
Chapter Four - Childhood Friend

Harper deeply pondered about Nadine, Father Robert, Stacey and the Seven days of darkness, someone tapped his shoulder. He suddenly returned to his senses, back to his office. He looked up to see who it was, and the face of his co-journalist named Jack showed out of nowhere.

"I'm so sorry for bothering you,"

"What's up Jack?"

"The press conference is about to start," he said smiling at him.

Harper glance at his watch. "Oh yeah, I lost track of time, okay then let's go!" He said hurriedly as he took his coat that is hanged in his swivel chair. They walked down the hallway and to the right side they get in the elevator going up to the 40th floor, where the conference will be held.

"Are you okay? You seem a bit off" Jack asked.

"I'm just tired these days," Harper replied.

"Why?" Jack asked.

"My childhood friend from my hometown Stacey is always bothering me, well you know I'm a busy person." Harper deeply sighs.

Then suddenly the elevator stop and they get off and walk down the hallway.

"Why is she bothering you?"

"I know this is funny, she is talking about this—what you call the seven days of darkness."

"Seven days of darkness? Is that a movie? What is that all about?" Jack asked.

"No, when we were 12, a priest told us something about seven days of darkness, he said that it would happen sooner or later, but it's been twelve years ago, before of course I believe in him because I was a kid that time, but I grew up, and I don't believe in such a ridiculous thing! And Stacey is still obsessed of it, until now!" He scoffed.