
chapter 1:The Failed Date

The woman was standing rather impatiently, stealing glances at her watch,looking at the time, from time to time. She grew more and more irritated as each seconds passed by. She sighed out loud," He's late again!".

She decided to not just stand there and walked around the park, and enjoy the view. Some children who were playing on the playground intrigued her. She stopped her track and sat on the bench nearby, to watch the children enjoy themselves. She couldn't help but laugh when they fall and laugh out loud.

The woman was smiling and giggling to herself, when someone called her name from afar. The woman turned towards it and frown the moment she saw who the voice belong to. The man came hurriedly, apologizing over and over again," I'm sorry.. I'm so sorry .please forgive me. My colleague wouldn't just let me go. I promise I won't be late for our date ever again". As he sat down beside her.

The woman could have just let it slide,but she was infuriated because he always makes excuses and he's late for the 'TH time for their so-called 'Date'.

"I could've sworn you say this everytime...when was the last time you ever came on time for 'our' date?

Remember when we first started dating.. You came 2 hours earlier than the said time in almost all our planning....but look at you now..You made me wait for 2 hours in this cold weather!" At this point,her voice raised slightly, and some of the passerby stopped by to see what was going on.

"I apologized right? I promise to come on time.. let's drop the topic,k?",whispered the guy, as he could some people were giving them looks.

The woman didn't wanna speak no more cause she was tired and fed up. She simply look at him for a few seconds, and left him. The man followed the woman.

The woman hailed a cab and got in. Meanwhile the man too got in. Both the man and woman had an ennui face. There was complete silence when the cab driver asked,

"Where shall I take you two?"

"To the xxx colony, thank you very much", answered the woman politely.

The driver took off.

They sat in silence till they reach their destination. The woman got off and the man followed. The woman turned back and sternly said," Can you please stop following me? I need to spend some time alone to clear of my mind. Please..please leave me alone or I'm afraid I might do or say something I might regret"

The man hesitated but nodded nevertheless and went back inside the cab and took off to his house.

The woman entered her apartment and poured herself a glass of Orange juice(which is actually her favourite).


Author note__Please do vote for it and I'd really appreciate it if you guys give me some feedbacks too.

Thank you so much for reading and stay tuned.Once again Thank you!