
Sense by itsjosemariaa

Leslie miller is an 18 year old college student with a simple life, but with a hard past, that’s why she is cold, tough and shy. Over time, she will make new friends and start a relationship with her boyfriend Brad Clayton.

Itsjosemariaa · Masa Muda
Peringkat tidak cukup
35 Chs

Chapter 9

Brad took me to dinner downtown that same night, when a kid came over and asked me "Are you Leslie Miller" Brad in awe told him "What do you want, brat?" The kid said I wanted to talk to his sister, I asked him who I was and he told me I was his sister, I thought I was a freak until he told me his father was Travis Miller.

I was shocked as Brad kept repeating over and over "Who is that?" I was breathless, I could not finish assimilating that my father made another life instead of returning with me.

"But, How old are you?" I said without voice.

"I'm nine years" Nine? Then my father cheated on my mother. Suddenly I looked over his shoulder and I saw my father, in an act of fury, I stood up and I pushed him.

"Are you kidding me? What the hell did you do?"

Brad grabbed me and pulled me out of there. My heart was shattered, I couldn't hear anything, my sight was clouded by tears, the only thing I did was look at Brad's face. How could he do that to me? How could he deceive the love of his life? although he did not know well if my mother was really the love of his life.

"Less answered me, Less" I felt as if my body fell into a pool, my eyes slowly closed, I lost consciousness. Brad told me that he took me in his arms and took me to the campus hospital, there I woke up.

"Where am I?" I said

"You're in the camp hospital, you suffered a low tension. Now you need to rest"


Then Brad showed up, told me he was gonna be with me all night, but he had to be in the hallway.

When the doctor left, I called Brad to be with me, then he got on the stretcher with me. He's crazy, but I love him.

"I never leave you alone" He hugged me, I tried to fall asleep but I couldn't, we started talking, well... talking... we didn't talk much…