
Chapter 9 - Stop Believing

"Yeah but its not__" Harper not finish words. He is very confused and feel bad why he did told him about it to him. "Oh, so you are not telling the truth, you are just fooling me, aren't you? I knew it!" Kenny sighed.

"What I told you is true, but maybe it won't happen yet, I don't know when! You are my friend that's why I told you, but I didn't tell you to spread it now!" Harper retorted..

"Oh, you are so stupid Harper, I knew it, you just want to be popular here, you just want to outshine me," Kenny said as his eyes narrowed.

"No, I don't have any intention, I'm sorry that I told you! Stop it okay!" He said.

"So its not true, right?" Kenny frowned.

"I-I don't know, but I believe it will gonna happen!" Harper replied.

Kenny shook his head.

"You are damn Harper! Believing in that thing!" He laughed.

"So you don't believe it after all?" he scoffed.