
Self Control: Demonated Hybrids

Rain. That's what my mother named me. I am born tough and strong but extremely pretty. My one and only weakness... Life in middle school wasn't easy. Between the fights and the bullying.... Dealing with the winks and the flirts.... Dealing with the harassments and the abuses... Dealing with my parents. I should never have found out about me or about them. I shouldn't have loved the bad boy! I shouldn't have cared about my best friend! I shouldn't have got involved in a passionate love triangle! If those were going to be the things I was going to destroy without realising. My mom being one the most powerful Witches worldwide. My dad being the greatest Vampire feared in the downworld. Also having a step dad who's one of the most popular Warlocks. I need to find my place between the three... What am I supposed to be then? But most importantly... Who am I? ×××××××××× TRIGGER WARNING Read at your own risk. Some scenes may seem inappropriate for certain readers. I'm not saying the book is full of that but a few chapters may contain it. Enjoy reading x

DaisyMeka1864 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
6 Chs

Chapter 005

Wake up big cow, your training starts in 5 minutes! "

Shit! I overslept. I hate waking up at 2pm.

I woke up with his ugly voice unfortunately telling me what to do.He had no idea what I was planning for him today. I wasn't not the "bad girl" type but I had to get this sorted. This asshole had to understand that he was not the only one playing.

After he left my room I made my bed and wore my sports short shorts and my crop top with knee high socks and sneakers. I stared at the mirror in horror.

Those clothes were disgusting on me. I think its because I was used to wearing huge tops with pants or something.

I walked down to the basement.

When I came in the gym, he was still punching his bag but when he saw me I could tell he didn't want to stop.

I think my game was working.

I walked with sass over to him and asked him.

"So, master, what do I do today? "

He didn't answer he just kept staring at me his eyes wide open with his mouth making an "o" shape.

"Okay then I'll just run on track"

"No! come back, you'll be lifting weights today... "

He pointed out to where the weights were.

I picked it up. It was real heavy. I acted as if it wasn't anyway.

Then he came close.

" Put the weight lightly on your shoulders and bend your knees to a 90° angle... "

He explained it with so much softness.

Which was suprising. As he was teaching me he slid his hand on my inner thigh, delicately slithering his finger against my soft skin. I didn't feel the weight of the weights anymore, all I could feel was Matt behind me, one hand on my waist touching me. I needed him to stop or I didn't know what i was gonna do next . How I would act especially. I started breathing heavily until he let go and sat behind me.

After that he told me to do 50 squats with the weights slowly. He wasn't just sitting down, he was sitting down in a weird way.

I could tell he was just doing that to glare at my ass. Urghhhh guys....

After my legs were about to detach off my body, Matt told me to go and punch the punching bag. To he honest it was something I never did. Ever!

So I walked up to it and tried to punch it with sassiness but I think I ruined that.

" Rain calm down, it looks like you are fighting into thin air. Let me teach you"

I didn't want him to approach me but it happened.

He put his arms on my waist and started touching my arms. He then slid his fingers on my lower back (near my ass) and moved me side to side to show me how my torso should move when I'm punching.

Say hello to the world of steam and sexual tension.

He was stroking my arms and I felt his chest colliding against my back. I didn't mind though weirdly. I carry on boxing until he told me to stop.

I turned around and he stared at me and then my lips. He leaned towards me until I felt his breath against my lips. He grabbed me against him, staring into my eyes and started... tickling me.

I fell on the mat underneath us grasping for air whilst he kept tickling me. At this point we were lying on the mat,his hands all over my body. He rolls me over on him.

The position was way to sexual for me. My cheeks flushed again whilst he smirked.

"You love that don't you" he smirked.

Suddenly I felt him get har-

" Oh god.."

Though the awkwardness, I had to win. I had to let him understand that he couldn't be the boss of me.

" I don't do Bad boys... " I smirked at him

" Where do you think you're going? Come back here you're not done "

" I'm gone to take a shower, unless you want to join me and practise touching me again! "

I did a flirty smile and left the gym. I looked back. It was obvious he was still staring at me but when I looked back at him he quickly turned around and punched the bag

Point to me again. Congrats Rain!

When I arrived into my room, I played all the scenes from this morning again and again. This guy is desperate but spends his time heightening his feelings. I was happy I found that out though. The self centered part of me wondered if he liked me.

Nah that was impossible.

My birthday was going on as planned for the moment. I needed Matt more than anything though, so wether he was angry or not, I was gonna ask him what needed to be asked.

Now in the kitchen, I went downstairs to meet him.

He was still mad at me, I could tell.

" Matt can I speak to you, please? "

" Why aren't you changed?" he asked subtlety.

"What, are you tired of seeing my booty and my bra?"

" No, I just want to save it for another day."


I dashed back upstairs to get changed. What was the point of keeping clothes i didn't like if the person that liked you in that outfit didn't want to see you in them anymore?"

I wore a plain white top and pants.

Matt entered the no boy zone. I quickly turned and slid the white top on my body

" Its okay Rain. I don't bite."

Yes you do you're a Vampire! I think...

" I want answers Matt. I mean I need them. It's killing me..."

His face turned pale but he knew that he had to tell me because I turned eighteen exactly 3 hours ago.

Yes I was born at 5pm.

" Rain this is going to be tough, to start with I am a Vampire"

A sigh of relief urged onto me. I was right all along. Hearing him say it himself made me glad. His voice was so soft though. It was awkward.

" Okay... What is my mom then? "

" Your Mom is a vampire but was a witch"

"Do you know my dad? "

" Not too much, all I know is that he is the greatest warlock of all times"

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. This was impossible. Everything he had said was impossible but I knew deep inside that there was more to come.

" Since when do you and mom know each other? "

" We met in 1864 in New Orleans. We were really good friends. "

" Was my mom turned into a Vampire? "

He faced down all of a sudden. I even think I saw a little tear in his eye. His lips were trembling. His lips...

" Yes she was."

" Who did it? "

I was officially scared.

" It was me, your mom and I started going out. We kissed and I bit her. I promise you Rain it wasn't my intention, I didn't even know that she was a witch "


I stopped talking. I was living with a guy that hooked up with my mom more than a hundred years ago. He turned her into a vampire. What a Monster.

" So that means that the real reason why my mom chose you to babysit me is because she knows you well. What happens to witches who turn into vampires? "

" They die Rain. They die. But they reborn as normal Vampires. They lose all their magic once dead... "

I let out a small gasp. My mom died long ago and now she is a Vampire. A blood sucking monster.

"... what about me...? My dad is a warlock and my mom a Vampire, aren't I supposed to to be dead? "

" Your dad, isn't your dad rain... Your dad isn't a warlock, he's a vampire. The biggest ripper in the Vampire community. Your mom knew that and left him knowing it was going be too dangerous for you when you were just a kid. She started dating the guy you know as your dad because he is a Warlock. The Warlock is your step dad"

" Why did my mom need a warlock and why did you first tell me I had a warlock dad and that now I have a vampire dad?"

Matt didn't want to answer. I knew that there was horrible truth coming up.

" I didn't tell you the truth because I don't know If I should tell you the truth. This is too much for you and for me. What Im about to tell you is probably going to change your life."

" Try Me." I whispered bearly audibly even though I knew that I wasn't ready to know the truth

" You had a human older brother, Rain. His name was Kyle. When you were 4 he dropped you off at a party but before you even went through the door, you saw Kyle get bitten, tortured and kidnapped. He was covered in blood and you were petrified. You were crying your eyes out. Elly's mom called your mom and explained what happened. Since that very day, you started hallucinating and screaming every night. You kept saying you saw Kyle stuck on the ceiling staring at you and that blood was dripping down on you. You woke up everyday day screaming. Nightmares were your nightly thing. Your mom started dating a Warlock she really loved and he took away those memories with his magic ... Right now you remember that he died at birth but he was 18 when he was kidnapped. This is why your mom wants you to find out today on your eighteenth birthday."

I gulped really hard and my sight started to blur from tears. But I still had so many questions. Matt grabbed my hand. I stared at his beautiful hazel eyes whilst he was staring in mine. I stopped staring and blushed with tears forming a river on my face.

" W-Who is Elly's mom in all this? "

" Elly's mom is a powerful witch who dated the Warlock your mom fell in love with"

" So Elly..."

" Is half witch half human. "

"Does she know that? "

" Yes she very well knows. She also knows that you had a brother because she loved him when she was only 6. Her mom explained what happened to him when she was sixteen and she knows your father as well because he abused her mom multiple times..."

" This is too messed up... Where's my dad now? "

" Your dad is in Africa. He's been emprisoned in Congo by the 5 powerful witches worldwide, your mom and Elly's mom being two of them. "

" So my mom really had an emergency in Congo. She really had to go and see my dad in Prison. Wait I thought she didn't have her magic and where are all the other witches?"

"I don't know I only know two witches out of five, your mom is the Queen witch of Africa and Elly's mom the Great Witch of the North. Your mom doesn't need to have her magic when her own father owns it. He gives her a little bit of magic every year on your birthday until the witch transformation will be completed "

" And where are you in all this? "

" I was broken when I lost your mom. I was responsible for your mom's death so I became a ripper. I turned my humanity switch off for 122 years until I learned that she was alive, as a vampire, but was expecting a kid, Kyle in 1984.After that she had her second child, not in the best conditions. She gave birth to you under the rain on March 2003."

I started crying, I didn't want to know any more of this crap story. This couldn't be true I was a normal girl with normal friends and normal parents that's all. Then I realized I used the term was.

" Where were you my whole childhood? "

" Your mom didn't want to see me again because she had lost all her magic because of me. She thought I was a threat to your kind."

" My kind, what do you mean my kind? "

" Rain you aren't even a Vampire, you are much more."

"Okay you are gonna need to be much more precise."

" Do you want something to eat?"

Kidding me right?! I was just about to find out what I was and this guy talked about food.

" No thank you not really hungry... "

" We will carry on our conversation after I eat. "

He left my room. I couldnt believe it. My mom was a Vampire. My brother was a human torture bag and got kidnapped, my dad was the biggest ripper through history, the guy I was starting to appreciate went out with my mom and killed her in 1864, I had a step dad that erased all my memories. This was so much for an eighteen year old. I went to shower. I had to shower.

This shower was different, it was the shower that erased all my life as a seventeen year old introducing me to a new life. My life was just about to begin and I don't think I wanted to find out how.

I heard Matt come back into my room really tired. I got out of the shower and entered my room in a blue towel.

" You look hot like that baby"

"Now's not the time Matt. "

I just put on one of his T-shirts which was really big on me. I lay down on my bed right next to him and he carried on talking.

" Your mom had Kyle with a human when she didn't finish her vampire transformation which makes your brother a human. Technically you aren't real siblings. You have different fathers. When she realised that your step dad was dating Gloria, your mom started dating Marcel Liyonda and she gave birth to you. Your mom was really weak at the time. During her pregnancy with you, she was about to die twice so Marcel injected her with Demon blood in order to let you two survive. Problem is that the warlock was already in her life and used his magic to protect you in the womb too."

"What?! What does that make me? "

I didn't want to find out. This was going to be the end of the pure and innocent me.

"That makes you Demonated Hybrid... "