
Servant Of Greed

In a realm eternally draped in shadows, where the clash between day and night defines its very existence, a young boy from the enigmatic dark side finds his world shattered by a cataclysmic event. In the midst of his grief and confusion, he forms an unlikely alliance with a powerful deity who emerges from the shadows. Together, they embark on a perilous journey to uncover the truth and restore the balance of the world. Join this unlikely duo as they forge a path through darkness and light, unearthing the truths that will reshape their world and redefine their own destinies. Prepare to be enthralled by an epic journey where hope gleams amidst the darkest of nights.

Fire_Duck · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
20 Chs

Harsh Conditions

As Dionisus steps out of the cave, he is greeted by a world that seems frozen in time. The air is heavy with the scent of damp earth and the sound of silence is deafening. The sky is an endless expanse of darkness, punctuated by faint twinkling stars that seem almost within reach.

The ground beneath Dionisus' feet is rugged and uneven, with rocks and boulders strewn haphazardly across the terrain. The air is cold and biting, making it difficult for him to take deep breaths. The only source of light comes from a distant luminescent sphere that hangs low in the sky, casting an eerie glow on everything around it.

Despite the gloominess of the surroundings, there is a certain beauty to it all. The dark earth is speckled with patches of luminescent moss, casting a faint green glow that seems to dance in the shadows. The occasional rustle of leaves or distant howl of a creature only added to the sense of mystery and intrigue that surrounds the landscape.

Dionisus continues on, his eyes scanning the dark horizon for any sign of life or civilization. The journey ahead seems treacherous, but he is determined to push on, driven by an unknown force deep within him.

The uneven floor coupled with the thick snow makes it hard for Dionisus to traverse properly, he must always keep his mind actively observing the enviroment for any subtle changes that might be indicative of a predator around. His purple eyes glow from side to side, scrutinizing the landscape presented to him.

He examined his body, finding that the previously injured arm had already begun to minimize itself, the bleeding had already been staunched and begun cicatrizing.

Dionisus marveled at his rapidly healing arm, wondering how it was possible. He remembered the strange encounter with Malphas. It was then that he began to theorize that the crow deity had turned him into the 'perfect vessel' he talked about, capable of incredible regeneration and other abilities beyond human comprehension.

As he continued his journey through the dark and twisted landscape, he couldn't conquer the feeling that he was being watched. The barren trees and twisted vines seemed to move in unearthly ways, as if they were alive and had a mind of their own. Dionisus tried to push these thoughts aside, focusing on his destination and the unknown challenges that awaited him.

As he traveled deeper into the darkness, he began to notice strange markings etched onto the trees and rocks. They seemed to be symbols of some sort, but he couldn't decipher their meaning. They vanished as fast as they formed, not allowing him any second to study them thoroughly.

The air grew colder as he moved forward, and he wrapped his cloak tightly around his body. He felt a shiver run down his spine as he heard the sound of something moving in the distance. Was it just the wind, or something more sinister?

Despite his unease, Dionisus pushed on, his determination driving him forward. He had a feeling that he was getting closer to his destination, and he couldn't let anything stop him from completing his mission.

His stomach growled loudly, his face contorted in pain as he clasped his abdomen with his hands. He needed to find food or else it would reduce his effieciency or even worse end up killing him. Besides food another problem was bothering him, he hasnt drunk water in two days.

All the rivers he came by were either frozen or guarded by packs of dangerous animals. Meaning that if he wanted drinkable water he would be required to kill a group of predatorial beasts.

As Dionisus approached the base of a small snowy hill, he could feel the cold biting into his skin. The snow beneath his boots was soft, but he knew it could easily betray his position. He took a deep breath, trying to calm his racing heart, and began to scale the hill.

As he made his way up, he could see a pack of Frostfangs in the distance. They were large, fearsome creatures with white fur and sharp claws. They were currently feeding on the remains of some unfortunate prey, their snarls and growls echoing through the icy landscape.

Dionisus knew he had to be quick and silent. He reached the top of the hill, taking a moment to catch his breath and survey the area. The Frostfangs were still busy feeding, unaware of his presence. They sat down near a river while feasting upon their slaughtered prey.

Dionisus slowly unsheathed his knife, keeping a tight grip on the hilt. He knew that his chances of success were slim, but he couldn't afford to fail. He took a deep breath and began to inch his way towards the pack.

The snow beneath his feet crunched with every step, and he held his breath, hoping that the sound would go unnoticed. The Frostfangs were still busy feeding, their focus solely on their prey. Dionisus continued to approach them, his heart pounding in his chest.

As he drew closer, he could see the individual details of the Frostfangs. Their white fur was matted with blood and bits of flesh, and their eyes were clouded with hunger. He knew that they could turn on him in an instant if he made the slightest noise or movement.

Dionisus reached the edge of the small cliff and recklessly jumped off. He clutched his upgraded makeshift knife and struck downwards, landing on top of a white wolf. The wolf had not even a second to react before his life was taken away from him, it didnt even have the chance to see his enemy, yet still now laid down on the snowy floor, unmoving.

He slowly crept up on the next Frostfang, using trees and rocks to hide his position. He reached the closest Frostfang, its back turned to him as it feasted on its meal. Dionisus raised his knife, aiming for a quick and clean kill. He sliced the blade through the air, the thrust of his blade startled the animal but it was still hit in its underbelly.

Blood gushed out of the wound but Dionisus gave the beast no chance to recover, he threw himself upon the beast and mounted on it. Using all his strength he began cutting and plunging his knife at the wolf. The white fur of the Frostfang by now was already covered with red fluids.

The kill didnt come out as quickly and cleanly as he had envisioned it to be but regardless the creature was still lifeless. The yelps and howls of the Frostfang alerted its companions which hastily came into action.

Dionisus knew that he was outnumbered and outmatched, but he refused to give up. He darted around the Frostfangs, trying to keep his distance and find an opening. He managed to land a few quick jabs with his knife, but the Frostfangs were too quick and agile for him. One of them managed to land a swipe with its claw, leaving a deep gash on his midsection.

Dionisus gritted his teeth, fighting through the pain. He had to find a way to defeat the Frostfangs. He spotted a nearby rock and quickly made his way towards it. With all his strength, he lifted the rock and hurled it at the Frostfangs, hitting one of them squarely on the head.

The Frostfang stumbled, giving Dionisus the opportunity he needed. He lunged forward with his knife, plunging it into the Frostfang's heart. The other Frostfangs hesitated for a moment before fleeing, leaving Dionisus injured but victorious.

Mass chapter release, cheer me up!

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