
Sekaidewa Daremoga Sorera O Sukidesu Isekai Mo Suki [Global Version]

I heard a voice like in the heaven realm.... Oh am I dead?! wait don't think like that just yet. But when I looked ahead, what I saw was an nympha in a bright white dress, and wearing a Marigold flower hairpin. Frankly I was confused, then the nympha told me her name, she was named Angela Marigold Megami which means she is a goddess. Eventually the goddess and I talked about how I could die, and when I found out that I was dead, I ended up being revived in another world with some skills that weren't very strong for me. Addendum: Next, the author will use two ways of writing, and change the writing style, while developing this story to make it more interesting ... Author: Hayusya Type: Light Novel Pictures: Pinterest [This is an original work, and not a translation, thank you] [I apologize if there are wrong words, because I use a translator tool :-)]

Hayusya · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
11 Chs

Flourish Totem

I was finally relieved, when I managed to answer all the Magistrate's questions directed at me.

But I'm still in this damned shackles! as time went on, my strength went down, I even started to gasp for breath.

What Magistrate does he have any special magic? I'll just ask him...

"Hah... hah... What kind of monster Magistrate are you?"

"Looks like you are indeed a cool human being, Nishimiya Haruto I will be your follower."

"What do you mean become my follower? oi don't distract me, you idiot skull!"

"What do you mean by calling me an idiot skull? you're going to another world right, what you need is extraordinary skill and strength, with a balance of skill and strength, you can defeat the Demon Lord."

I nodded, The Magistrate is right, uh wait... what does the Magistrate have to do with me being my follower? and why he still won't answer my question?!

"Then Nishimiya Haruto, the servant of the Magistrate will be at your service."

Why did he suddenly greet me as if I were a master, how strange? what does The Magistrate really want from me? blood, treasure, or stealing my face.....?!

Ah that's impossible, considering the Curious Monster Magistrate, I don't even understand it at all....

Suddenly a magical sound was heard, appearing first in the form of dust and then forming a human… isn't that a goddess! she finally came back, I don't know where she went, I even passed out at that time.

"Well, Nishimiya Haruto-san, how does the Magistrate punish you, scary?"

It's not that I meant to say this, it's just that she came back without saying a word at all, what kind of goddess is this?

"Ah… actually the Magistrate didn't hurt me at all, it's just that he's too curious about things on Earth's life, what's the point of him asking about Arashi High School, My Blazer Uniform, Manga, Comics, Hikatsu, Anime?!"

"I knew it would happen...."

"Huh... it's already happened."

"The always curious monster Magistrate, that's why I brought out the Magistrate, to process information from you... and I got it."


"Data information about you, and this is what I got... [Status]"

A transparent screen appeared in front of the goddess, even I could see the transparent screen faintly... what is a hologram??

"Nishimiya Haruto, this is your Status data, you don't have much energy, it's just that your luck level is high! even your luck surpasses the two humans who came here earlier!"

Eh...my lucky stat is high? then what does it mean for the Magistrate to process information from me? I don't understand at all.

"Just so you know, a Magistrate's job is to test a person's character and personality… for example he asks about things he doesn't know, and if that person doesn't want to answer…."

"Magistrate will kill him?"

Goddess shook her head while holding her forehead and sighed softly.

"Hah... it's not like that, people who don't answer the Magistrate's questions, will not be seen in status."

This really confuses me, I have absolutely no idea what the goddess means?

"Let me say again, Magistrate is used to test a person's personality ... and in this data your personality is patient, a good positive value, even you can feel guilty if you make other people sad ... I am very proud of someone like you, even though you often grumble in your heart if your reality is far from expectations."

Ah that's right… after all didn't the goddess overestimate me, ah forget it, I'm glad she didn't talk about [Mesmerize] whether the goddess finally found out that what I wanted were skills-


"Not Mesmerize! I want skills — ah it turns out you answered the goddess...."

It's a shame, I thought it was my heart that spoke Mesmerize, it turned out to be a goddess after all, she didn't forget Mesmerize! that bad skill, she didn't forget it at all....!

Goddess ignored me, she focused on reading the status on the transparent screen like a hologram.

"So Nishimiya Haruto-san, your lucky stat is very high, energy gain is low, have balanced health points, this [Mesmerize] skill take it...."

Tch... how annoying, when I wanted the [Pyro] skill I saw on the paper, the power of the fire! but this goddess still forced me to choose [Mesmerize]

"Grumbling in your heart again huh?  you're not grateful to get a rare skill?"


Rare, means only about a few people have it, right?

"Skills are of three types, first; basic skills that everyone can learn, secondly rare skills; maybe not everyone can have them, then the most dangerous skills and only one person can use them; are legendary skills!"

Oi... oi... isn't this getting interesting, am I going to get that legendary skill? roughly what are the requirements to get the legendary skill that I really want....

"So goddess, can I learn a legendary skill?"

"It seems that you can get it, but you can't by learning it, I told you before, that legendary skill, can only be obtained by one person."

"I see, does it require high luck?"

"Maybe yes? you have a very high luck rate, which is around 70%...."

"Is 70% high?!"

The Magistrate who had been listening to my conversation with the goddess, spoke.

"Humans, just so you know... that level of luck is hard to come by, last year's humans didn't want to answer my questions, some of them pretended to be dead or asleep."

Good thing I'm not that kind of person, are the people from last year who came to this world all stupid? actually when did they come here, two years ago or five years ago? no way if last year's two Earthlings came together... ah why should I care?

"What kind of monster are you actually Magistrate?"

I tried saying that again to The Magistrate.

"I'm a testing monster, originally I was a curious monster as the goddess said, in the end I should have been born and reincarnated as a god… but instead I was revived as a follower of a goddess, becoming a scary skeleton, but I'm um… kinda happy for getting the [Illusion] skill"

No need to shed tears like that, why are you telling your fate… I just heard Illusion? is this Magistrate's power an illusion??

"The iron rod that held you back just now slowly absorbs your strength, doesn't it?"

"Oh yes...."

That's true, but my strength is back, what's with this weird iron rod?! my frozen hands, now able to move, even my legs don't cramp anymore, my breath returns to normal without panting at all, even though before I finished answering all the Magistrate's questions, my breath had weakened.

"Well, just so you know humans, that iron bar isn't just any terrifying cross-shaped iron bar as you might think… but actually, it's the 'Flourish Totem' the true form of the iron ingot."

"Flourish Totem?"

"Yes, actually the iron ingot is an illusion, I will show it to you in its true form."


Sounds like a cracking sound behind me....?

At first my eyes seemed to see something shining bright blue when I looked back, then finally the iron shackles opened and released me, luckily I was able to land my feet on the ground without stumbling or falling.

It turned out to be true, this iron ingot is a Flourish Totem as the Magistrate said, although it looks scary in the shape of a cross, it turns out to be just an illusion I saw, because in fact this iron bar is a beautiful sky blue crystal, iron shackles which turns out to be a sparkling shiny silver bracelet. Even the Flourish Totem pattern that was filled with magic inscriptions looked like ancient writing.

"Well Nishimiya Haruto-san, looks like you will start your adventure tomorrow, since the Flourish Totem has recorded all your stats, then you can check your own stats."

I can't wait for my second life, looks like it will be a thrilling journey since this is Isekai....!

But I'm curious about my status, if I try here maybe it's okay, right?


"You open it now?"

"Right, that seems pretty decent."

So this is my status, too bad… why is my level still one?


[Name: Nishimiya Haruto]

[Age: 17 years old]

[Gender: Male]

[Levels: 1]

[Health Points: 1500 hp]

[Energy/Mana: 500 energy]

[Sex Appeal: 50%]

[Luck: 70%]

[Increase Points: 0]

Skills: [Mesmerize]


Weapon: Not Have

[JOB: Not Have]

 — — —

 I don't even have a weapon, haha... unavailable jobs, they all look bad to me....

"Goddess looks like I regret opening up my status now...."

"Calm down Nishimiya Haruto-san, did you forget, I'll give you the Light Saber as a favor tomorrow...."

"But only weapons can't defeat the Demon Lord, yet it's nothing but pathetic… do you call this luck….!?"

"Ah... if you want instant it's impossible, after all tomorrow you might be tired, and your face looks pathetic, why do you look like you want to cry?"

"Yes, because my status is so bad, goddess… are my hopes of becoming an adventurer and King in another world limited only by a sad dream?"

"Ah, calm down Nishimiya Haruto-san, hah... looks like you better rest now, I'll give you a soft mattress."

Looks like I'll never be able to become what I want to be, after all what's the use of just a high luck status… no use, maybe I'd better give up on being an adventurer, and have the goddess reincarnate me back into a cute baby.