
Seiichi Yukimura the son of God, in kuroko no basket

This is a story of young man who’s dream was to become an NBA player but unfortunately he couldn’t achieve it. He died in a car accident and was reborn in the world of kuroko no basketball. And just as he thought he could make it to teiko or at least play against all the miracles, he got sick, this sickness paralyzed him, and made him spend most of his middle school life in a hospital. But no he didn’t give up, he swore to himself, that he will beat this sickness and that at the start of high school, accompanied by his best friend, they will dominate Japan!. “Losing will be unacceptable !”

Hades09 · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
9 Chs

High school

{ Back in the present}

About 30 minutes later, the door opened and Yukimura walked out of it, When he did he saw his mother and best friend standing by the door waiting for him.

Yukimura: I'm sorry you had hear all of that

He said with with a wry smile.

Sanae: It's all fine, I get it. I'm so happy for you Yuki !!

She said hugging him with a happy smile. And after the hug came Haizaki who put an arm around his shoulders.

Haizaki : Ha! Took you long enough!

He said

Yuki: [Chuckles]We'll I didn't really want to commit seppuku.

As I said that, we made eye contact for a while before bursting out laughing with happy smiles adorning our faces.

Sanae: haha these kids.

Said Sane after chuckling a little.

Doctor: Sorry for the interruption but do you guys have any questions?

Asked the doctor.

Sanae: Yes I do, I'll be right back Yuki, I'm gonna go and get a list of what we'll need to do in the days to to come.

Said Sanae as she was walking walking away with the doctor.

Yuki: Alright mom.


"So you still have a year and a half to get back into shape and enter high school. Anyway, do you really want us join that school" asked Haizaki

" Yea Seiho is a good school and they also have a good team, so yea I think it will be best for us to go there. Not to mention that it's in Tokyo where the competition is always fierce." I answer him calmly

And yea, I chose to attend Seiho high school, because from what I can remember from the anime, Seiho and kirisaki Daichii were the only teams that didn't have any miracles but still have managed to give Seirin a hard time.

" Alright but I'll tell you right now Yuki, I'll go to hell and back before I ever learn that martial art bs" he says which makes me laugh a little.

" Alright I get it" I replied

I really do get it since I have no intention on learning that as well.



It was first day of school. And you could see the cherry blossoms falling off the trees and into the school.

Haizaki and I were already walking around yard among the many students who were yelling and screaming asking us to join their club. We just ignored them and kept looking around until we found it, the basketball team register.

The one sitting behind the desk was young man with medium long, blond hair. I remembered him from the anime, the one with the scoop shot, but completely forgot his name. Haizaki and I made it to the front of the desk but the guy didn't seem to notice us as he was focused on the paper in front of him that was on it, so I decided to just wait for him to be done before speaking to him but Sho had other plans.

" Oi! How long do you plan to keep us waiting?" He said. Haizaki has now changed his haircut to the the one he had in the anime when he fought against Kise. His attitude also changed, he doesn't pick fights or act like a thug anymore but still, he gets angry quite easily and is cold toward anyone except me, my mom and his. We're quite similar on that actually, my dad in this world died before I was born and his left them when he still a little kid.

Anyway back to the present.

" Hm? Oh sorry about that, I was so focused that I "

" Whatever just give us the form already." Haizaki said cutting him off.

" hee~ you're a wild one aren't you, anyway here, fill in these forms, and again sorry for that. By the way I'm Ryuhei kasuga, the vice captain of Seiho's basketball team."

" I'm Yukimura Seiichi and it's fine don't worry about it." I told him with with a small smile on my face.

"And this short fuse over here is Shogo Haizaki, sorry for that just now"

As I said that, Sho just rolled his eyes beside me. Before we came here I told him to be on his best behaviour, so when I said short fuse it was an indirect message I was sending him telling him to calm down.

{Ryuhei POV}

As I watch them leave after filling the forms, I couldn't help but think that these guys have good height and build and look quite strong. I can see that they have a deep friendship and it's really surprising since they couldn't look more different.

As I look at the papers they just filled I see that the blue haired kid is a point guard like me, and the other one small forward.

"Interesting~" I thought with smile on my lips that completely froze as I read the form of that Shogo kid.


{Back to the mc}

As the hours kept passing by, haizaki and kept getting glances from the boys and girls in our class. Him cuz he looked dangerous and I well, not sound narcissistic but I'm quite handsome. Don't judge me, I was only 18 years old when I died in my last life.

Rapidly moving on, I noticed a familiar guy in our class sitting not too far from us. He had a shaved head and from what I learned during our class presentation, he's called Tomoki Tsugawa, the who gave Kagami a hard time in the anime. He kept shaking while on his chair, clearly trying to contain his excitement of joining the team.


As soon as the bell rang I saw him dash out the classroom with speed comparable to Aomine (A/n: he's just kidding alright! The guy is not even close to dat) which made me chuckle a bit.

Haizaki and I just walked calmly to the basketball gym and as we entered we noticed that tsugawa had already changed and was chatting excitedly with the members of the team. What surprised me was that there were more people than I thought, probably some no name that didn't make it as regulars.

After that we into our gym clothes . I had long black tank top, blue shorts and and purple basketball shoes and a green head headband . And since all I did was training, and work out this past year, I was lean but had muscles in all the right places. Same with goes with Haizaki, he had a white tank top black short and shoes.

After that, we with went to the court and lined up with the others.

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