
Chapter 126 - To Deceived the Hydramus

"There they are, there they certainly looking for new victims, we have to enter and do what we have to do!" Harper says hurriedly, but Nadine restrained him. "We need first to think of ways we can before we go inside, lest we be infected with the newly arrived hydramus!" Says Nadine. "What will we do?" Harper eagerly asked.

Nadine had thought, but she does not know how.

"If only my father was here, he can tell us what to do, but we need to terminate them now even without my father, " said Nadine. And Harper think they ought to do, until he thought. "I have an idea, I knew what to do, I would approach them, they do not know that I am now a nixerus yet, I will pretend that I'm still one of them, and try to trick them this day!" Says Harper. "Okay then, I think that's a good idea, a few hours away and the sun will shine," says Nadine feeling hurried.

"Do not worry, I will take care of it, I hope it will work," said Harper.