
Lost a smile (Chapter3)

It was a sunny Tuesday morning. The sun had come out a bit later that day. I felt pretty hot in my bed. Probably because I had wrapped myself in the blanket. I was not used to doing anything reasonable in the morning. I kept still with millions of thoughts running up and down in my head. I literally didn't know what I was thinking but I knew I wanted to think about something. Something very important, I guessed. I picked up my phone from the other side of the bed to continue a movie I was watching last night. I began watching and after few minutes, I realized I wasn't paying attention to the movie. I tried remembering what I had just watched but nothing came to mind. I paused for a while, preparing my mind to be attentive. I restarted it and began to watch it again. I barely understood what was happening the second time I tried watching. My mind was not even close to me. I got up from the bed and walked to the bathroom to freshen up. Though it was a sunny morning, I felt cold in the shower. I guessed I was probably having a fever or maybe rotten intestines. 'What is happening to me' I thought a bit worried. I put on my hommie hoodie and walked down stairs to confide in mom about how I was feeling. "Mercy, where's my mom?" I asked Mercy with demanding face. "She's in the second kitchen" responded Mercy. I nodded and began to think what my mom was doing there. She barely went to the kitchen or even went out to buy groceries. She was a queen in her prime. I walked down the corridor wearing a puzzled face. "Mom?" I whispered under my breath, amused to see her holding a mug. She turned to see who was behind. She probably felt someone's presence because I don't think she heard me calling her. "Hey sweetie, how are you doing?" Mum asked with a bright smile that I loved very much. "Not too well mum" I said weakly.

"Sweetie what's wrong?" She asked sadly. " I can't tell mummy but I think it might be a fever" I feebly said. "Oh dear, I'll call the doctor right away" Mom insisted, walking towards me to lend me a hug. It was so tight and perhaps the best hug I've received in a long time. Mom had so much affection for me. She used to monitor me a lot when I was twelve. I felt a bit uneasy about it but as time went on and she became part of Dad's company(Beyond Insight Event planning Company), she barely monitored me. Dad inherited the company from Grandpa, Dad's father who was a hardworking and dedicated man. Dad had worked so hard to improve the company's financial status and and through that, he provided a luxurious life for mom and I. Beyond Insight Event planning Company also known as BI Planning was well known and had a very high status. People knew Dad as the CEO of the company and Mum as the Vice President. Due to the nature of the work, I once had to follow my parents to a conference that was held for management comitees of companies. Jake's Dad also had a company with similar ideas in events planning and that's how Jake's Dad and mine became good friends, resulting in my friendship with Jake. I walked back upstairs, almost loosing my grip. Luckily enough, mom was right behind me and helped me up. The Doctor arrived later in the morning. He did a little diagnosis and said I was fine. "There's a bit of pressure and tension within her. I suggest she should have a good rest" he said, turning to my mom. "Ok Dr, we'll see to that" Mom said, accompanying the doctor off. 'Pressure? Tension?' I laid on the bed thinking.


I woke up later that day in the same position I fell asleep. It was a good nap. I felt better from the chills I was having and a bit light. I had not taken anything the whole day. I wasn't hungry so I decided to wait a while. I turned to my phone and read a text from Jake, saying "I came by to your place to say goodbye but you seemed unwell so I had to leave. See you in a few months best friend". Jake was gone. ' He is gone already?' that thought brought chills down my spine and I felt a slight headache. I was guessing the news was just a bit sudden. It wasn't as if I could have changed anything even if it came earlier. 'I wish I had not slept' I thought sadly.

Days passed and gradually turned into weeks. I had not heard from Jake that whole time. I refused to text or call first so as not to seem lonely and desperate. I knew I had miss Jake but I just didn't accept it. I waited and it had already been a month. I felt lonely and sad within me. Jake wasn't around to tease and take pictures of me. The thought of Jake made me remember some time ago when Jake carried me on his back and run down stairs with me. I was so scared that I threw up on his shirt and when he found out, we stared at each other for a while and we finally burst out laughing. The thought of that memory widened my face with a smile but it didn't last long when I realized he wasn't around anymore. Loneliness was evident in my eyes. I fell back on the bed wishing he would just come over. I finally picked up my phone and called him. It rang a bit longer than it normally does. I was so impatient that I ended the call. 'He might call back when he sees my call' I thought to myself. At that moment, I knew I had lost a smile.