
Servant Of Greed

In a realm eternally draped in shadows, where the clash between day and night defines its very existence, a young boy from the enigmatic dark side finds his world shattered by a cataclysmic event. In the midst of his grief and confusion, he forms an unlikely alliance with a powerful deity who emerges from the shadows. Together, they embark on a perilous journey to uncover the truth and restore the balance of the world. Join this unlikely duo as they forge a path through darkness and light, unearthing the truths that will reshape their world and redefine their own destinies. Prepare to be enthralled by an epic journey where hope gleams amidst the darkest of nights.

Fire_Duck · Fantasi
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20 Chs

Runic Magic

As the group departs from the village and heads back to the carriage. The cold embrace of the open area is extinguished by the cozy insides of the carriage.

The carriage continued its steady journey through the shadows of Umbra, its wheels rolling quietly along the worn path. Inside, the travelers settled into their respective seats, finding comfort in the gentle swaying motion. The dim light of the carriage's lanterns cast a soft glow, illuminating the faces of the companions as they embarked on the long road to Erebos.

Dionisus leaned against the plush cushion, his gaze drifting towards the window. Outside, the darkened landscape stretched endlessly, with only glimpses of towering trees and winding trails visible in the faint moonlight. His mind wandered, retracing the steps they had taken thus far, and contemplating the unknown that awaited them in the kingdom of Erebos.

Elizabeth sat across from Dionisus, her eyes closed as she absorbed the tranquility of the moment. Her fingers gently traced the delicate patterns on her cloak, a reminder of the craftsmanship and beauty that existed even in this world of perpetual darkness. She savored the silence, her thoughts wandering to the possibilities that lay ahead.

Edward, ever vigilant, sat near the carriage door, his hand resting on the hilt of his sword. His eyes scanned the surroundings, ever watchful for any potential dangers that might lurk in the shadows. Despite the quietude of the carriage, his senses remained heightened, attuned to even the slightest change in the environment.

Hector, with his broad shoulders and weathered features, exuded an air of stoicism. He kept a watchful eye on their provisions, ensuring that everything was secure and ready for their arrival in Erebos. His mind wandered to memories of past journeys, battles fought, and the camaraderie that had formed between the group.

Time seemed to lose its meaning as the carriage pressed forward, the rhythmic sound of hooves blending with the whispers of the wind. The minutes turned into hours, and the hours into an indistinguishable passage of time. Conversation was sparse, yet the unspoken bond among the travelers grew stronger with each passing mile.

In the quietude of the carriage, Dionisus found himself lost in his thoughts. He found his mind wandering back to the runic magic briefly mentioned by Hector. Dionisus got up from his seat and approached Edward. He sat beside him, "Edward, what is runic magic?"

The man looked at Dionisus, formulating an explanation that would suit the younger companion. "Hmmm, you see these markings on my sword?" Edward said while showing Dionisus his weapon. He continued, "Well they are basically 'runes' made by powerful sorcerers, mine in particular summons fire. Although I cant really seem to underst- Hey! Whats wrong!?"

Dionisus had zoned out, to Edward he looked as if he had fainted out of conciousness. Inside the young boy's mind only one thing could be heard, a cruel, abhorrent screech. His eyes were fixated on the hilt of the sword, it looked as if he were trying to dechiper the meaning of the runes.

Blood began dripping out from Dionisus' ears. The sound ricocheting from one side of his skull to the other. He ignored the voice, paying attention only to the markings on his companion's sword.

Suddenly, everything became pitch black. Dionisus hit his head on the soft carpet without producing a single sound. Edward assisted his fallen comrade, pulling him up to the comfortable seats.

He had no idea why Dionisus had fainted, he told Hector to prepare some nutrition when the boy wakes up. Edward himself decided to investigate his blade, finding nothing out of the ordinary on it.

'Maybe it was just that cooked meat he ate.' Edward thought. It was the only thing that Dionisus had done differently from the rest of the group until now. "The boy is strange. He moved through the dark as if it were daylight, like he belonged in a different world."

The carriage trudged through the heavy snow with certain difficulty. The ground was rocky and uneven, causing trouble to the horses. The outside air was icy with snow crystals falling from the sky.

Inside, the travelers sought warmth, bundled up in layers of clothing. The atmosphere was quiet, with only the creaking of the carriage and the horses' sounds. They shared moments of silence, immersed in the wintery serenity.

The horses came to an abrupt stop. The sudden jolt disrupted the tranquility inside the carriage, causing the travelers to brace themselves. Edward, ever vigilant, leaned forward, peering through the frosted window to assess the situation. He leaped out of the carriage carrying a lit torch on his hand and his trusty sword rested on his hip.

Edward swung his torch from side to side, searching for any signs of predators or imminent danger. Nothing was visible to his unadapted eye, he could barely see in the dark. He was reluctant to wake up Dionisus since it could make his unkown condition worse, still he did it.

Dionisus was woken up after Edward shook him a couple of times. Dionisus' face was groggy and smushed, the left side of his face which he leaned upon while sleeping was marked with the patterns of the carpet.

"Quick question, can you see in the dark?" Edward said, not giving a moment for him to come up with excuses or lies. "Yeah yeah..." Dionisus answered, unnaware of what he had just revealed. Edward pulled him by the arm and shoved him out of the carriage.

Dionisus landed face first on the freezing snow. "Alright, then find out the reason why the horses suddenly stopped" Edward said. Dionisus picked himself up, his nostrils were stuffed with small piles of snow. He steered himself towards the front of the carriage, he took aid from the horses, petting them gently as he passed by.

The ground had an odd divide. Between a huge landscape of frozen solid ice and the current snow he was standing on, there was a small buildup of something akin to sand or gravel.

Looking further beyond, Dionisus noticed that the huge frozen ground was in fact an enormous lake, sprinkled with unthawed bodies of water. Due to the detour the group took towards the village, the path ahead was now blocked.

They had unknowingly shifted from a road which contained no apparent blockages or serious problems to one that would threaten their lives easily. All because they chose to restock early.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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