
Servant Of Greed

In a realm eternally draped in shadows, where the clash between day and night defines its very existence, a young boy from the enigmatic dark side finds his world shattered by a cataclysmic event. In the midst of his grief and confusion, he forms an unlikely alliance with a powerful deity who emerges from the shadows. Together, they embark on a perilous journey to uncover the truth and restore the balance of the world. Join this unlikely duo as they forge a path through darkness and light, unearthing the truths that will reshape their world and redefine their own destinies. Prepare to be enthralled by an epic journey where hope gleams amidst the darkest of nights.

Fire_Duck · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
20 Chs


As Dionisus entered the carriage, he was met by an otherworldly sight. The interior, like the exterior, was also stunning, with several gold and silver ornaments decorating the ceiling and the walls. The torches in the walls seemed to illuminate his mind, immediately making him feel safe and secure.

The seating was comfortable and inviting, made with the finest threads he had ever seen. Adorned with intricate patterns of golden lines juxtaposed with the scarlet body of the seat.

The floor was covered with a thick carpet, its intricate design depicting swirling patterns and celestial motifs. With each step, Dionisus sank into its softness, feeling as though he were walking on a cloud.

The air within the carriage carried a faint scent of roses, a delicate aroma that added to the enchantment of the space. It was an intoxicating blend of elegance and mystery, an oasis of beauty in the midst of a world consumed by darkness.

As Dionisus settled into one of the plush seats, he couldn't help but feel a sense of wonder and anticipation. The interior of the carriage seemed to hold the story of royalty or of a famous being.

Besides him, there were three other people. The man from before, a woman in a dress and another more secluded man. The man from before introduced himself as a Pilgrim, he held his silver colored sword with a sense of threat exuding from his soul.

His ginger hair covered until his eyebrows, but his face showed a perpetually paranoid expression. His eyes, a bright shade of emerald, darted around with an intense gaze, as if he were constantly on the lookout for hidden dangers. There was an unmistakable air of wariness about him, as if he expected trouble at every turn.

His facial features, though handsome, were etched with lines of tension, evidence of the weight he carried on his shoulders. Shadows lingered beneath his eyes, hinting at sleepless nights spent in a state of hyper-awareness. His lips, often pressed together in a firm line, occasionally twitched with a flicker of doubt or contemplation.

He introduced himself as Edward, a Pilgrim who was on a mission to escort the lovely daughter of a famous merchant back to Erebos. The carriage they were in was a present from the merchant to his daughter and was being used to escort her back after she finished doing business in a nearby village.

The lady beside Dionisus had long white hair that reached up until her shoulders. She acted with a soft demeanor, but her true personality couldnt be any more different. She abused her femininity to ensure the best possible deals when dealing with easy customers. However, Dionisus wasnt aware of that, at least for now.

The third passenger in the carriage was a secluded man. Sitting in the corner of the car, he wore a black cloak and an obscure mask covering up until his nose. On his right side, a crossbow hanged from his belt, the arrows were located inside a pouch on his left side. His black hair was thin and slicked back, and his dark eyes were focused on the ground with his right hand rubbing his chin.

"Who are you?" Edward interrogated the boy, who had just jumped inside the carriage he was supposed to protect. Dionisus looked back at him and retorted in a loud voice, "I am Dionisus, son of Griz!"

Dionisus lifted his chin as high as he could, trying to seem much larger than the man investigating him. Even if it was reckless, he would always try to maintain his pride higher than others, including the man before him.

In a struggle for authority and control, the young boy broke eye contact with Edward and shifted his gaze towards the horizon, feigning disinterest. It was a calculated move, a subtle power play to assert his independence and show that he was not easily intimidated. Deep down, though, Dionisus could feel the racing of his own heart, betraying his true feelings of uncertainty.

Edward, on the other hand, remained composed, his eyes narrowing slightly as he observed Dionisus's reaction. A knowing smile played at the corners of his lips, revealing a hint of amusement. During his years as a Pilgrim he had seen many young ones like Dionisus, full of bravado and defiance yet still vulnerable beneath their tough exterior.

"Impressive display, young lad," Edward said finally, his voice spiced with admiration. "But bear in mind that genuine strength is found not in the height of one's chin but in the depth of one's character."

Dionisus turned his head back to face Edward. His mind filled with curiosity while he marveled at the wisdom pronounced by the man in front of him. Dionisus took a step forward and extended his hand to Edward, indicating his respect and willingness to form an alliance. The older man met his gaze with a gleam of approval in his eyes and reached out to firmly grasp Dionisus' hand. "Welcome aboard, kid!"


By now, Dionisus had learned about the other passengers in the carriage. The lady was the daughter of a very influential merchant who oversaw several other merchants. She was unexpectedly kind, but occasionally the gleam in her beautiful mint colored eyes shone with malice. Elizabeth was her name.

The more secluded passenger was called Hector, like Edward he was also a Pilgrim. Both of them were hired to ensure the safety of the famous merchant's little princess. Hector had a mysterious air about him and kept to himself most of the time, which made Edward curious about his background. Despite their differences, they both shared a common goal of protecting Elizabeth and completing their mission successfully.

The carriage was surprisingly spacious enough for the four of them to sleep in. Elizabeth lay down on the nice, comfortable seats while the rest had to sleep on the carpet.

Hector slept peacefully, he was confident enough of his abilities to show vulnerability around an unknown human. Edward, however, wasnt, he was an insomniac, and due to the horrors he experienced during his adventures, he found it hard to drift off to sleep, especially around other people.

Dionisus was awake as well, although not for the same reason, it hadnt been long since he had woken up, and he still wasnt tired enough. Even though his body was aching with fatigue, his mind was still racing.

Now that he had time to properly rest, he began theorizing as to what Malphas meant when he called him a perfect vessal. He couldn't shake off the feeling that there was something important he was missing. As he lay there, staring at the ceiling, he wondered if he should seek out the crow again for answers or if he should try to decipher the meaning on his own.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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