
Sell Your Soul to Pay Debt

Ai Lie, 18 y.o. high school girl, who is prioritizing her family more than anything, meet her dead end because of the trouble her family created. Her family has a loan of 75.000$, but all of her family members are jobless. Despite being an undergraduated high school student, she tried her best to pay her family's loan to prevent her family, and herself, become homeless. But when the payment deadline is near, she is giving up. None of her family member really cares about how to pay the debt they had. It's impossible to pay that huge amount of loan all by herself. She is gradually losing hope, desperate enough to think about her family's future, and finally decided to do suicide. But suddenly a ghost that appears in a snake form stops her from doing so, and give her a worthy offering. The snake asks her to exchange her life to an Asura's King with a huge amount of money. She is agreed, and the new journey between her and the dark side of the world begins.

LadySolidorXII · Fantasi
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48 Chs

Chapter 36: Incognito (2)

'Rattle Rattle Rattle', Yin Ling has been pulling his cart for an hour long. The road that he travelled is certainly not the right path that lead to the capital city. But Yin Ling had to pretend to bought that fat man's lies, so that the assassins would believe Yin Ling is an innocent child.

"Tsk!", Yin Ling starts to get upset. Those assassins are still hiding near him. He couldn't make suspicious movements.

'Rustle Rustle!', Yin Ling stares at the bushes, but his feet doesn't stop.

'Your Majesty.'

'Hey.', Xin Suan throws a piece of pretas head. His garments, veil, boots and swords are covered with blood.

'Where the fuck are you? I'm getting tired here! Those cowards haven't showed up until now!'

'I found one of their hideout. I've done taking care of it. There are some of the food aid that still intact here.'

'Hideout? Where?'

'Obviously far from the point you stand. But Yin Ling, there are only 13 people here. One of this rat told me they have another hideout near your place. If there were really 300 of them, the rest are around you. Be careful.'

'SHIT. REALLY!?', Yin Ling starts to get nervous.

'Yeah. I will clean up myself first, after that I will-'

"OH SHIT!!", Yin Ling suddenly yells.

'Hey! What happened?'

'....', Their minds have been disconnected.

"Ah fuck. I still have a lot to do.", Xin Suan stares at the mess he created, "It seems I have to use my power a bit."

'SWOOSH!', Heavy wind blows around him. The cart inside the hut that carries the food supplies vanished. The flames from the bonfire starts to spread to the hut and the bamboo walls. The place is now full of flames, the pile of dead bodies burnt down to ashes. Xin Suan snaps his finger, and everything became normal in one second. His outfits has been cleaned from the stain of blood.

"May you all rest in peace.", 'Swoosh!', Xin Suan teleports away.

"Oh? This boy has nice movement!", The fat man that was sitting on the tree almost struck Yin Ling's head with axe.

"Hello again, sir.", Yin Ling raised his sword.

"Hey, my friend! You can come out now! We got our little prey here!"

'Rustle Rustle!', Group of commoners came out from the bushes surround Yin Ling. They seemed to be built as combatant, their muscles are big and well built. All of them brought heavy weapon such axes and maces, represents how brute they are. While Yin Ling is just a young man with baby face, not really tall, and slim, looking very easy to kill.

"One, two, three... Twenty seven. Where are the others?"

"Hahahahaha!! The others!? What do you mean the others!? Why should we summon our back up if my group is already enough to beat you to death!?"

"Ooh. I'm scared."

"Ha! Arrogant, aren't you? I know that was a sarcasm!"

"Da Ge, let's not waste our time. This stupid boy carried treasures and he doesn't have any idea about it. If Master Xia knows we get these, he will give us more worthy rewards!", One of the commoner replied to that fat man.

"YEAH, DA GE! LET'S BEAT THIS BRAT!", A man who has the biggest and the tallest body replied. He speaks so loud.

"And what is that more worthy rewards, I wonder? Do you know what kind of goods I brought here?", Yin Ling barging into their conversation.


'GASP!', Yin Ling couldn't believe his ears. A human girl? Is it Ai Lie that they're talking about? But those who know Xin Suan bought a human except the people inside his manor are the 9 other asuras and their elite servants. Yet they are just villagers, it's impossible the rumor spreaded to their ears. Even if someday the whole world finally knew her presence, this is still too early. There might be a traitor who can't keep his mouth sealed.

"Hahaha look at him, he came from the north, he must be clueless what we were talking about.", That fat man walked closer to Yin Ling.

"Hey, kid. You must've never heard the rumor that our lord bought a human from the mortal world."

"Never heard of it at all. How could you know that the rumor was true?"

"Of course it's true!! One of master Xia's friend ever saw her. He said that girl is being pampered like a princess!"

'Well, that's correct though.', Yin Ling silently agreed to the rumor.

"Ha! Even the lord who had never been attracted to woman is finally fall into her traps! No wonder old people reminded us to be cautious of women!"

"Then, let's take His Majesty's treasure and eat her up, Da Ge! I'm sick with this kind of situation that jerk has made! Ha! Peaceful contract my ass!", one of the commoner replied.

"Yeah! Let's split her to pieces. But remember to give her head to Master Xia! It will be a great gift to be given to him!"


"Ohh! not too fast, my friends! We should play a bit with her before eating her flesh!! Hahahaha!", Someone replied his friend. He smirks evily.

Hearing the word 'play' somehow made Yin Ling's temper starts to burn.


"C'mon, Shen Shen, don't be so serious! It's been hundred years since we met a human!! Who cares if she has been used by him or not? We only need her body!", A man who stood beside the one they called Shen Shen answered.

"Speaking about it, I heard that humans who are fuck by the demons gain them special supernatural power, you know! The seeds from the demons would react to the humans bodies and made the humans stronger!! Who knows His Majesty's seeds that left inside her womb could gain more power for us too!? Hahahahaha!!", that fat man laughs so hard.

"If that legend was true, why were the people who married to the demons live shorter than normal humans? Why don't they grow stronger just like what they said?", Someone replied.

"Of course in order to gain that unnatural power, there is a price to pay! The human's lifetime will be shortened each time the seeds react to their fragile bodies!"

Yin Ling silently surprised. He didn't know there were such rumor about humans and demons marriage.


"Hey!! That's unfair!! Split it for us all!!"

"Let's take that slut away at dawn and decide it later!! First thing first, we have to eat her womb while the seeds are still there!!"

Actually, Yin Ling doesn't really like Ai Lie. The reason is childish enough, because she isn't his type. Yin Ling is an arrogant immature young man who will only talk with the girls he thought are beautiful. It's already in his nature to pick a beautiful flower than to pick the "wild" one. But somehow, listening how they humiliating Ai Lie just because she is a weakling mortal, calling her slut, and to add more fuel to the fire, they mentioned his master inside their dirty conversation has made his blood pressure raised so high until his head is almost exploded.

"HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!", Yin Ling laughs so hard.


"It seems he doesn't understand his situation yet, Da Ge!", One of the commoner step in.

"Haaa.... Talking shit about my lord and that brat at the same time. Tsk tsk tsk.... How brave. Forget about eating her up because you fuckers will die by my hand!!", Yin Ling pointed his sword at them.


"Put your dirty hands on her and I'll kill you!", Yin Ling makes his feet more steady, preparing to start the battle, "Oh... My mistake. Why should I wait for you to touch her in order to erase your unnecessary presence from this world? I shall erase you all by now."

"YOU TALK A LOT!", Shen Shen jumps above him and readily to smack Yin Ling with his mace.

'BLAM!', The dust from the ground flying everywhere, everyone covered their eyes and cough for few times.

"*Cough Cough!*... The blast is too strong!", that fat man opens one of his eyes. He gasped in surprised when he see Shen Shen is already sliced into three parts. His head, his upper body, and his legs are separated. His lungs already stopped breathing.

"SHEN SHEN!!!", All of his comrades yells.

"Is that the strongest fighter you have here? Wow, he is so soft, I thought I was cutting an apple! What are those muscles for? Are they fake?"

"YOU ARROGANT BRAT!!", That fat man, along with six other men jump above Yin Ling. Each of them raised their own axes.

'Swoosh!', In one movement, Yin Ling chopped off their heads. The thick black blood that dripping from their falling sliced bodies made it like a rain of blood. Yin Ling jumped away to avoid the bloody rain.

"DA GE!!!"

"Wow! You are all so weak!"

"YOU BRAT!", A random man raised his hand and summons balls of light. He threw the balls to Yin Ling.

Yin Ling runs away yet the balls keep chasing him. He has no choice but to use his asura's power. He slashed the balls away with his sword that covered with purple flames. His eyes that were colored plain black is now glowing purple, back to normal. He couldn't hide his aura anymore.


"You don't need to know who I am.", Yin Ling jumps forward.

'Clang!', The sound of steel beating steel, marks the start of the battle between Yin Ling and the twenty pretas. Everytime Yin Ling passed beside those men, their heads will be slashed off. The pretas that still unharmed couldn't even see when Yin Ling swings his sword. One by one, they fell to the ground. Five pretas remaining, and one of them used a cheap trick. He injured Yin Ling's foot with an poisoned arrow that he shot with telekinesis magic. Yin Ling pulled it out and his foot bleeding pretty much. The poison starts to spread through his blood, but that doesn't stop him to kill those pretas. Three pretas left, but one of them betray his friends. He ran away to the forest. Yin Ling saw him, but he couldn't chase him yet because he still has some business to deal with the remaining two.


"You're wasting my time."

'Slash Slash!', with one movement, the remaining pretas fell to the ground. Yin Ling starts to feel nausea because of the poison. His sight become blurry, but he continues to chase the one that escaped. He enters the forest and use his power to scan his enemy's presence. He summons a purple ball of light on one of his hand.

"Hosh... Hosh... Sightseeing eye, guide me to my prey, be the light leading my path!", He throw that purple ball high to the sky. When the ball reaches the highest point, the ball bursts into pieces, and its sparkles spread through the whole forest.

"Ugh!!", Yin Ling's chest stings painfully. In all of the sudden, his mouth spews black blood. He covered it with his hand. With the help of his spell, he found the track where that one last remaining preta escaping. He chose to teleport away to save more time.

"HOSH... HOSH... HOSH... GASP!!!", That preta fell to the ground, surprised by Yin Ling's sudden presence in front of him.

"Hosh... Hosh... Give it up, old man."


Yin Ling throws his sword away and it thrusts the leg of that preta hardly, "AAAAAARGHH!!!"

"Try to move and you will be in a great pain."


"Ugh!!", Yin Ling legs and hands are tied with magical chains. He immediately falls to the ground.


"RELEASE!!!", Yin Ling eyes glows brighter than before. He broke the chains away, and now he is able to move again.

"F-FUCKK!!!", That preta summons a black bomb and throws it to the sky. The bomb explodes and summons thick black smoke. He sends a code for a back up, and Yin Ling get his intention. Yin Ling pulls his sword away from the remaining preta's leg, and slashed his head away.

"Hosh... Hosh... Ugh!!", Yin Ling spews his blood once more. His heart is beating so fast until it almost exploded. It's suffocating for him. His sight become blurier than before, and his head grows heavier. It's getting hard for him to breathe. All of his limbs are numb, he can't move anymore. He surrendered with his current condition and lost his strength on his feet, but Xin Suan catched him right before Yin Ling touched the ground.

"Yin Ling!!!!", Xin Suan scans Yin Ling's body. Xin Suan removed his veil away, exposing his full face.

"Hosh... Hosh... Poi....son..."

"I'll get it out!", Xin Suan raised his hand above Yin Ling's face.

Yin Ling could feel something very hot moving from his whole body to his throat.

"BLEARGH!!!", Black thick blood mixed with poison came out from his mouth. Xin Suan pulls away that black liquid with his telekinesis spell, and threw it to the ground. The grass that is splashed by the poison starts to melt and produces a sparse of smoke, represent how deadly the poison was. Yin Ling coughes so hard, his throat's still burning.

"Shit! My arrival is too late, I'm sorry."

'Cough, Cough!', "It's fine as long as you showed up....", Feeling dizzy, he laid his head on Xin Suan's lap unconsciously.

"How do you feel?", He lowers his face closer to Yin Ling's until Yin Ling could feel Xin Suan's breath blowing softly on his face. Xin Suan pats Yin Ling's lips gently, cleaning the blood with his veil.

"H-HEY, W-WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING!? I'M ALRIGHT ALREADY!", Yin Ling flustered by Xin Suan's act of service. Yin Ling tried to turn his head away, but Xin Suan kept patting Yin Ling's bloody lips without a single pause. He stole a glance at his master's cold expression. His eyes stunned when he pay his attention to every details on Xin Suan's face.

He could see the beauty of his master's face clearer than usual. His flawless pale skin, pointed nose, long black eyelashes, thin high eyebrows, and his stunning crimson eyes that lit up by the golden light from the sun, shining bright like rubbies, while in the middle of his crimson iris there are serpent's eye pupils, represents his power and cruelty. 'Was he always this beautiful?', Yin Ling wondered. His master is gifted with magnificent handsomeness and blessed with an appearance that will never aging no matter how old his age is. No wonder why the human who ever met him but survived from his wrath were once titled him by the name 'The Thorn of the Bloody Red Rose'

While he is as pretty as rose, he is also as sharp as its thorns.

His eyes stops moving when they meet Xin Suan dry and pale lips. He wondered how his master's lips would taste. Would it taste bitter or sweet? He never kissed a man before, so why don't he try to do it for once in his life? Beside, this man that his lap is being borrowed by Yin Ling's back head is Yin Ling's closest friend, not a random stranger. One kiss to the dearest friend is forgivable, is it not? To answer his curiousity, he dared himself to pull Xin Suan's collar and landed his lips to Xin Suan's. Yin Ling leads Xin Suan to open his mouth and strokes Xin Suan's inner walls with his tongue softly. Xin Suan couldn't believe what his most loyal underling did to him, but he didn't even try fight Yin Ling back, instead, he countered back Yin Ling's attack. Xin Suan pressed Yin Ling's head harder than before, and the battle of tongues become more intense. Xin Suan caress Yin Ling's upper walls gently, his tongue become deeper, yet Yin Ling enjoys it the most. The more Xin Suan caress the deepest spot inside his mouth, the more Yin Ling got carried away by the pleasure he tastes inside his mouth. Ah.... So his lips tastes sweet like sugar, yet cold like an ice at the same time.

'Snap!', The battle of their tongues suddenly stop.

"Hey. Were you dozing off? Is the poison still affecting your body? Are you sure you are alright? And why are you staring at me like that?", Xin Suan bombarded him with many questions at one time.

'GASP!', His improper imagination suddenly vanished away, "I-I-I'M FUCKING FINE!!", He pushed Xin Suan's chest away and raised from his lap.

'THAT FUCKING POISON HAD ME GONE MAD!!!', Yin Ling's screaming loud inside his mind.

"Well, seeing you have got your usual vigor back, it seems you really are alright."

"Yeah, yeah, all thanks to you!", His cheeks blushing red, but fortunately Xin Suan doesn't notice it. If only Xin Suan knows what kind of wildness Yin Ling fantasized about him, Xin Suan will definitely smacks Yin Ling's.

"B-By the way, Your Majesty, the last prey of mine sent a signal for an aid. I'm afraid his friends will come after this. Oh, and also, I only beat 27 of them."

"Let's finish them up, I'm getting tired of this foolish hide-and-seek game."

"Hmm. We gotta do something to lure the leader to come out."

"We should ambush them. Take my hand, we will act in stealth."

"Ugh! Fine....", Yin Ling holds Xin Suan palm awkwardly.

'Swoosh!', Yin Ling and Xin Suan melts down to the ground. Oddly, they both are vanished without a single trace.

'Drap Drap Drap!', "Boss, it's here!! Here is the point where the smoke came!"

"Who the fuck did this!? We've lost so many men!!"

"Boss!! I've got a report from team one, our second basecamp has been burnt down to ashes!!", another man rushingly went to them.


"Hurry, we gotta tell Master Xia!!"

They collected every of their member dead bodies and placed them in a huge cart. Those bandits left the wood after wandering around that place for two hours. The sun is in the process of its rest. They run as fast as they could to their other remaining hideout, where the mysterious man called Master Xia hiding.

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