
Self inserts guide to the multiverse ( Multiverse Fanfic)

Lord_of_cringe9000 · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
20 Chs


Time has stopped and I take in the world around me , this world is beautiful but sadly not everybody gets to experience this beautiful sight . I can see the nine tails right out there on the outskirts of Konoha in all it's fierce glory and I can not help but understand why they were sealed after all they are terrifying.

The tailed beasts , have always been a force of nature to the world. They are for all intents and purposes very intimidating. I mean can you really blame people for being afraid of them when they can devastate entire villages on a whim ? Not really.

I always did wonder what it would be like to have parents, after all in my first life , I was an orphan as such I did not know but the feeling of knowing that someone cares is good , while I am thinking this I can not help but look at my frozen mother Tsume Inuzuka.

From all the interactions we had, I can tell that she is a no nonsense woman who runs the clan with an iron fist but at the end of the day she does care about me . I am grateful to her .

I stay there for a while just taking it all in , not a sound out there . It is all eerily silent and I can not help but just watch the world around me .

You see after the nine tails attack, the village will be weakened and the other countries could be a threat to Konoha as such a threat to the Inuzuka.

I can't have that now can I after all I have grown a bit attached to the clan especially my family in this life . As such I have to make sure that no one can take advantage of Konoha after the nine tails attack and by proxy harm the Inuzuka clan.

The first thing I do is use my omniscience to find out what I can steal and where to steal it from and then use my omniscience to simultaneously be everywhere all throughout the elemental nations . The daimyo , samurai and civilians are the first to be targeted . Old young , women and men does not matter everyone gets looted . I of course steal everything and by that I mean everything including but not limited to clothes, weapon,money and even entire buildings. Nothing is sacred and all have been given equal treatment for I believe in equal rights as such I equally steal everything from everyone.

The people of Konoha are an exception to this because they are more equal then everybody.

That however does not mean that I do not loot them it is just that I do it way less, I only target Danzo and the other two advisors of the third Hokage after all they will be going to the pure world at the end of the day so they do not need the money . I promise however to use their money for the " greater good" like a certain old magic headmaster .

I of course killed them while I am at it and sold there corpses because why waste , am I right? Now after that ordeal is done, I start stealing from all the people I have not stolen from which includes ninjas from other countries and for them I also copy bloodlines and steal ninja techniques .

I of course get a bunch of summoning scrolls, ninja weapons such as the seven mist swords and other fascinating artifacts such as the stone of Gele. I have a ton of other stuff from ninjas that I stole but that is not relevant.

I of course made sure to copy memories of every being in the elemental nations because I can .

At last the only ones left , I confirmed with my omniscience, are the summoning clans but that can not stand can it ? Of course I loot them all my taking some DNA from them and other interesting artifacts they have . I also do take there memories because why not?

Now that I think about it , I have probably done Naruto and Sasuke a huge favor since in canon it was Danzo who leaked the info on Naruto's jinchuriki status along with being responsible for the Uchiha massacre as such as payment I take like some of the Asura and Indra chakra they have and turn Sasuke into a girl while I am at it . I am a Sasunaru shipper at heart after all it is pretty obvious that in canon they had something more then friendship .

I mean seriously I'm canon Naruto spends years training just to get Sasuke back. He keeps on chasing Sasuke and try's to take him back alive even when everyone gives up if that is not proof enough that something was going on then, I am actually Inuzuka Kiba instead of an omnipotent,omniscient and omnipresent living embodiment of greed but I digress.

I take a breather after project night raid is finished and I smile. I say out loud " It feels great to loot others " . I come back to where I was before the nine tails attack and think to myself whether or not I should absorb all the Bijju and after some thinking I do it after all why not? I leave the nine tails however with only 10% of his chakra?

The other bijju are not as lucky sadly since they all get absorbed by me but I make sure that their jinchuriki survive the process after all I am a generous man.

Speaking of being generous I of course heal Kushina Uzumaki to peak health by teleporting to her and snapping my fingers while I am at it, I of course give her a pair of sharingan eyes that I stole from Fugaku Uchiha along with some good old Hashirama cells . I of course implant knowledge of all wood release jutsu while I am at it because I am not gonna be sloppy if I am helping her.

I should probably mention that I killed Fugaku Uchiha because I am willing to let go of a lot of things but child abuse is not one of them unless it of course benefits me then child abuse for the win! Am I hypocritical piece of trash ? Hell yeah . Do I care? Hell no for all that matters to me is profit .

Now not only is the nine tails weakened, considerably but the fourth Hokage has a fully healed Kushina Uzumaki with a pair of Mangekyo sharingan without the pesky chakra drain or the blindness side effect that can be turned off at will because the last thing I need is the Uchiha going after her. Minato should win this otherwise it is not my problem , after all I only did this because Kurama may attack my clans men which is unacceptable.

I teleport to where I was before I started this project while I seal away everything which includes everything except for the stats and skills I had before project night raid however I kept all the blood lines , memories along with Asura and Indra chakra that I stole but I also put an illusion to prevent people from noticing the changes I have had physically with it time starts again and the nine tails attack starts .

' Long live the Inuzuka clan'