

Caulifla Sadala is given the opportunity of the lifetime of being the nanny to esteemed CEO Chi-Chi's son Gohan. For the most part, it's a simple job, and it has its perks. It's not until Caulifla meets Chi-Chi's husband Goku does she start to have her doubts about the job. Of course, her brother Renso and one of her best friends Cabba doesn't really approve of her wanting to be a nanny, while the others accept her choice. Aside from that, she has to deal with her growing feelings for Vegeta, her best friend Tarble's brother while being a mom figure to Gohan. The more Caulifla lives in Seven Star City however, does she discover that underneath the bright lights and tall buildings are multiple secrets buried beneath the city. When almost all of those she trusts are in Six Star City which is an hour away, she will have to learn to fend for herself and attempt to fight off the darkness that dares to consume her. ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ This dragon ball fanfiction is going to be filled with mature themes such as: ❀ age gap ❀ smut and sexual themes ❀ graphic violence and major character deaths ❀ crack ships and hardly any dbz canon ships ❀ potential love triangles ❀ alcohol and drugs ❀ infidelity themes ❀ taboo themes And many, many, many more, so please refrain from reading if any of this makes you feel uncomfortable. ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Disclaimer! Dragon Ball belongs to Akira Toriyama, Toei Animation and all other ownerships. I do not claim dragon ball as my own or the characters! Only the fanfic itself so please don't post it anywhere! It will be also be posted on Archive of Our Own, Wattpad, Tumblr, and Quotev. ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Started writing: May 4 2022 Finished writing:

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5 Chs

TWO | Alcohol and Arguments

ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ IF THERE WAS ONE THING CAULIFLA HATED MORE THAN cold weather and piles of snow on the floor it was her brother Renso. Only a select few knew that fact, and because she hated him so much and wasn't legally allowed to leave his house until she was eighteen, she would drag out her nights. If she was lucky, he was shacking up some girl, drinking out at the bar with his buddies, or doing some stupid shit she didn't care about.

"So, how do you think you did?" Tarble asks, snapping her out of her thoughts as she sat up properly in her seat.

"From my perspective she was writing lots of notes down and nodding. She would ask me lots of questions based off my answers and she said she would contact me soon if she was serious with me being the nanny." Caulifla replies, stifling a yawn because that interview drained the morning stamina out of her.

Tarble catches her yawn and ends up yawning too, shaking his head. "Sounds like you did good! Hopefully all goes good and she does contact you. Let me know if she does."

"Yeah, for sure." Caulifla then turns to look at Tarble before clearing her throat, adding a couple coughs afterwards because she didn't know if she should even ask this or not. But, she asked anyway. "Anyways, ehmmm . . . Do you think Vegeta's gonna be home tonight?" Caulifla asks.

Tarble rolls his eyes as he quickly looks at her to give her a quick smirk. "You're so predictable you know that?"

"Shut up," Caulifla takes out 'the fuck' because she was actually in a good mood today. "Is it so wrong that I want to see him?"

Tarble shrugs. "No, but he's an adult now, and you're still a minor, so whatever sexy stuff you did in the past you have to wait until July to do it again." He stops at a red light. "You lost your V-Card to him, huh?"

Caulifla groans, slapping his shoulder. "We already talked about this, I am a virgin. And on my eighteenth birthday I will lose it to your brother." She sticks out her tongue and does raspberries.

"Alright bet. If you don't lose your V-Card to my brother on your birthday, then you owe me one hundred zeni and a whole day full of you taking me out and spending your money on me." He proceeds to drive, taking the route to his house.

"And if I win, you have to give me free rides for a whole month, and you have to take me out and spend your zeni on me." Caulifla crosses her arms against her chest, her nose stuck up in the air. "Since you believe it's impossible for Vegeta and me to fuck."

Tarble laughs. "Alrighty then, deal."

Caulifla always loved summers. Her mom used to say it was because she was born in July, so naturally she did have to love them. Maybe that's why she hated winter, because it paled in comparison to summer.

Every summer was always the same, and it made Caulifla look forward to those semi three months—sometimes they would arrive late May, and sometimes leave mid August depending on how school was let out that year. The trips always consisted of her parents, her older brother Renso, Caulifla herself, and the Vegeta family. For a good chunk of her childhood, it was only Vegeta Sr. and his two sons Vegeta and Tarble, until he ended up getting into a relationship with Fasha, someone Caulifla grew to admire the free spirit and carefree nature.

This was the second summer that Fasha shared with the families, and she noticed how Caulifla quietly pined for Vegeta. Fasha would always smile sweetly in their direction if they were caught hanging out together or she would wink at them.

"You're always following Vegeta." Her brother would complain as Caulifla would pout in his direction.

"So? He's my bestest friend in the whole wide world, of course I'm going to follow him!" She nearly screeches at her brother as her mother would eventually have to beak up the screaming sessions between them.

"Now, now you two. What did we agree on when it came to extending the vacation? That you two wouldn't fight." Their mother snapped.

"Well! It's true that Caulifla follows Vegeta all the time!" Renso points his finger accusingly at Caulifla as his little sister grows angry at his words again.

"So! I don't call you out when you're always trying to flirt with the girls on the docks and beach!" Caulifla retaliates as their mother glares down at both of them, silencing them before they could continue.

Caulifla sighed. Those summer trips to the beach house had become rare once her parents had died, and then after that, when Renso had to be the man of the house he too stopped going. In a very selfish way she was glad he stopped going, because she was given all the time in the world with Vegeta.

She swallows in anticipation as Tarble finally made it to the house. It's been since Thanksgiving since she's last seen them all together, but she hung out with Tarble quite frequently since they went to the same high school together. Vegeta, was a whole different story. Sometimes when she would come over for dinner throughout the duration of this year she would catch him, but he was too busy being the CEO of his father's company.

"Are you excited to see the rest of the family again? It's been since last month huh?" Tarble says as he throws off his seatbelt, turning to see his female friend in the passenger seat only nod as she took off her seatbelt too.

"I can already feel the frosty air . . ." Caulifla complains as she opens the car's door. Sure enough, it snowed more here than it did up in Seven Star City. It was barely snowing over there and the ground was only covered with frost. "Ughhh, I hate winter weather." She gets out of the car as Tarble mumbles something about her already saying that from the start of the day. It was barely noon, as Tarble and Caulifla headed for the front door, their shoes crunching softly with the snow beneath them.

Tarble pulls out his key to unlock the door as Caulifla stood a few feet behind him. She felt her heart pounding in her ribcage and that much sent shivers down her spine. Just the mere thought of seeing Vegeta did things to her. Finally, the door was swung open as Tarble declared loudly that he was home, and that he brought along a special guest.

"Oooh, ooh! Who'd you bring this time!" A voice chirps from the stairs, Caulifla automatically knowing it's Vegeta Sr. and smiles. "Let me guess, Cabba, Kale, that Gine girl you have a crush on, your brother, ummm . . ." He then descends from the stairs as he grins wide. "Ah! Caulifla! Welcome in, dear!" He opens his arms for a hug as Caulifla cautiously makes her way over, hugging him happily.

"Hey, King! It's been forever since I've seen you!" She squeezes him for added effect.

"Dad!" Tarble hisses from behind them, his face growing a radish red in embarrassment at the mention of his supposed girl. 

His dad only stares at him with a goofy grin. "What, son? Does Caulifla not know that there's finally a girl who's made you all blue balls?" He releases himself from the hug as his smug smile comically pairs with the mischievous glint in his eyes.

Caulifla gasps, crossing her arms against her chest as she points a finger accusingly at Tarble. "You never told me you have a new crush! Who is she, does she go to our school or what?"

Tarble shoots a glare at his dad before turning to look at Caulifla. "I don't like her like that, she's just a girl I met at a couple parties." He explains to her.

"Surrrreee, go on and tell Caulifla all about the girl." Vegeta Sr. says as he winks at her. "Anywhooo! I'll be finishing up the last chapter of my novel until my beloved Fasha gets home and makes dinner! You two have fun catching up! Don't burn the house down!" He quickly disappears back upstairs.

"Does she happen to go to our school?" Caulifla asks before plopping herself down on the red sofa. Tarble swung himself over the armrest as he drops down next to her. He shook his head as he tosses his head back.

"No, she goes to one in Seven Star city." He explains.

"What! So like, a school in the city where I want to get a job . . ." Caulifla says.

"On that note," he turns to look at her as he sits up properly. "Any particular reason aside from getting far away from your brother as possible, for trying to get a job as Chi-Chi's nanny?"

Caulifla sighs, throwing one leg over the other. "No. Just that reason." She snaps out of her thoughts as her vehement eyes simmer into Tarble's. "Stop changing the subject and let's talk about your future girlfriend. When can I meet her?"

Tarble sighs, knowing he couldn't distract Caulifla with a question. "Actually, my parents are going out to this business trip that's for three days: Friday, Saturday and Sunday. They probably won't get home until late Sunday or early Monday. So the house is free for a party." He keenly stares back at her with a blissful grin. "Meaning, you're invited to the party just like everyone else. Cabba, Kale, Gine . . ."

Caulifla leans a tad bit closer to Tarble, whispering lowly in a brisk and almost husky voice. "And what about Vegeta~?" Her prize, someone who her body shamelessly sought until they were both tangled into something twisted and dark. Just like her life.

"Of course I'm going to be at that stupid party!" A third voice intrudes, causing Caulifla and Tarble to snap from where they sat on the sofa. The two launched further from each other and sat closer to the arm rests. The sound of dress shoes enter the living room as the voice grunts at the pair sitting on the sofa like little children who were caught doing something stupid. "What? Are you two that embarrassed with your little conversation that you've shut up now?"

Caulifla stares at her shoes, not daring to look in his direction, for fear that her face was darkening with fifty shades of red.

"What the hell, bro! I thought you weren't going to get out until five!" Tarble hisses in his direction as he clung to the top of the couch to get a good look at his brother. He was absent of his purple blazer, a couple of buttons were undone as his tie was lazily done.

"Yeah, that's the usual time I get out, Captain Obvious. I got to leave early because my assistant finished her work." Tarble's older brother Vegeta then turns to look at the girl who was almost curled up in the couch out of embarrassment. "Long time no see, princess."

Caulifla got off the couch as she moves herself around it to stand a few feet away from him. It was only the two of them in her own universe and Tarble magically disappeared. In truth, Tarble already knew what direction their conversation would take and he was quick to quietly scurry himself away to his room.  "Really? That's all you say to me? We haven't seen each other since Thanksgiving, no hugs, no 'Oh Caulifla why don't you visit us more often . . .'" She then leans herself closer to him, standing up on tiptoes to whisper, "Or rather, princess wouldn't you loved to be pleasured by your prince?"

Vegeta quickly took a look around the living room to make sure it was absent of his father and brother. He graba her arm and leans down to whisper back, "We are not having this conversation here, Caulifla. Come on, let's go to my room." He then quickly led her to the other side of the house where his room laid. Caulifla was already so excited that she was growing hot. Vegeta opens the door and pushes it open, quickly waltzing in as he locked the door behind him, sending chills down Caulifla's spine. She stands awkwardly in the middle of the room as he walks towards his bed and takes a seat, beckoning her to take a seat with him.

Instead of sitting next to him, Caulifla sat on his lap, her legs draping across the rest of him as she quickly cups his face, quickly locking her lips down on his. She kisses him again, with an ignited passion that was daring to devour her alive. Vegeta's hands awkwardly hover for a few moments in the air before wrapping around her back, pulling her down with him on the bed. He feels the soft tissue thin fabric of her cardigan before he rests his fingers on her hips. Caulifla was walking on air, feeling as viciously victorious as ever.

Before Vegeta could be caught in her seductive spell that she somehow managed to always get him in, he broke the kiss by moving his hands on her shoulders and pushing her back a bit, breaking the kiss.

"Princess, when I said we needed to have a conversation, I meant it." He sat up properly as she stayed sitting on his lap, stubborn as ever. When he stares at her long and hard, challenging her to get off, she just sat on him with a smug smirk. He sighs as he shook his head, knowing she wasn't going to make it easy. "Okay fine, brat. Stay sitting on my lap, but don't think we're going to keep playing that game."

"Come on Vegeta . . ." Caulifla whines as in a quick motion she snatches his hand and presses it down her stomach, nearing that particular area of hers that  desperately desired him. "Please . . . We both know we want each other. Stop avoiding it and just give in . . ." She places her other hand atop his cheek and leans in, planting her lips on his again.

Vegeta groans, nearly being dragged into her trap again. "You're helpless, princess. We have to stop. You're seventeen and I'm twenty two." He bitterly reminds her as Caulifla begins to unbutton her skirt.

"It's okay, I'm eighteen in your eyes only . . ." She pinches the waistband of her panties and tugs on it, letting it go as it snaps on her skin deliciously, causing Vegeta's eyes to go south. "So go on, take me." Her hand then brushes on his pants, rubbing at his groin area in attempts to get him in the mood.

"I'm serious, Caulifla. You're a minor, I'm an adult. We can't fool around and do shit like we used to. As much as I want to, I can't do it with you. You have to get that through your head!" Vegeta hisses in her direction as Caulifla pauses in her motions to stare at him and sigh deeply in defeat.

"Okay, I understand." Caulifla slumps into his chest, unaware that her skirt was open up for Vegeta's eyes. It was hard for the man to not look down there as he forcefully wraps an arm around her shoulder and whispers into her ear.

"Even though you make it ridiculously hard not to touch you."

Caulifla stares at his eyes, the smolder in them further proving his statement as she quickly stands up and pulls down her skirt.

"Caulifla what're you—"

"We can still do other things." Caulifla says with a sly smile, shaking off her skirt as it piled down the floor, sitting right back on Vegeta and working the buttons down of his dress pants.

"Caulifla, if this is what I think it is, you need to stop." He places hands on hers and tries to shove hers away. She left him exposed enough to see his boxers as she grins, quickly mounting herself on him before he could halt her attempts.

"We can still do this . . ." She places her hands on his shoulders and grips them, beginning to move her hips back and forth, feeling his clothed member rubbing up against her core as it felt so good. Her breathing became rigid and the noises that were escaping her lips were almost too loud, so she buries her head into his neck and allows those little whines to release there.

Vegeta grits his teeth, feeling how amateur she rubs up against him, and feeling her moans down his neck made him tremble. He grips her waist and helps her with the grinding, moving her quicker on him as he moves his head to meet her face and kisses her over and over again to mute her moans and keep them in his mouth.

"He couldn't resist me even if he tried~." Caulifla thinks inwardly as she couldn't help but hum in delight, and before she could think of doing anything, she was spun around flat on her back. Vegeta quickly towers above her, tugging his pants down in a quick motion and aligns their secreted areas again to feel each other.

"Can you keep those pretty moans of yours quiet?" He whispers into her neck as Caulifla nods, clasping a hand over her mouth as Vegeta yanks her cardigan down to have better access to her neck. Immediately he peppers her skin with kisses, Caulifla arches her head back as her legs dance up and down Vegeta's waist. She squirms as she whimpers, feeling his wet tongue glide across her skin, attacking a certain spot to suck on.

She was a disaster and she wanted him to break her.


The empty glass sat there on the counter as the man was tempted to pour himself another shot of whiskey  that his best friend had bought for him. Then again, it wasn't such a good idea since it would only upset his wife even more than she probably already was. She was always upset about something. He stretches before getting off the stool, then hearing her infamous heels click through the house.

"Goku! Where have you been?! Didn't you know what today was!" The woman screeches as her eyes then turn to the murky brown alcohol on the counter as her eyes light up with a newfound anger. "What the hell! You just had to buy whiskey didn't you? When did you start liking alcohol!" And there she goes, into a ranting rage again. One where he couldn't really speak much, or talk back to her.

He waited until she was done speaking to say, "I took Gohan to the park, Chi-Chi. Raditz wanted to see the little guy and then we went to get a bite to eat with the guys. Broly bought me the whiskey to try." He explains quietly, as Chi-Chi rolls her eyes, the man with wicked waves of black hair then notices how professional her outfit looked and continued, "D-Did you and Vegeta unify your guys' companies? If so, that's great babe!" He adds a little cheerful laugh afterward, only to hear her growls approach her more.

"Goku you idiot! That arrangement is buried six feet under! If you would've paid attention you would've known by now! And just to enlighten you, I interviewed the last candidate to be the nanny for Gohan!" She explains loudly as she groans, plopping herself down their wine colored couch as she crosses her arms. Of course he wouldn't listen. She half expected him to nervously waddle himself over to her and start to massage her back and shoulders, but instead he stood right in front of her with folded arms.

"What! Chi-Chi, I told you not to hire a nanny for our son! I'm perfectly capable of taking care of him while you work!" He groans as he runs a hand up through his hair, tugging on the strands. "Why would you go on and do something like this anyway? You don't have to make every decision!"

Chi-Chi glares up at him as she remains sitting on her sofa. "Because if I don't make the decisions, this family won't have order! Honestly, Goku you think you're so capable of raising my baby boy? The girl who's going to be our nanny will do an excellent job! And then you can go to the bars and do all the things you want to do with your friends." Chi-Chi almost slapped herself for saying that last bit.

"Whatever." Goku bluntly says, walking away as he heads for the stairs. "It's not like you ever listen to me anyway."


As the car parked at Caulifla's dullish grey apartment, Vegeta sighs, turning toward her and looks at her with almost pleading eyes. "You know, you can just spend the night at our house. You don't have to stay with your fucked up brother." He says as he squeezes her arm.

Caulifla sighed. "You already drove me here, and his ass is going to be wondering where am I. Not because he actually fucking cares, but because I have to be home. He's so paranoid one of the CPS agents are going to stop by at any given time."

Vegeta nods, brushing his thumb across her bottom lip. "Call me if things get out of hand." She nods too, and before she could say any more, he surprises her with a kiss.

The plump man that made the couch crusty with the dust of his cheese chips and moist with the alcohol drippings of his beer stares blankly at the TV in front of him. Diving into his eighth bottle of the day, he slams it on the edge of the table before chugging it.

The living room was dark, the TV was the only source of light as Caulifla finally managed to get the stupid door open. Renso never went over and opened the door.

He lets a big wet burp out as he snorts in her direction. "What took you so fucking long? A job interview doesn't take that long you little shit." He says with a sneer.

"Tarble's family invited me for dinner afterward, and Kale wanted to go mark all the stores down for prom dress shopping." Caulifla says, scraping her shoes on the welcome mat to get any potential snow off of her.

"Pshh, like anyone's gonna take your broken ass self to the fucking prom. You're just going to suck dick and pop your fucking cherry like it's a thing to do! Probably nobody's asked you out." Renso says, cackling as he searches for his family size bag of cheese chips.

Caulifla ignored him. She was too good of a mood to argue with Renso. She makes her way to her room, locking it and brushing her furniture up against the knob like she always did. Ignoring the trash on her floor along with the pile of clothes, she skips herself over to her bed and slumps down, hoping she'd get this damn job.