
Seoul's Celestial Guardian

Cho Hyun-woo, an introverted teenager living in poverty in Seoul, has experienced many misfortunes throughout his life. He is often bullied at school and struggles hard to support his family. His younger sister, Cho Min-ji, has been in a coma since middle school due to a rare disease, while his mother, Cho Mi-ran, has to work hard to meet their daily needs. His father committed suicide after being unable to pay off a debt of 100 million won, leaving a significant financial burden on their family. Despite the difficult life, Hyun-woo has a strong determination to cure his sister and achieve a better life. Everything changes when Hyun-woo experiences a fatal accident. Upon awakening, he finds the world has drastically changed with advanced technology, giant towers reaching the sky, and emerging supernatural powers. Everyone in this world has their own leveling-up system known as the “Aegis System,” allowing them to develop their unique abilities. However, the system Hyun-woo possesses is different, given by the constellation of stars, known as the “Celestial System.” To protect his family, Hyun-woo decides to wear a mask, hiding his identity while fighting supernatural threats. The Celestial leveling-up system assigns him missions to complete in order to gain new powers and develop his body and abilities. Each mission brings Hyun-woo closer to uncovering the great secret about the origin of his powers and his true role as the guardian of the sky. With the help of this system, Hyun-woo must train his newfound powers, protect the people he loves, and face supernatural threats endangering the world.

Soelx30 · Fantasi
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11 Chs

The First Mission

The sun was setting, painting the Seoul sky with hues of orange and red. Hyun-woo stood on the rooftop of the sanctuary, staring at the horizon with his mind racing. The Celestial System had given him his second mission, and this time, the challenge was much greater. He had to find and secure the First Star Tower.

The Celestial System provided additional information about the tower's location. Hyun-woo opened the holographic screen in front of him, reading the instructions displayed:

[The First Star Tower is located in the Gangnam district, hidden beneath an ordinary skyscraper. Your task is to find the entrance, overcome the obstacles, and secure the tower's core from any threats.]

Hyun-woo sighed deeply. "Gangnam... That's not an easy place to navigate, especially to find a hidden tower," he thought. But he knew this was a step he had to take. He strapped the Star Chain to his waist and donned his mask to conceal his identity.

Master Jang appeared behind him, giving him a light pat on the shoulder. "Are you ready?"

Hyun-woo nodded. "Yes, Master Jang. I need to go now."

"Be careful," Master Jang said seriously. "This mission might be more dangerous than you imagine. If you need help, don't hesitate to return."

"Thank you, Master Jang. I will be careful." Hyun-woo smiled behind his mask, though his heart was filled with anxiety. He stepped out of the sanctuary and headed towards Gangnam with burning determination.

Gangnam, known for its vibrant nightlife, was filled with tall buildings and heavy traffic. Hyun-woo slipped through the crowd, observing every corner and crevice, searching for signs of the hidden tower. Although his face was covered by the mask, he felt suspicious glances from a few passersby. He had to be cautious.

The Celestial System provided additional hints as he approached the designated skyscraper. "The entrance is located in the basement of this building," read the message on his holographic screen.

Hyun-woo sneaked into the building, trying not to attract attention. He found the door leading to the basement and carefully opened it. A dark and dusty staircase led downward, creating an eerie atmosphere. Each step he took echoed in the narrow corridor.

At the bottom of the stairs, a large metal door blocked his path. Hyun-woo sensed a strong aura emanating from behind the door. "This must be the entrance," he thought. With the Star Chain in hand, he prepared himself and opened the door.

Beyond the door, a large room bathed in soft blue light unfolded. In the center of the room stood a massive pillar with a glowing crystal at its peak. "That must be the tower's core," Hyun-woo said to himself.

However, before he could approach, a menacing laugh echoed through the room. From the shadows in the corner, a large figure with a fierce gaze emerged. "I knew someone would come," said the figure. "You will not take this tower from me."

Hyun-woo felt adrenaline surge through his body. "Who are you?" he asked, tightening his grip on the Star Chain.

"I am the guardian of this tower," the figure replied in a deep voice. "And I will not let you take over."

The battle began. Hyun-woo swung the Star Chain in whip mode, attacking quickly and powerfully. The tower guardian, with immense strength, fought back brutally, delivering blows that shattered the floor and walls around them. Each attack felt like a small earthquake shaking the room.

However, Hyun-woo did not give up. He remembered his training and Master Jang's guidance. With intelligence and agility, he dodged the guardian's attacks, looking for an opening to strike back. When he saw an opportunity, Hyun-woo switched the Star Chain to dagger mode and lunged forward at high speed. The attack hit the guardian's weak spot, causing him to stagger back with a cry of pain.

Quickly, Hyun-woo swung the Star Chain back into whip mode, wrapping it around the guardian's legs and pulling hard. The guardian fell heavily, giving Hyun-woo the chance to end the fight. With one final strike, he plunged the dagger into the guardian's body, rendering him powerless.

Hyun-woo panted, feeling sweat trickle down his face despite the mask. He looked at the now-motionless guardian, then turned to the pillar with the glowing crystal. Carefully, he approached the pillar and placed his hand on the crystal.

[Mission Complete: Find and Secure the First Star Tower. Reward: 100 EXP, 2 Skill Points, Star Chain Evolution to Level 2.]

The holographic screen in front of Hyun-woo's eyes displayed the message, and he felt a new surge of energy flow through his body. The Star Chain in his hand vibrated, then transformed, becoming longer and stronger. He knew the weapon had evolved.

With the first tower secured, Hyun-woo felt a slight weight lift from his shoulders. However, he also realized that the journey ahead was still long and fraught with danger. With renewed determination, he vowed to protect this world from the threats to come.

That night, under the dim moonlight, Cho Hyun-woo stepped out of the skyscraper, ready to face the next missions given by the Celestial System.