

I was born in a lower class family in a third world country . Me and my family did not have much and most time life was hard but at least we had each other. My parents would work day in and day out so that they could give me and my sister a future. We did not have much but at least we had each other.

One day , we find out that my sister has cancer . It devastated my parents and in all honesty they tried everything they could to help my sister but alas nothing worked. They even sold a kidney each and some bone marrow on the black market just so they could make sure my sister lived but even that was not enough. They got desperate so they tried to take loans from banks but really what bank would in their right mind give loans to a poor family , like us?

In their desperation my parents took money from the mob. Now as you can expect things went wrong ,my sister died so all the money taken for was utterly useless . Ma and Pa sadly were not able to pay the money back to the mob and as you would expect, when the mob came to take its dues they made sure that I ran.

That was the day that I had become an orphan.At that time, I was a four year old newly orphaned kid, I had nothing and in my country all that awaited me was dying in a ditch somewhere. One day, I met others like me , children that have no one to turn to. They accepted me and made me a part of their community.

Time went on while me and my comrades survived by pickpocketing others for money . In our group their was only one rule, we would take care of each other no matter what because in this world we were all that we had . We would always stick together no matter what. I had finally found people to belong to.

Now you can imagine how upset ,for lack of a better word, when one day I come to the hide out and I see it cordoned of by the police .It turns out that when I went on one of my pickpocketing spree , an upstart gang came and killed all of my friends . I was 10 when I became an orphan again so you can imagine I was not pleased. I could have raged and tried to pick a fight with the gang that did this thus losing my life however I was smarter then that so I planned.

I knew of a fighting pit where a lot of gangsters would hire some muscles from. I was a ten year old scrawny kid so the chances of me surviving in the arena were minimal to say the least. Despite all the odds I survived and eventually I got better , little by little and before I knew it I became a top dog in the arena . As I had suspected eventually I was hired by gangsters to act as muscle and overtime I learned everything I can from them.

Eventually I became one of the greatest mercenaries in the world after which I hunted down the mobster who killed my family and ended the gang that killed my friends.Life was good , I was young , rich and handsome until one day I found out that like my sister I had cancer . I tried to get as much money as fast as possible so that I could quit this life and treat my cancer but I never succeeded due to a bullet going through my head .