
Chapter Six


    It hurt every inch of my being to use my wings. It was one of the hardest things to life my damaged body into the air and take flight. 

    Since it was the dead of night, I didn't even bother to conceal my body from the sight of humans. Tears rolled down my cheeks and I could have sworn God was following me, but I knew he couldn't. He was chained to Heaven, and there was no way for him to leave. 

    I could feel my wings pulsing from the pain that was going through them, but I couldn't stop using them. I had to get away from whoever was going to follow me. There was no other way for me to get away other than using my wings. 

The person I used to call "Father" had just banished me from all that was good, and I knew that every angel would be on their way to find me and the very human that I loved so, so relentlessly. And they wouldn't be on their way to find us and give us love and support, no, they would be on their way to kill us. 

And I couldn't let that happen. 

I would not allow anyone to harm my Madeline. 

I could feel the air pushing against my wings, and I pushed back even harder, I was not going to allow anyone- or anything to get to Madeline before me. She would be terrified of how exactly I "woke up", but, at this point, I don't care. 

I don't care if she's pissed off.

I don't care if she's scared.

I don't care.

All I cared about was whether or not she was safe. 

And I would die if she wasn't.