
Serendipity's Admiration

"Admiring you was the greatest serendipity." When Rachel Spencer realize that her life could be on the run, Alexander Morgan offers to give Rachel extra protection, in which he knew she wouldn't fully decline despite her not wanting to trouble him. Little did she know, that Alex could even help her reveal more mysteries around her, including the ones they've never seen coming.

allen_stories · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
21 Chs

Chapter 15

Rachel's POV....

I stood in silence as I find myself surprised to what I just heard.


"I know it sounds surprising, to ask you to join a gang. I promise I won't let anyone lay a finger on you. I'll teach how to fight and even shoot. I just don't want you to get into danger out there," Alex says as he stares deeply into my eyes.

"Alex...it's all so sudden. The guys, will they be ok with that?" I ask.

"They are all welcomed to have you! We even asked our leader, Chad, and he was happy with the idea," Alex says. "He's been wanting to find female members for the squad."

I stood in silence as I stare into Alex's eyes with mixed feelings. Though I would still be surprise if I ever find myself becoming a part of a gang, yet a part of me really wanted to join. Why? Not only because I want to spend every time with Alex (yeah, I do). But other than that, I also want to learn how to protect myself. I want to fight for myself, and I want to know who were the people that took away my happiness. The people who ended my mom and hurt Alex, I want to know what souls would dare to do such cruel things.

"Alex...I'll join the team," I say.

"Really? That's great!" Alex says with excitement. I could tell from his look he didn't expect me to agree that fast.

"I want to learn how to protect myself. Other than that, I also want to protect you, and find out who killed my mother," I say.

"You don't have to protect me, Rachel. As your guardian, it's my duty to always protect you," Alex says as he gently holds my hands. "Let me protect you and help you find whoever took away your happiness."

I stare into him with sparkling eyes as I feel my heart starts racing faster. I move closer and gives him a hug as I let myself get lost in his embrace.

"Thank you," I say. "By the way, I thought you wanted to be more than my guardian."

Alex forms a small smile upon hearing my words. "I will always be your guardian even if I am now your lover," Alex says. "For you, I want to have many roles."

I release him from the hug as I stare at him while crossing my arms. "You don't have to have many roles. Just be my lover, and let's protect each other."

Alex gives me a bright smile. "Interesting offer, "Rachel Spencer," Alex says with a seductive tone. He slowly starts to lean closer to me. He puts his hand on my face as he slowly leans closer to my lips. I knew well where this was going, but I didn't care. I want to get lost with him tonight.

Our lips finally touch as we get lost in the kiss under the stars. Our tongues slowly starts to battle each other, making the kiss deeper and setting our souls on fire. I could feel myself starting to turn on as I feel his hands wondering around my body.

Alex pulls away as he catches his breath. His face looks red like a cherry tomato. "Everyone's probably asleep by now," Alex says. "Let's continue inside, shall we?"

His words turns me on even more as I stare deeply into his beautiful eyes. "Ok," I answer.

Alex lets out a naughty smirk before dragging me back inside the house. Nate and Jack are asleep on the couch since both of them were very drunk. As for Liam, we assume he would be in his room by now.

At Alex's room...

We walk inside the room. Suddenly Alex turns me around to face him before pushing me to fall on the bed.

"Ouch, sorry! Did I push too hard?" Alex ask awkwardly.

"Haha, no!" I laugh.

Alex forms a seductive smile on his face as he slowly crawls on top of me. I could feel my heart beating faster at the sight of this charming man on top of me. He slowly leans down and gives me a peck on the lips, eventually continueing with a long kiss. Our tongues starts to tangle as the kiss continues, leading into a passionate make out session. Alex starts to find his way to my neck as he plants soft kisses, making me moaning for more. His hands starts traveling around body, with every touch making me begging for more. From his eyes I could tell he is on fire and is ready for more, just like me.

The night continues with both of us just getting lost with each other. Every touch felt like a miracle as we explore each other's body. It was an unforgettable night.

"Alex...I love you..."

"I love you too, Rachel..."

The next day...

7:40 AM...

I woke up and stretch my arms out as the sunlight shines through the window. I rubbed my eyes before eventually starting to observe my surroundings. Suddenly I heard a sound of the bathroom door opening, revealing a shirtless Alex entering the room with a towel on his shoulder, taking me back to the firts time I saw him shirtless.

Alex looks at me and smiles. "Good morning, Beautiful!"

I smile back at the sight of this gorgeous man standing in front of me. I still couldn't believe that we finally showed our feelings to each other last night. This guy, who always supported me in my good times and comforted me in my bad times, is now sharing mutual feelings for me. For him to feel the same way as I do is more l than enough for me. To love him and be loved by him is a true miracle, and I am forever thankful to have this beautiful feeling.

"Good morning, Alex." I shyly tuck my hair behind my ear, knowing that my hair is probably a mess right now.

He smiles at me before grabbing a water bottle from the table near him and handing it to me. I smile as I take the bottle from his hand. He walks over to his closet and grabs a black t-shirt.

Suddenly, Alex's phone starts ringing. He puts his t-shirt on, walks over to grab his phone and picks it up. I didn't get to hear much since Alex eventually walks out of the room, closing the door behind. Weird...I wonder who is it? I don't want to bother though.

7:45 AM...

I walk downstairs to see everyone in the dining room having breakfast, except Alex. I also didn't see him upstairs. I wonder where could he be. It's not like him to just disappear like that on a fine morning.

"Rachel! Good morning," Liam greets as I walk into the dining room.

"Good morning. By the way, has anyone seen Alex?" I ask the guys who are gathered in the dining room enjoying their breakfast.

"He is having a phone call in the garden," Liam says as he continues to finish his eggs and bacons.

"Oh, I see," I say before walking over to the kitchen to grab a plate.

I walk back to the dining room and takes an empty seat which is next to Jack. I glance at him and see him looking all mixed up. I could tell he still has a bit of a hangover, as well as the other boys.

Just then, Alex walks back to the dining room and pulls out a seat next to me. I notice him looking a bit stressful, like he has something on his mind. I wonder what could it be? Though I wanted to ask him, I thought for now it's better for me to stay silent. I'll just let him have a peaceful breakfast without asking about his personal business.

A week later...

It's been five days since I started training with the guys everyday. I learned so much from fighting to shooting. I am happy of all the skills that I've learned. However, Alex's been looking pretty restless lately. Honestly, it kind of got me curious, but I chose not to ask. It could be a private matter. I just hope he's ok.

A few days later...

At the airport....

8:20 AM....

Alex's POV...

After days of frustrating phone calls with my dad, I can't believe I actually agreed with this. That man has always been so stubborn, he literally never agree with any of my opinions and choices, no matter if I try to explain it to him.

I look at my watch. She should have arrive by now. I look around my surroundings to see any signs of her.


I turn around to see a girl with long straight auburn hair running towards me. She had on a yellow short-sleeve dress, complete with beige flat shoes, a Tory Burch handbag, and is pulling her peach luggage. I almost forgot how she always looked fabulous in every occasion. Her look is always on point.

I form a small smile at her. "Courtney, how are you?"

"Great. I'm so glad to see you again," Courtney says with excitement in her voice. She suddenly gives me a tight hug, making me surprise.

"Woah, Courtney...let's get you to a hotel first. We can hangout after," I say, fearing that anyone would see us. Somehow this feels guilty, especially knowing that I don't have the courage to tell Rachel about this.

"Ok," Courtney says as she release me fron the hug.

We walk to my car and I help her get her luggage to the back of my car. We enter the car and drives off leaving the airport.

"So which hotel are you staying?" I ask her.

"The Empire's Hotel," Courtney says.

"Ok," I say as I keep my vision on the road.

During the ride, we talked about various topics such as college life, families, and friends. She asked me where do I stay and I told her that I am staying with my friends, though I excluded the part where we are a gang. It was a fun conversation, but somehow I still can't keep my mind off Rachel.


I turn my head for a second as I hear Courtney call me by my nickname. "What?"

"So when will you be back to Ottawa to discuss about it?" Courtney ask with a more serious tone.

I almost let out a nervous sweat hearing her question. This was the question I wanted to avoid the most, but I guess our parents really couldn't stop talking about it that they needed my answer soon.

"We still haven't finish college. Won't that be too fast?" I ask.

"Our parents already agreed about this matter. Didn't your dad already tell you?" Courtney ask.

"Yes. He told me everything. I just thought that we are still too young," I say.

"We can continue with our studies and settle down at the same time, Alex. We are grown ups. It's gonna be ok," Courtney says. "Besides, how long are you gonna make me wait?"

That question hit me right in the heart. There's no way to explain to her about my feelings, knowing that it will hurt her to know the truth. This makes me feel more guilty that I didn't clear things with her in the first place when I left Ottawa. I never expected my feelings towards her to change, though I doubt that it was deep enough to stay.

"Courtney...you know I'll always keep my promise. I just thought that maybe this was too fast," I say, not trying to disappoint her.

It was actually hard for me to say that, knowing that my heart wants what the mind doesn't. I really messed up.

"Well, that's why I'll be here for 3 weeks. I bet your dad already told you about the little surprise," Courtney says with a big smile, making me wonder.

"What surprise?" I ask.

"He was planning to ask you to go back to Ottawa in 3 weeks, since our parents already planned the engagement party," Courtney says with big smile.

My heart almost jump upon hearing the sudden engagement party. I already told him to postpone it. Why the hell would he agreed to plan the engagement party in 3 weeks without my agreement?

"Oh, that. My dad hasn't tell me about that. He only told me that you'll be visiting," I say awkwardly.

"Well, I guess he didn't want to spoil the surprise." Courtney giggles.

I smile back at my soon-to-be-fiancee, though deep inside I am feeling guiltier than ever knowing that I have put my position between two women in my life. Between love and promise, why do they have to be two different things? As much as I feel bad for Courtney who had been waiting for me with patience, somehow my heart can't seem to forget Rachel even for only a second.

Rachel...if you ever know, maybe you'll never feel the same way for me again. I apologize for not having the courage to tell you, just like what I did to Courtney.

I thought.

At The Empire's Hotel...

We finally arrived at the hotel and I accompany Courtney to check in. I payed her back for the room she booked, since I didn't want to trouble her more for visiting someone as bad as me. The feeling is killing me enough. I feel bad for her.

"You didn't have to do that," Courtney says as both of us walks to the elevator of the hotel.

"I'm your fiance, Courtney. It's a normal thing for me to do that," I say, trying to avoid eye contact with her.

Courtney smiles at me. The two of us continue to stand in awkward silence, when all of a sudden we hear the elevator has stop at our floor.

"Well, I'll be going now. I have to go to college," I say, trying to sound casual.

Courtney nods. "Sure. Oh, and I'll see you tonight!"

Tonight...yeah, I just made another promise to her, and that is to meet her tonight.

I smile at her. "Sure. See you, Courtney," I say before walking away with all the guilty feelings in my heart of my promise to Courtney, and yearning to Rachel.

To be continue...