

Sermal is an angel who revolted with the decay of humanity and decided to create a new superior race in a secret laboratory. He uses his divine power to manipulate the DNA of various animals and plants, creating hybrid beings with extraordinary abilities. However, his ambition is discovered by other angels, who try to stop his plan before he causes a cosmic imbalance. Sermal will have to face his former allies and defend his creatures, while questioning his own nature and purpose.

PlayerOliver · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
8 Chs


Mixatl prepared to face the demon king of manipulation, knowing he was a cunning and powerful opponent. He focused on his inner strength and his connection to God, knowing these were his best weapons against the devil.

The demon king of manipulation appeared before Mixatl, a sly smile on his face. He tried to deceive Mixatl with his lies and illusions, but the angel remained steadfast in his faith and his mission to protect humans.

Mixatl used his wisdom and his ability to discern to identify the demon's lies and expose them. He also used his strength and combat skill to engage the demon in battle, using his sword of light to cut through the illusions and lies the demon tried to throw at him.

The battle was intense and lasted for hours, but Mixatl finally managed to defeat the demon king of manipulation. He kicked him off Earth and sent him back to Hell where he belonged.

Mixatl returned to the heavens a hero, having protected humans from the demon's manipulation and lies. He knew there was still a lot of work to be done, but he was confident in his ability to take on any challenge that came his way.