
Servant of the 4th Wall

When death comes, regaining the memories of your past lives was an uncommon occurrence. Because of a wish, his fate was doomed. He expected to move again from a new world. Not attracting the attention of meddlesome beings and confining him in this world as a Servant.

megurashimono · Lainnya
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11 Chs

Evil Witch

Throne of Heroes– At first it sound so cool and grand. I know that in my case, i was hopeless in rejecting the proposition of the unknown omnipotent Goddess. I was just a mere human despite my unique circumstances. When I was forced (thrown) in that placed reluctantly– other part of myself thought that I should just go with the flow since fighting her is futile. I was also curious on what is the throne of heroes looks like (and why does the name sounds familiar to myself).

Time passed, I wasn't aware of the exact passage of time. The throne of heroes– my curiosity was satiated. The throne of heroes– just by that name it sounded so majestic and luxurious. You can feel the grandeur and regality. Despite my reluctance of being thrown in an unknown place– since because of that name, I expected a luxurious treatment.

I was expecting mansion, castles or it can be also a literal– something like a throne. What I got was a lifeless boring place. (Can it even be called a place? ) The throne of heroes wasn't a heaven or hell. There's no excitement or feeling of dread. It was just silent and dark that I thought I would die in boredom. I can't even move around much. It was an exaggeration. In fact, I was just stuck. Glued in a single place forever standing with nothing to see and feel. It was only my own voice that I can hear. Trapped in my own thoughts and not being able to feel asleep. I was trapped in a suffocating darkness.... forever.

If I wasn't freed sooner or later on this place, I would eventually go mad. Did that Goddess purposefully done this? If it was, I pledge that I would try my best to make that bitch suffer.

I really hope that it wasn't the case.This situation is such a pain, I better do something productive while spending my time in this place before my mind made some convuluted ideas like taking a revenge to ROB, make that unknown Goddess suffer along with her sister– and other impossible crazy ideas that was waiting to unleash upon this world. It wasn't healthy for a human being to be left alone with no social interaction. Even that said human is dead and existing in a spirit form. I should do something productive. Like arranging the complicated mess of memories of my mind. And discover why did the name of throne of heroes sounds familiar.

When I finally decided to do something that would be worth spending my time, it just then happened that I suddenly felt a big disturbance on this peaceful and silent place.

" ... Ahh? What in the name of shit is this?! "

I felt surprise as something appeared beneath my body. On the cold and hard floor, a circle started to form. It was glowing and it has indecipherable cursive strange writings. Somehow, it resemble those things. You know the stuff that was necessary for special effects when doing magic. It was a magical circle. How I can tell? Well, I watched too much Anime... And from what I have learned from my memories and travels. This type of circle would always appear in summoning. And I know that I would be for an interesting ride. It made me suddenly remembered a certain show in the memories featuring a Loli long haired pink haired girl.

Hmm, how about no? I think I want to reject this one...

I want to get out of the magical circle. Unfortunately, I was still stuck like a glue. I have remain in this place like a display statue for a long long time. Struggle is definitely useless...Sigh, let just see what would happen – since it was a magic circle, someone was probably doing the deed of summoning. There would be different circumstances that was possible to happen. Like those Isekai summoning.I would get summoned and become the great hero? It was really cliche, yes. But it would be more pleasant and full of life than this throne of heroes. Now that I thought about it, the outside place would be more interesting. Yes, the outside is more preferable than this boring prisoner cage.

While I was starting to look forward on the prospect of being summoned, I didn't expect that there would be some unnecessary side effects.

Just like when my former life memories returned, pain started to form on my mind. it hurts so much that I freaking curse that bitch fucking Goddess that I forgot to ask what her name is.

Is this really a required process that I must go for the summoning? I want to clutch my head. Ughkkk... Even until now, physical pain is unbearable for myself.

[ Inserting necessary Information.... ]

Suddenly, something appeared on my mind.

[ Progress... ]

And a lot of information is being crammed in my fucking head.

[ Basic Knowledge...]

When will this end?

[ Inserting information 13%.. ]

[ Holy Grail... ]


[ Inserting information.. 20% ]

Holy Grail? ....I.. I think..

[ Holy Grail War.. ]


[ Inserting information 33% ]


[ 7 Class Servants ]

Really familiar..

[ Inserting information 50 % ]

Of course.. what did I expect?

[ Analyzing... ]

How come I didn't realize?

[ Inserting information 63% ]

[ Class compability... ]

It was my wish didn't I?

[ Analyzing.. ]

[ Verifying... ]

[ Progress 85% ]

I wish to be reincarnated in a fictional world.

[ Class compability: Caster Class Servant ]

[ 98% ]

Fate it is..

[ Preparing summoning... ]

.... I? A servant?! I was having an urge to groan in frustration right now. How come I am such a stupid idiot? I didn't even realize it! I hope that I wouldn't be out and summoned in Fate Zero. I'm begging. Please... No, Zero. I don't want to participate in that Holy Grail War. Just look at that Zero– Re:Zero, I am getting the same tragedy vibes. And there was also that Zero Lelouch.. yes, those Zeroes are really tragic. The only zero that I know that wasn't a tragedy was zero no tsukaima. Unfortunately, this is the fate franchise. So no Zero for myself. I hope, please..please? stay night. Stay night. I was hoping that it was Stay NIGHT!! At least, in there, there was still a possibility of good ending. If I arrive there I would probably leave everything to the Hero of Justice and the Seiba.

[ Destination: Fuyuki City ]

Yes... Good. It was confirmed. I just–

[ 4th Holy Grail War]

NO. No, no, no, nope, nada, I'm outta here!! I am stepping into that war and meet that angra mainyu...Curse my luck. And I also hate that bitch Goddess that I realize that maybe she is that fucking Alaya!

[ Summoning— ERROR. ]

Maybe, it was preferable staying in this darkness after all.

[ Class Change: 13erkCas+ë-fœigcer ]

I am getting a bad vibes.

[ M3aßu4ing Cäpac8ty... ]

[ D3ßignæting ßkïlls... ]

[ Destination: Fuyuki City– ERROR ]

[ CΠåñ&ing... ]

..... Did the grail have a virus? No, don't tell me it was that Angra– did I just jinx myself because I said his name?

[ Summoning Destination: Orleans Singularity ]

Singula– what?

[ Master: Jeanne D'arc Alter ]

Since when did jean change her surname?

[ Commence Summoning. ]

For all he knows sieg's surname isn't definitely Alter.

While wondering in confusion, the whole circle lit up so brightly and I disappeared from the throne of heroes.


{Heed my words.}

I started hearing someone..

{My will creates your body, and your sword creates my destiny.}

{If you heed the Grail's call, and obey my will and reason, then answer me.}

And I realize that i was really being summoned.

{I hereby swear. That I shall defeat all evil in the world.}

I don't even know what was my skills are supposed to be.

[ Servant 13erkCas+ë-fœigcer ]

There's definitely an error in this one! I can't even discern what class I was supposed to be.

{ But let thine eyes be clouded with the fog of turmoil and chaos.}

...I don't remember the summoning chant to be like that.

{ Thou art trapped in a cage of madness, and I the summoner who hold thy chains– }

Definitely not. I swear– AHHHH!!! What the fuck is that?! It's Ahhhhh fucking painful?!

[ Acquired Skill: Mad Enhancement E– ]

I'm a berserker? I don't look like one.

{Seventh heaven clad in the great words of power!

Come forth from the circle of binding, Guardian of the Scales! }

I opened my eyes slowly while groaning in pain. Even the transportation was painful. I know that in the fate franchise, there is no such a thing that summoning a servant– in the case of a servant, that have them mentioning that being summoned was painful.

" Thank you for coming, my fellow servants. I am your master. "

I look at the source of the voice. I found myself staring at Jeanne D'arc Alter? I was happy that I was able to see anything other than the sight of darkness. I drank the scenery with relish. I was able to hear not just the silence and myself. I can feel again. It was wonderful to feel my body again. And I notice that I wasn't a fatty anymore when I look at my hands covered with dirty white gloves. I also feel more alive and brimming with energy. I am younger than the age that I died in the truck accident. Finally, i notice that everything seems bigger and Jeanne is different from what I have seen in the show and imagined. She looks like that she haven't bathed in a sun for a long long time with her pale complexion. Her eyes, since when it is freaking yellow? I was certain that it was blue. She also have a shorter haircut and looks like she have gotten a new color scheme. After looking at her, I look at the fellow servants that was summoned with me. I immediately kept a distance away when I found myself beside a very creepy creeper Gilles de Rais. Beside him, the only servants that familiar with me was the Archer of Red, Atalanta and Lancer of Black –Vlad III. I am clueless to the identity of the other servants.

" Oh my, dear Jeanne. Looks like that we have gotten an extra servant. "

Gilles de Rais said while looking at me. I can feel my mind screaming at myself to get out of here. I don't know anything about this situation. I am clueless. It was dangerous for myself to be involve. My guts are telling that this situation is so wrong. It was more worse than Fate Zero.

Jeanne D'arc Alter's yellow eyes swept over gazing at myself. Her eyes was cold. There was no warmth in them. Her face was stern, and there was cautiousness in her posture. I met her gaze. I wonder if she have seen the fear in my eyes as she started chuckling.

" A trivial matter Gilles. Should be this God's blessing? For the God have delivered an extra servant for more destruction to the wrong that was France. "

" Indeed. As it is you say, Jeanne. "

I stood like a statue under the events that happened after. I was shock and surprise while feeling helpless. I can't do anything to save the Bishop Pierre Cauchon. He was being burned in the flames of vengeance by Jeanne D'arc. I want to help. But I still remain standing like a stiff statue. My hand clenched. I can't do anything but watch as he was being burned by the flames. The smell of human flesh started to reach my nose. It was disgusting. I want to vomit. Gilles and Jeanne watched the event appearing mystified. The crazy caster look so absolutely delighted by the events. I have no time to notice if the other servants have a strained expression like myself. I wanted to help him. He was screaming in agony. I want to–

Jeanne D'arc Alter's eyes casually swept over me.

And I felt my desire to help doused with a cold water. It was replaced with fear. My hand unclenched. My stiff posture become loose like a puppet with no strings. I am such a coward. Jeanne's eyes then returned watching the Bishop. The scream of agony continued.

I lowered my gaze in shame. The smell of burning flesh continued to reach my enhanced senses. I am a coward. I want to save him. I can't do anything to save him. I become a coward the moment that I met that cold eyes. If I tried, there are so many servants that would stop myself. There is only one me. I didn't even know the other servants. Their capabilities are unknown. How could I defeat them if I don't know them? Would I even fast enough to escape. Most importantly, I don't know how to fight. Yes, it is true that there are my memories to guide me. But, in this life– I am just an ordinary civilian who regained the memories of his past lives and become a servant.

Just memories.

I don't know how many time has passed with my head lowered in shame. The Bishop's scream stopped. I realize that he was dead. And moment's later, he was burned completely with no bones but ashes remained. On that spot, there was the burn marks to indicate that something awful has happened.

I was not surprised by what happened next.

" I have but one order. Wipe out this country, this mistake that is France. Overrun it, trample it, reap it. Let us begin with our dear Orleans. We shall return to its fruitful land to a bare wasteland. Age, gender and religious beliefs are of no importance. Make sure you kill them equally. That is the only order I give you as your master. "

The not really Jeanne D'arc that I know from the show ordered us to destroy and kill the people. I can feel the order reverberating on my mind. I don't want to do it. The painful feeling was back again in my head.

Evil Jeanne and creeper Gilles voices aren't helping in making the pain gone.

[ 13erkCas+ë-fœigcer

True Name: Hughes Everett

Attribute: Man

Alignment: Lawful Neutral






NP: ? ]

The pain receded eventually. And I was surprised by an information appearing within my mind. I was speechless on my stats. It was fucking horrible. While I was ruminating over the issues of my stats, Evil Jeanne D'arc swept her gaze again and smiled at us.

" Oh, I have one more order. Laugh. As if you are enjoying yourselves from the bottom of your heart. "

She said. Before she left with Gilles. Probably adding a dragon design on the flag banner. This isn't definitely the Jean D'arc that I know. This one, is one of a hell crazy evil witch.