

Nairobi the love girl with no one to love and unfortunately find one and started playing hard to get

Ayomide_Ayodeji · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
21 Chs









8:55 AM

Oh my goodness,the competition remains two days.

Mathematics teacher staff room

Ernie ,Nairobi, and Chris with their math teacher.

"Are you guys ready for the short test?" The math teacher asked

"Yes sire " they all answered in chorus

Several questions were asked from them and they all did well.

"You guys really empress me,so we are living tomorrow,by 2:30PM we are going to stay at the school new site which is very close to the event horizon and you guys have the opportunity to be given scholarships even the second position into Cambridge University in UK 🇬🇧 WITH MANY SCHOOL MATERIALS,While the school will be given awards but I expect more from you guys "

The teacher said .

"Thank you sire,we will do more than our best sire " Nairobi said

"I trust you guys "

"Thank sir " Chris said

"You are welcome 🤗, you guys can go for now "


" Nairobi why did you ask the whether the the second candidate will also be given scholarships into Cambridge University?" Ernie asked

" I asked because there is probability that Henry..." she was interrupted by her phone call . " Excuse me guys "

" Hi Henry it been a long time "Nairobi said after picking her call

"Yeah I saw your message this morning,how is things we really miss you especially Rosalina " Henry said

"I also miss you guys,tell Rosalina I really miss her I called her yesterday but she didn't pick up my calls and then when I text she won't reply "Nairobi said

"Okay I will "

"I want to ask you if you're going for the young mathematics?

"Yeah sure,Rosalina,Beauty and I are representing the school are you also representing your school?" Henry asked

" yeah "

"Wow I can't wait to see you 😍!" Henry exclaims

"Same here " Nairobi says

"And you are going to be a great challenge to me "

" You are not dat bad "Nairobi says

" you know before you left the school you were turning to become a great mathematician,back then I always envy you "Henry teased .

"But you are still my boss "

"Okay bye I have class now "

"Bye my regards to Beauty and Rosalina "

"I will definitely do that "

"I am very sorry for keeping you guys waiting " Nairobi says after hung up the call


"No not at all,and it seems you guys are really close ?" Chris asked

" yeah,he was my best friend back then and he is also my teacher in all this online video games "

" And Rosalina?"Ernie asked

"Henry girlfriend "

" and why don't you have boyfriend?" Chris asked

" while others fall in love I will rather falls asleep 😴 " Nairobi says

" But you have an acting boyfriend " Chris teased

"That just for some fucking marks, you know "

"So you only have best friend,and acting boyfriend?"Ernie asked

" yeah "

"Did you ever think one of them might turn out to be boyfriend even husband? " Chris asked

"Says by who?" Nairobi asks

"Says by Chris "

"I can never date my best friend "

Chris stand up and stay in front of Nairobi ,he nearly brush his lips with hers,Ernie was red in face since Nairobi started the conversation with Henry now Chris by mistakenly wants to kiss her lips in front of him .

" But can you date guys like Ernie?" Chris asked

Ernie discover that by the time Chris asked her this question he hardly breathes .

"He is not that bad " she paused and moved closer to Chris then whisper to his ear "or what did you think?".

"Yeah he is not "