
Segundo: Flames Blaze Once More

a teenage shut-in overdosed on a mix of red-bull and five hours. She woke up in a random field littered with dead bodies that seemed to be wearing armor and carrying weapons. After having a panic attack she realizes that she is now a he in another world, to which she has another panic attack until a one-armed middle-aged man gives her a name and takes her with him unwilling.

NutritionWizard · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
1 Chs

Caffeine Addict

In a desolate room a young teenage girl was spamming the block button on her controller in a attempt to not die which seems to have failed "GOD DAMMIT!!! That's the fiftieth time I've died to this guy, why is it so hard you would think they want people to beat this game. I need to go to the bathroom then we can try again."

This is a girl who her neighbors would call Sabrina the teenage shut-in or the caffeine addict who won't stop yelling.

she stood up to go to the bathroom and felt an excruciating pain in her chest to which she doubled over and tried to yell but nothing came out of her mouth. She began to think many thoughts like 'OOOOOWWWWWWWW!!!' and a favorite 'I'm dying I'm dying!!!'. In her pain she tried crawling to the bathroom and before she could reach it, her body went kaput and now she couldn't move, so she just sat there in her own thoughts having a panic attack 'I don't want to die, I haven't lived my life yet I still need to get a lover, get a hobby, and I need to check on my wine. It must have been the red-bull and five-hour, if I live I'll never touch caffeine again. . . I promise' After laying there on the floor for a couple of minutes she tried to see if she could move and 'Nope nothing I'm gonna die'. After a couple of hours she had come to terms and decided that she is fine with this. 'Oh is that the light everybody talks about.'

At approximately 5:37 A.M. she died of a heart attack from drinking too much caffeine

3 days after her death the neighbors called because they hadn't heard her scream in a while and got worried

. . . In a open field . . .

*Gasp* "Where the hell am I" a young man looked around and saw a field filled with dead bodies that were wearing samurai armor and weapons littered around. " Ugh it reeks of blood, what even happened here"

"A war" a unknown voice seemed to beckon the young mans attention

"Ahhh! who's there" The young man looked around in worry and saw a ghost like middle aged man who is missing an arm sitting on the ground criss-cross-applesauce style and was staring towards the sky.

"Your mom. . . nah just kidding I'm Ketsuo, what about you young man." Ketsuo witnessed the young man's face distort in confusion till he heard

"Young Man! I'll let you know I'm a woman thank you very much" The supposed woman yelled

"Are you sure, you look like a man." Ketsuo said in confusion over the man or woman's statement

"Of course, why wouldn't I know my gender . . ." It was only then that this person looked at themselves and started checking their body feverishly. "OH GOD IM A MAN!!!" The young man then proceeded to have a panic attack because he who used to be a she is now a he.

"You must have bumped your head hard if you can't even remember your own gender, you should get that checked out, hahahaha!" Ketsuo laughed at the young man's cluelessness.

"Oh my god I missing my parts and now I have a little brother AHHHHH!!!" the young man then started to roll around on the bloody ground in despair at the circumstances.

"You never did tell me your name young man" Ketsuo sat and watched the young man roll around a little longer till he stood up and kicked the youngin "You know it's rude to ignore your elders."

"OWWW WHAT THE HELL!!!" the young man yelped in pain and stood up with a speed that only addicts who want more could achieve. He jumped back and questioned "Why the hell did you kick me."

"Hehehe-cough-cough. . .Ahem I asked for your name and you didn't give me one, instead you were just ignoring me" Ketsuo declared matter of factly and after a couple of seconds he asked "So your name."

"Sabr-. . . I don't know" The man stopped before he could say his old name 'This is a chance to choose any name I want, well I mean a boy name but a name none the less'

"How unfortunate. . . how about you choose a name for yourself to go buy for now then."

"Oh uh sure. . . ummm. . . how about-no. . .lets see a Dave. . . no what about Kale, wait no I don't want to be named after a vegetable." The currently nameless young man seemed to be lost in his own world and didn't notice Ketsuo walk around him in a circle.

"How in the world did you survive, you seem to get lost in thought at everything" Ketsuo walked closer and closer till he used his one arm to give the nameless a knuckle sandwich. "Well you can't decide let's see" Ketsuo started to poke and prod the man till he had come to a decision "Yes, that will work just fine, your name is now Kenkichi or Ken for short, how bout it"

"Get off of me!!! and don't just decide my name for me!" Ken backs up and in an instant Ketsuo is in front of him again "Ahhh!!!" startling Ken.

"What do you remember anyway" Ketsuo inquiries while being centimeters from Ken's face.

"Back upppp!! Your too close." Ken started to back up again, but Ketsuo stuck his foot behind Ken's leg making him fall. "Hey chill out, you need to back up" Ken started to look around and realized he was on a battlefield and this guy could be his enemy and with lighting fast reflexes, only a true gamer could ever reach, Ken rolled backward into a hand backspring and landed a couple of meters away. 'At least those years in gymnastics did me some good'.

"Oh my your quite fast aren't cha, but by that reaction I'm going to guess you don't remember much do ya. heheheh-cough-cough excuse me." Ketsuo started to move closer to Ken.

"Hey back up I'm warning you I know how to fight" Ken threatened him, but Ketsuo kept closing in.

"I'm not so sure about that, I mean you were laid out here with all the other dead men, so you probably don't fight too good and they must a thought you dead." Ketsuo kept getting closer and closer until he reached his hand up and put his finger on Ken's forehead and pushed him back making him fall all without Ken noticing his hand.

As Ken was falling back he was baffled 'When was he able to do that'. As soon as he hit the ground started push himself up, but Ketsuo put his foot on his chest keeping him down.

"No no no, let us talk first child. Don't cha know where you are" Ketsuo asked curiously.

After a couple of seconds of struggling Ken stopped and stared straight at Ketsuo with determination in his eyes "No"

"Straight-forward aren't chu" After no response Ketsuo lifted his foot up and sat down next to Ken back in crisscross-applesauce style and asked "Ok, so you don't no who ya are or where your at. Do you remember anything at all?"

Ken sat up and stayed still because he realized he can't do anything to this guy. "No"

"Good now were getting somewhere. First were at a battlefield on the outskirts of the Hilax kingdom. Its a small one, but it's coveted by the other kingdoms for its strategic value and is currently in a war with the exterior ministry, who as yous can see has not been going well for Hilax. Any questions?" Ketsuo sat anticipating a answer

"Okay. . . why am I here"

"Is it not obvious. You are a warrior. . . well not a very good one apparently heheheheeh-wheezing-cough-hehehe. Anywho seeing as your not fit to continue in this so-called war, I'ma taking yous with me." At this statement Ketsuo stood up and grabbed Ken before he could even protest.

"HEYYY PUT ME DOWN YOU DEGENERATE OLD MAN!!!" Ken resisted on the old man shoulder for a while before the old man got tired of it and tossed him on the ground and kicked him in the jaw causing Ken to black out.

"Man you're really loud" Ketsuo picked Ken back up and started walking across the bodies till he noticed a body that seemed out of place. "Oh hey a ministry brat" After he took a closer look he looted his gear and threw it on his back "I'll never get why they give everybody such good gear even if they can't fight too well." Ketsuo looked around a little longer till he heard the galloping of horses coming near. "Oop time to go" He started to walk towards the north for a couple of seconds till he suddenly turned around "Hehehehe wrong way" and continued to walk.