
Servant Of Greed

In a realm eternally draped in shadows, where the clash between day and night defines its very existence, a young boy from the enigmatic dark side finds his world shattered by a cataclysmic event. In the midst of his grief and confusion, he forms an unlikely alliance with a powerful deity who emerges from the shadows. Together, they embark on a perilous journey to uncover the truth and restore the balance of the world. Join this unlikely duo as they forge a path through darkness and light, unearthing the truths that will reshape their world and redefine their own destinies. Prepare to be enthralled by an epic journey where hope gleams amidst the darkest of nights.

Fire_Duck · Fantasi
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20 Chs

Change of Course

Dionisus and Edward's laughter filled the carriage, creating a momentary bond between them. As the carriage continued its journey, Dionisus couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude for the companions he had found. In his secluded village, he had never imagined having friends like this, people who would watch his back and share in both the dangers and joys of adventures.

With each passing kilometer, Dionisus's understanding of the world expanded, not just in terms of its physical landscapes, but also in terms of the diverse individuals who inhabited it. He had learned about magic, witnessed incredible feats, and embarked on a path of self-discovery.

In the midst of their conversation, the carriage rumbled over a particularly rough patch of road, causing both Dionisus and Edward to momentarily lose their balance. Their laughter turned into mild expletives as they regained their composure.

Outside the carriage, the world of Umbra stretched out in all its mysterious splendor. The darkness held secrets yet to be unveiled, and the group of travelers embraced the uncertainty with a mix of excitement and trepidation. They knew that beyond the frozen lakes, dark forests, and unknown territories, their destinies awaited.

As the day wore on, the sunless sky cast its eternal shadow over the land. The travelers settled back into a comfortable silence, each lost in their own thoughts, contemplating the wonders and possibilities that lay ahead.

The carriage continued its steady pace, carrying the group of newfound companions closer to the fabled Erebos Kingdom. And so, it rolled on, its wheels turning, carrying the travelers ever closer to their destinies amidst the enigmatic darkness of Umbra.

The path was difficult even for the strong and adapted horses, they felt their knees weaken several times. The ground was difficult to traverse, it was uneven and covered in sharp stones, emulating pain in the horses caulloused rooves. The wheels of the carriage were thick and durable, avoiding any destruction to itself with its immense strength.

The passengers felt the bumps, but did not worry, having faith in their equine companions was the only thing they could do at the moment. The frozen lake's small unthawed puddles of water shimmered with an extraterrestrial glow, Dionisus looked out from the window attentiously, wondering what could cause that eerie yellow glow. It looked divine, exuding the same feeling as when he met Malphas, sending cold shivers down his spine.

Dionisus shook away the thoughts and turned his attention to the forest up ahead. The trees were weirdly healthy, possesing all of their leaves intact even in the withering weather of Umbra. They were huge and thick, the bark was of a yellowish color, and the leaves were a bright strong green. The trees gave birth to strongly colored apples which remained centered on the ground.

"What are you looking at?" Inquired Elizabeth. The young man turned his head back, meeting the eyes of the beatiful lady. "The trees." He said before returning his vision back to the outside. "Can you describe them for me? I cant see in the dark like you" Elizabeth pleaded.

"Fine." He said, "Imagine tall, towering trees with amber colored trunks and bright emerald leaves," Dionisus described, capturing the essence of their unique appearance. Elizabeth nodded, visualizing the striking image in her mind. A slight smile appeared on Dionisus face, his mind felt something he thought was impossible after the events in his village, content.

His mind wandered back to the forest, the trees were even bigger the deeper the carriage travelled. A goldish moss covered the trunks and the stones in the ground, the snowy ground was replaced by an overgrown floor of stone, littered with cracks and piercing grass.

Thick vines hanged from the colossal trees, featuring thorns and a viscous brownish yellow sap. The horses came to a sudden halt before turning to their sides and feasting upon the grassy floor. There was no snow on the ground, the trees collected all the rain, hail and snowflakes. Keeping them away from the floor where the seeds grew. The taller trees seemed to bend in a way to protect the smaller ones from dangerous weather hazards, while the smallest trees warded of predators with their spiky vines.

Some of trees kept to themselves, wandering farther away from the bundles. They usually grew much taller, but often times, crooked or with parts of them missing. The yellowish color on theses ones was much more prominent. Even affecting the leaves of these lonely trees.

The horses were done resting and returned to their original path. As the carriage traversed deeper into the forest, the group stumbled upon a hidden wonder of this world. Massive structures, towering and intricate, rose up from the lush foliage, their origins shrouded in mystery. The air was heavy with a sense of ancient grandeur, as if they had unearthed a forgotten realm, untouched by time.

The gigantic trees appeared to interwine with the stone structures, forming a perfect blend of nature and human architecture. Vines cascaded down the weathered buildings, as if nature had managed to conquer this entire city for itself.

The structures themselves were majestic, featuring delicate arches, colossal collums, and ornate carvings. Thick walls made of rough-hewn stone formed the foundations, creating a sense of strength and durability. Sculptures and reliefs depicted scenes from biblical narratives, saints, and symbolic motifs. These embellishments added a sense of richness and symbolism to the facades, evoking religious and spiritual themes.

The silence of the overgrown city was broken only by the rustling of leaves and the occasional bird's song. Each building held secrets of a bygone era, their worn facades bearing witness to the passage of time. The Romanesque structures, now intertwined with nature, stood as a reminder of a rich architectural legacy that had stood the test of time.

The deep forest was no more, now it seemed like an old city covered in nature's beauty. Moss and ivy crawled up the cracked walls, wrapping themselves around delicate balconies and window frames. Flowers and plants sprouted from the cracks in the cobblestone streets, infusing splashes of vibrant yellow shades into the faded dull surroundings.

The horses tired from the struggle they produced all day long, rested their bodies on the grassy ground, it was a cozy feeling for them, having never touched real grass before. Dionisus seeing this, opened the door of the carriage.

The group followed him shortly after, leaving the comfortable warm carriage. The biting cold wind whipped through their clothing, causing the travellers to shiver uncontrollably.

Dionisus gazed at the horses, their tired bodies finding solace on the grassy ground. He couldn't help but feel a sense of kinship with these creatures, both of them experiencing the unfamiliarity of their surroundings. With a gentle grin, he approached the horses, offering them a reassuring touch and a few comforting words.

"Bloody hell, this place is beautiful!" said Edward, observing the enviroment around him through the light of his torch. "So this is what you meant!" Elizabeth proclaimed, looking at Dionisus' direction. "Trees really are as beautiful as you described them." She added, with a sweet smile apparent on her pale face.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Fire_Duckcreators' thoughts