

Nairobi the love girl with no one to love and unfortunately find one and started playing hard to get

Ayomide_Ayodeji · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
18 Chs


FREE period

Chris walked down to where Nairobi and Ernie were sitting.

"Ernie meet Nairobi the new and brilliant girl in our midst " Chris said sitting beside Nairobi

"Oh, I can see how brilliant and beautiful she, she's going to be a great challenge for me" Ernie said smiling at Nairobi and then continue " Well, I love Challenge , The guys gonna be a good friend nice meeting you Nairobi, I am Ernie"

" Nice meeting you. I also Love being challenge, but all have to work hard " Nairobi said gazing at Ernie red hair .

"So what are we suppose to do now when we have a pretty 🤩 girl like you in our midst, Chris bet it with me,Nairobi can win the award for being so beautiful and charming"Ernie said parking his backpack 🎒

"Yeah,don't worry I Chris is going to vote for you, you gat my support hundred percent 💯" Then Chris lowered his voice and said "And I am going to protect you from those old seniors "

"You are so funny 😆 lol I'm not that stupid either way I don't flirt,So there's no reason for any old seniors to come my way, trust me I can be in this school for two years without anyone noticing me except when it comes to academics activities ,and I heard that Gift is your girlfriend you just picked one of the hottest girls in school bad boy " Nairobi said laughing .

" She told you that? did she told you we guys are dating "Chris asked her

"No she didn't, but I don't have to be told before knowing, that one of the principles we have as a science student,we observe "Nairobi teases Chris

"And you observed well enough to get the right answer,you are going to make a good observant " Ernie said

"I think I gat to go,Ernie you can just take a walk with Nairobi so she won't be so bored, Gift suppose to be the one doing that but she is busy with the next dancing competition" Chris said standing up

" She is going to make a good dancer 💃 " Nairobi said

"See you guys later,bye guys " Chris leaving

"Shall we?" Ernie asked

" yeah "