
Serendipity's Admiration

"Admiring you was the greatest serendipity." When Rachel Spencer realize that her life could be on the run, Alexander Morgan offers to give Rachel extra protection, in which he knew she wouldn't fully decline despite her not wanting to trouble him. Little did she know, that Alex could even help her reveal more mysteries around her, including the ones they've never seen coming.

allen_stories · perkotaan
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21 Chs

Chapter 20

3 years later...

Los Angeles, USA...

3:15 PM...

Rachel's POV....

After 3 years of living in LA and learning a lot of new things, I'm happy to say that I am officially a part of the gang. Despite the struggles, after a year and six months of training, they finally put me in the position of hacker, which I found to be quite comfortable since it makes it easier for me to also look out for my daughter, Elise.

Being a mother now, I've come to learn a new perspective in life. Sometimes even the most bitter past can bring a sweet memory to cherish, or even a reason for a new hope. When I discovered that I was pregnant after arriving in LA, I was so desperate. I didn't know what to do. I wasn't ready to be a mother at the time, but I knew I didn't want to give up the baby. Jack was the first person to know about my pregnancy after he took me to the doctor. I came to a conclusion that it was impossible to tell the biologial father of my child, knowing that he's engaged and will get married after he graduate college. On the other hand, Jack agreed to help me keep the identity of the father a secret, and instead told the others that he is the father after they found out about my pregnancy. We started to behave like a couple in public. Other than that, Jack had also supported me through out my pregnancy, and even after I gave birth to Elise. At this point, I am very thankful to have him in my life.


I turn my head away from my laptop as I see Elise walking to me with her little steps. I smile at her as she finally reaches me. I carry her up and place her on my lap.

"What is it, Elise?" I ask her with a gentle and soft tone.

"Where's Daddy?" her sweet little voice tinkles my ears, but her question gives my heart mixed up feelings as she refers to the man who portrays the role of her father, Jack.

"He'll be back soon, Honey. Now, how about if we play with some toys?" I ask her with a smile.

"Ok, Mommy," Elise answers with her sweet little voice.

I get up while carrying Elise in my arms. I walk over to the small playmat and place Elise there. I take a seat right beside her and the two of us begin to play with dolls.

Looking at my two and a half year old daughter never fail to always give me a happy feeling of being a mother inside. Though the journey was never easy, at the end of the day to see Elise's smile on her face is enough to give me a thankful feeling. The first time I saw her, I noticed how much we look-alike. Everyone kept saying that Elise looks like the mini version of me. Yet, the first time I saw her open her eyes, she reminds me of someone who had been a significant part of my past. Her emerald green eyes, reminds me of her biological father, Alex. The reality of it reminded me that she's the only memory of him that I have. Thinking of him, sometimes I still wonder what would he do if he ever find out that we have a daughter. Would he even care? The thought of it already scares me. I shouldn't think about this to someone who is engaged and is soon-to-be married.

Meanwhile, at Ring-A-Ling Jewelry Shop....

"Here is the ring, Sir," says the lady behind the counter as she hands Jack a red box with a small golden ribbon on top.

Jack opens the small box which had a beautiful heart-shaped diamond ring on the inside. He starts to observe the beautiful ring, before closing the box back with a smile.

"Thank you," Jack says as he moves his vision from the box to see the lady.

The lady smiles at Jack as she watch him continue to stare at the box with happiness in his eyes.

"She's a lucky girl to receive such beautiful ring from such a fine gentleman," the lady says with playful tone.

Jack just lets out a chuckle as he continues to look at the box with happiness. After three years of trying to warm up to Rachel and supporting her at all cost, he's happy to say that they are now a couple. From the first time she discovered that she was pregnant, her tough training days, her mental breakdown, and even after she gave birth to Elise, Jack had always been beside her and accompanied her through every moment. As days go by, he finds himself falling in love with her even more. He want to take things to the next level for them, and he hopes she will agree.

4:30 PM...

At the gang's house...

"Kristen is gonna love this!" Elaine says as she continues to decorate the living room wall with pink and white streamers.

"Hell yeah! You turned this whole room to a bridal's zone," says Rod as he continues to watch the black hair girl decorating the room

Just then, the door bell suddenly rings, making Elaine panick at the thought of Kristen already back from her last date as boyfriend and girlfriend with Felix, before they tie the knot tomorrow on their wedding day.

"Ah, I'll get it!" Rod starts to walk to the front door.

"Let's surprise her!" Elaine suggested, which all the girls agreed.

Elaine starts following Rod from behind. They stood behind him as Jaemin opens the front door. Elaine starts to scream "surprise" after Rod opened the door, but soon stops when they realize that it was Jack and not Kristen and Felix.

"You're back," Rod says as he lets Jack enter the house.

"Oh, it was you," says Elaine in an awkward tone.

"Obviously," says Jack with a small chuckle. "By the way, where's Rachel?"

"She's in her room with Elise," says Elaine.

"Ok. I'll go see her," Jack says, before he walks upstairs to head to Rachel's room. He opens the door slowly to see Rachel asleep on the bed with Elise beside her. She must have fallen asleep while trying to make Elise take a nap, he thought. Jack walks inside quietly and closes the door slowly, not wanting to wake up the mother and daughter from their slumber. He walks over to see Rach's sleeping face. He stares at her beautiful face looking peaceful in her sleep, before turning his vision to Elise who is cuddling her favorite stuff animal, the sheep.

Jack slowly forms a small smile on his face as he stares at the sight of the two girls he care about sleeping peacefully. Slowly, he pulls out the box which was in his pocket. He stares at the box for a moment before turning his vision back to Rachel.

Tomorrow, I'll give you a surprise you'll never forget in your life. Rachel, I'm back home. Elise, daddy's back home. Let us be together forever.

As Jack continue to stare at the two sleeping girls, Rachel slowly stretches her arms out as she yawns. Surprised, Jack puts the box back in his pocket, not wanting her to see it. Rachel flutters her hazel eyes open and turns her head to see Jack standing beside the bed and staring at her.

"Jack, you're back," says Rachel with a sleepy tone.

"Yeah," Jack says as he stares at the sleepy girl with a smile. "Was Elise whiny again?"

"A little. She got bored after an hour of playing dolls with me, and so I decided to make her take a nap," Rachel says as she sits up from her bed. "Today she asked me about where you are. Maybe she missed you."

Jack smiles after hearing from Rachel that Elise was actually wondering about him. He couldn't help but admire the little girl's cuteness and funny nature day by day. For a moment he thought that she was growing up too fast, since it still feels like yesterday for him that she was just born. Remembering that he had been playing the role of the father and Rachel's boyfriend to their friends, Jack had been helping Rachel in taking care of Elise. He had grown to care for her just as much as he cares for her mother.

"I miss her as well," says Jack as he smiles while looking at the sleeping toddler. "By the way, dinner's almost ready and the others are having a little celebration downstairs."

"Right, the bridal shower. I fell asleep and missed out," Rachel says as she rubs her head.

Jack smiles at Rachel as he watch how cute she is, even if she still looks sleepy. He knew she must have been so tired of taking care of Elise all day. "Well, let's go down and have dinner,"

"Ok," Rachel says. She gets up from the bed and carries Elise to place her in her crib.

Jack stares at Rachel from her back as she places Elise inside the crib. His mind starts traveling as he stares the young mother's back. Somehow, he feels like Elise isn't the only one growing up, but Rachel has also grew to look more mature after becoming a mom. Despite having stretch marks on her body, she looks beautifully mature and stunning. She also became more curvy. Nevertheless, Jack still think she's absolutely beautiful just the way she is.

Damn, she's so hot...Man, you gotta control yourself! The girl is exhausted after a long day of taking care of her daughter. Now is not the time to think about that. Jack thought as he turns his vision away from Rachel, fearing that he's gonna turn on a lot more the longer he stares at her.

Rachel turns around and walks over to Jack. She notice that his face is red like a cherry tomato.

"Yangyang, are you ok?" Xiali ask with a quiet tone, not wanting to wake Xiahua up.

"Yeah..I'm good," says Jack. "Let's go."

Jack and Rachel walks downstairs to the dining room, and see that dinner is almost ready. They walk over to the dining room and see Ken and John serving some dishes on the table.

"Hey guys! Right on time, dinner is almost ready," John says.

"Of course," Jack says.


Rachel turns her head to see Elaine walking over to her with a big smile.

"Glad you're awake! Kristen wants you to join the bachelorette group wefie," says Elaine as she pulls Rachel's arm. "Come on!"

"Woah! I look like a total mess," says Rachel as Elaine drags her to the living room.

"Ah, you look totally fine," Elaine says.

Rachel roll her eyes at the thought that she probably look like a mess right now. Her hair is tied up in a messy way, she has dark circles under her eyes, and not to mention she's not dressed up for a bachelorette party. She's the only one wearing a t-shirt and some shorts, while the other girls are all wearing nice dresses with their hair and make-up on point.

"Please girls, I look like a mess now," Rachel states.

"Oh come on, Xiali. It's just a group picture. We wouldn't want you to be left out," Kristen says.

Rachel roll her eyes and just walks over to join the girls for a group picture, though she have a feeling she's probably gonna look like a caterpillar surrounded by a group of butterflies.

"Ok, say cheese!" Kristen says as she takes the group wefie.

"Ok, girls! Dinner's ready." Rod walks over to the group of girls taking group pictures in the living room.

The girls walks over to enter the dining room to join the guys for a lovely dinner dedicated to celebrate Kristen and Felix's wedding tomorrow. After a few hours of eating, drinking, and laughting, they eventually finish their dinner and start cleaning up.

The next day...

5 PM...

At the Golden Sunflower hotel...

It's the day of Kristen and Felix's wedding. All the guest gathered in the massive ballroom decorated with beautiful white decorations as they wait for the bride to walk down the aisle.

"Man, Felix here is a grown man," Rod says.

"I am a man, Dude," Felix says in a sarcastic manner.

As Rod, Ken, and John continue to tease the groom, a group of guys which they haven't seen for a while suddenly approaches them, caughting their attention.

"You made it," Rod says as he gives Alex a high five.

"I wouldn't wanna miss this guy's special day," says Alex as he refers to Felix, making him smile.

"Man, it's been a while," Nate says.

"Congrats, Brother!" Liam says.

"Thanks for coming, guys," Felix says.

"No problem. By the way, where's Jack?" Alex ask with curiousity. It's been a while since he last met his best friend, and Rachel.

"He hasn't arrive yet," Felix says.

"I think he's running a bit late. Well, can't blame him! He is a dad now," Rod says.

"Ah, sounds like he's getting more busy now," says Nate.

Alex's face soon turns awkward at the thought of Jack and Rachel already having a kid. He did heard from the others that they started dating after they arrived in LA and have a child together. Despite realizing that he and Rachel had broke up, he still thinks it's awkward to see her now dating his best friend which they have a child together.

"Ah, looks like the little family is here!" says Liam says as he spots Jack in a tuxedo and Rachel in a baby pink dress walking towards them, with Rachel carrying Elise in her arms.

"Hey, guys! You arrived. The party is about to start," Felix says.

"Haha, we almost ran a bit late. Thanks for waiting," Jack says.

"No problem! Now if you'll excuse me, I am gonna get married." Felix alks away in a sassy manner, making Nate smirk at him, while Liam just stare at Nate with an awkward look.

Meanwhile, Jack stood with a smile as he sees Liam, Nate, and Alex. It's been a while since the last time he saw them.

"Well....well....so this is the little kid who's been taking all of Jack's time," Nate says in a playful tone as he stares at Elise, making Jack smile shyly.

"She's soo cute," says Liam as he stares at Elise who is peacefully in Rachel's arms.

"Thank you," Rachel says with a smile. She notice that Alex had been staring at her and Elise, which she avoid looking into his eyes.

Alex stares at Rachel from head to toe as he admire the young mother. After three years of not seeing each other, he is amazed on how she grew to be such a beautiful woman, looking more stunning with time.

"Ok, continue with the gathering and catching up on good old times later. I wanna get a good view of the newlyweds," Nate says before he walks away, making Liam roll his eyes once again.

The party soon starts with Kristen and Felix walking down the aisle together. Various dishes and drinks were served. After dinner, everyone continues to talk and party.

To be continue...