange, almost eerie grin, she retrieved her journal and pen from her waist bag, hastily scribbling away.

『 Dear Diary,

OMG, today's going great and it's all thanks to stealing one of Grey's spare keys! Now we're on the perfect romantic date... And out of the blue, we spot an ice cream truck. I swear, it's like the universe is begging for us to be the ultimate couple!

So, I spot the truck. I give it the good ol' side-eye, trying to make my Darling Grey notice without seeming too obvious. He falls for it, hook, line, and sinker. "You want some ice cream?" he asks. And what do I say? The classic "Nah, I'm good." But inside, I'm screaming, "Get me that darn ice cream, Grey! I want to lick both you and it together!"

Guess what happens next? He glances at the ice cream truck, sees me giving it another longing look, and decides to be Mr. Sweetheart. "I'm getting you one," he says.

Victory dance inside my head

When he hands me the ice cream, I'll play it cool, like, "Oh, you didn't have to." But who am I kidding? Of course, he had to! 』

Moments later, she glimpsed Grey returning with ice cream cones in hand.

'Crap, he's fast!'

Panic washed over her, and she hurriedly stashed her journal, fussing with her hair as Grey rejoined her.

Grey extended an elbow to support Elsinia; his hands were already full as it was.

She was panting heavily, her wide eyes darting around frantically.

"Are you okay?" Grey asked.

She looked cornered, then replied hastily, "Of course! Why wouldn't I be fine?"

Grey raised an eyebrow and shrugged.

He handed her an ice cream cone, the cream was white - vanilla flavored. "I'm gonna make a wild guess and say you like vanilla," he remarked with a smirk.

Elsinia's eyes widened, "How did you know?" she asked, adding shock and excitement to her voice.

'Vanilla isn't my favorite - but anything that's Grey thinks is my favorite might as well be!'

Her favorite was actually mint chocolate chip.

Grey chuckled, "Just a hunch."

He was about to lick his chocolate chip ice cream when he noticed the disparity. His had sprinkles while Elsinia's did not.

"Elsinia, wait!" Grey called out.

Elsinia who was about to lick the frozen dessert immediately paused, her mouth hung open as she gave Grey a gentle and curious side-eye. "What's wrong?" she asked, holding her mouth open in suspension.

"Yours doesn't have sprinkles, those are important," Grey observed.

Elsinia laughed and gestured at the ice cream man, who was already too far down the busy road. "It's a little late for that," she said.

Grey sighed, "I guess so."

Catching the disappointment in his eyes, Elsinia assured, "It's fine, mine doesn't need sprinkles."

In her mind however, she was screaming.

'YES! Now, by doing this I've taken on the role of the gentle and supporting girlfriend... I mean, wife who doesn't complain about her husband's shortcomings. Perfect!'

There was a small grin on her face as she spaced out in-between patting him on his back.

Grey snapped his fingers, "I've got it!"

Elsinia, intrigued, urged, "Got what?"

He excitedly revealed, "I have a solution!"

Almost as though that was the only thing that mattered, Elsinia smiled, "Alright, let's hear it."

"Since my ice cream has sprinkles and yours doesn't, you can lick mine and I'll lick yours," Grey proposed.

Elsinia blushed profusely, her pointy elven ears reddening.

Panicking, she turned away.

'Oh, Grey, you sly fox! I never knew you had such scandalous ideas. Licking each other's ice cream? How delightfully daring! Is this your way of expressing love? Maybe a proposal? I must admit, the forbidden sweetness of our shared ice cream is like... It's like pure, undiluted love. He's just so irresistible, even his ice cream... I'm sure it tastes as good as him. Note to self: must savor every lick as a declaration of undying devotion. Ah, the love and ice cream goes so well together!'

Her mind had gone completely wonkers at the moment.

Grey noticed her unease, "Elsinia, everything alright?"

"Eh, uh, y-yes..." she stuttered.

He fair-mindedly offered, "You seem a bit flustered."

Collecting herself, Elsinia replied, "Yes, it... It appears I am," her voice was more like a whisper.

Grey reached out with his ice cream and taunted, "So, what do you say? Shall we share our cream?"

Elsinia's flush deepened, and she cautiously nodded, "Sure, why not."

The two strolled along, their arms linked together as they enjoyed their sweet treats under the sun.

As they walked, Grey playfully pointed his ice cream at Elsinia's mouth, and she reciprocated the gesture.

With a smile, they indulged in the decadent treat, gently licking each other's sweet thick cream.

Elsinia's legs quivered with an unsettling sense of excitement, and her hands trembled as she struggled to contain her growing ecstasy.

"Oh, this is so good," Elsinia moaned appreciatively, her tongue continuing to dance over Grey's ice cream.

'I need more of this thick, creamy goodness inside me, it feels so good and sweet inside... It's like...'

She loved the taste of Grey's thick cream, it tasted divine— each strong gulp and the way it rolled down the back of her throat made her feel absolutely good.

Her soft moans continued as her tongue caressed the delectable dessert, dipping a small hole in the ice cream through which her tongue slithered into. Each dip of her tongue and the way the thick, creamy walls of his ice cream embraced her tongue was absolutely divine to her.

Grey however, had already finished licking a bit of hers a few seconds ago.

Now, he was just watching her... Questionable actions.

"Elsinia? Are you alright?" Grey called out with some concern.

Caught up in her blissful trance, Elsinia suddenly snapped back to reality and withdrew her tongue, realizing she might have gone too far. "Sorry, I forgot," she confessed sheepishly.

Grey chuckled and reassured her, "It's okay. At least you got to lick some sprinkles."

Elsinia smiled in an oddly aroused manner. "I got even more than that," she hinted with a slight quiver in her legs.

Her mouth was a bit open, revealing some of the velvety cream that settled in her mouth. Her cheeks were flushed, breaths were laboured and her usually upright ears had settled down a bit.

Before Grey could respond, he noticed a smudge on Elsinia's face.

"You've got some cream on your face."

Elsinia touched her cheek in confusion. "Huh, where?"

Wasting no time, Grey gently wiped the creamy remnants with his thumb and then sensually sucked it off, leaving Elsinia blushing and looking away.

"You alright?" Grey asked, noticing her sudden shyness.

Elsinia nodded slightly, her face still tinged with a rosy hue. "More than okay," she assured him.

They continued their leisurely walk.

However, it seemed like the two didn't know a small insect trailed behind them, stealthily observing their every move.

The eyes of this insect was connected to the actual covert observer.

He bore the visage of a man with short black-brown hair, haunting green eyes, and insect-like antennae protruding from his forehead. His skin was slightly corroded, and tiny bug-like creatures scurried across his body.

Truly, he had an unsettling aura.

"Interesting, so the vessel is having a little romantic day... How useless.."