
Puberty Problems

Chapter 10

Puberty Problems

2 Weeks later

Unfortunately, the opportunity to increase my standing further in the tribe didn't present itself in the last 2 weeks.

But I did get the opportunity to do something else, something I have been dying to do.

Getting LAID.

About a year ago, the second time puberty hit me like a bullet train, hard and fast.

I already knew all that was to know about the beautiful creature, that was a woman. But a certain body part of my body only started to admire them about a year ago.

Truthfully, it has not been easy sailing since then. There had been many side effects that have created some problems for me.

Some of the side effects were not that difficult, to be honest. Sure the cracking of voice was annoying but it was still bearable. Irregular growth spurts were also both good and annoying, and sometimes painful too. Hell, I didn't mind the pimples and all the other shit that I had minded in the last life.

There was only 1 major problem.

I was always horny.

And I hated that I was always horny.

I don't know why it was such. But I would bet my every property that it had something to do with my mutation.

I couldn't even make out with any girl as there was no one who was in my age range. And even if they were I wouldn't touch them. I wanted the ones who were mature and at least older than 18. At least, that way, I was able to look in the mirror. Well, not mirror as there were no uses for them but still this way I could look into the water without staring back at a pedophile.

While I had forgotten a lot of memories of my past, I still retained enough to consider myself an older man even if sometimes the hormones of this body think with a different brain like a horny teenager.

Anyway, the only one I could find who was suitable enough for my standard was Paris. The other girls were either too old or too young or already married. While she, on the other hand, was only half a dozen years older compared to this body's age and still single.

Living with her was both a good thing and torture.

Good as in, I could see her whenever I wanted to; I could even stare at her for long and she wouldn't even know. I lost count of how many times, I had watched her naked while she was changing.

But sometimes it really was torture. The people are very bold in this era. The thing is they can't see, so many things just become obsolete. Changing clothes in front of other people is one of them. I loved the strip show that she showed me every time but I hated that I couldn't act on it.

I couldn't jerk off while she was doing that seeing as she could sense, hear, and smell it. Neither could I touch those perky breasts and do unspeakable things do them.

Sleeping in a single room is another side effect.

Well, there is only 1 room in the hut but even if we had more, we would sleep in a single one. In the winters, people always slept with at least one person on a single bed.

The main reason for that was that it helped people in keeping their bodies warm due to body heat.

There was another reason why we slept with each other. Only I had the bearskin in the whole tribe. That alone made my sleeping bed, warmest in the whole tribe, probably in the whole region.

Obviously, only she knew that I had a bear-skinned sleeping bag in the whole tribe. Otherwise, the tribe leader would have taken that from me. More like her bitch-wife would have egged him to take it. But It's the same thing. In the end, I would have had to give away my sleeping bag.

Sometimes, I really wonder how he became the tribe leader. Most of the time, it's his wife that takes the decisions.

So, to save myself from all the hassle, I had Paris swear that she wouldn't tell anyone about it when I decided to share it one night after I woke up and found her shivering. It was the coldest night during my first winter here. Even I felt the cold despite being in the bearskin and with the log burning. But once we slept together, I didn't feel cold again that night.

Since then, I have been sharing the sleeping bag with her at the night. I thought she would start sleeping on a separate bed once the winter was over, but she continued to sleep with me.

I wasn't complaining. It was good to be able to cuddle during the nights at that time. I think the loneliness for an entire year did leave me with a craving for human touch and human interaction. If not for that, I wouldn't have trusted her with any of my secrets that early.

It hadn't been a problem for the first few years after that. I certainly enjoyed her warm body, especially her breasts, pressing into me. I even touched them, a few times, accidentally of course.

But then puberty hit me. And it went to shit.

I still love sleeping with her, the feeling of her breasts pressing onto me, but it creates problems. The last year had been particularly torturous. I had gone to great lengths to hide my lust for her. Thank god, I wear furs. Due to their, thickness, she can't feel the boner, I always have, while sleeping with her. Or if she had, she hadn't commented on it.

I don't know if she could sense my lust or not, due to her being a presage. Even if she could sense it, she kept mum about it. I think my age also kept her away. I knew my body was just 14-15 years old but with my height and matureness, I came as older, about 17-18 years old (one of the reasons I could vote in the meetings earlier despite younger than the allowed age). But that doesn't mean, she doesn't suspect it.

I came quite close to tell her about my feelings but something in my mind always whispered not to do it. Maybe, it was my teenage mind because I was never this shy in sharing my thoughts about these types of things. But here the stakes were higher. I didn't have any other girl who was in my age range and checked every box. If Paris didn't think of me the same way, I could literally find no girl.

Moreover, I didn't want to jeopardize my relationship with her.

You could say that we were like best friends now, instead of a brother and sister relationship, she was angling in the start. We talked about anything and everything. She knew almost everything about me while I was sure that I knew everything about her. The only topic we never touched was about eyesight and sex.

We were close but not that close. The relationship reached the stage of a best friend, only recently. Moreover, people only became bold in the areas where eyesight was involved and where one couldn't see things. The sex-related talk was simply not done unless the people were a couple or family. Even in the family same genders have these types of talks like father-son or mother-daughter.

This doesn't mean I didn't try. I left more than enough hints that I lusted after her.

I hugged her far more often, far longer, initiating them by my own will. I complimented her whenever I could. I even helped her with her tasks.

I never missed an opportunity to touch her.

Initially, I could only touch her (excluding during the nights) when she started teaching me the silent sign language. It was around the same time that my puberty started. I purposely made mistakes so that I could get a reason to keep touching her. I especially liked mistaking words that let me touch on her waist, thighs, and shoulders.

But it soon became dull. The excitement had died down and now it felt like another torturous exercise. That's why I quickly learned all there was to learn about sign language.

There was only 1 thing I could have done to stave off my lust: Masturbation.

Seeing as there was no porn, I had to improvise.

Peeping was actually a little more difficult in this era. They could literally sense me. While they can't use their powers and hence, sense me, all the time, the humans have shown great instinct whenever someone is staring at them, we could feel them. The same happens with the people in this era too. So to save my skin, I decided to peep on them while they bathed and had more than 50 feet of distance between us just in case someone decides to use their powers.

At first, I realized that they don't know that I have eyesight. So they might have thought that I am doing nothing while standing there or sitting in the tree. But then another thought entered, the Ayuras would be able to hear me jerking off while the Scentiers could smell it.

There were so many factors.

In the end, I stopped caring. I decided to do it and forget about the consequences and decided to peep whenever older women would bathe.

Thankfully, nothing has happened in the last year. Some had been suspicious and a few have even tried to investigate but with my eyesight and powers, they never managed to catch me. After a while, they started ignoring their instinct about it.

Truthfully, I had caught a bad habit of jerking off while peeping. At least, it lets me clear my head for a while. If I did not do it, then I am even sure that I would have assaulted someone in the lust haze.

But again, it has become stale. Checking out their tits is fine and all but it kinda loses its appeal after a few minutes when you can't give them the good little grope. And that I couldn't do that even if I wanted to.

Moreover, I also realized that I was falling for Paris (living with someone for about half a decade could do that), hard and couldn't do anything about it. On top of that, she had decided to go to the 'Festival of Fall'.

From what I could gather, the Festival of fall is a gathering of travelers at a fixed place during the start of the season of fall or autumn as it is known. People travel there to trade. It lasts for a week.

They also travel there to find mates. It is like a blind date. Just one filled with a ceremony and sex. Once the sexual appetite is satiated, women try to convince the men to come with them to their tribe while men do the same. It is not necessary to become a husband and wife as both can go their different ways once the ceremony is over.

This way, women bring new blood to the tribe so that the side effects of inbreeding do not appear and men distribute their 'seeds'. I always shake my head at the thought process of some men. I don't know why they would want to have a child that would never know him. It would be better if they just admit that they want to have sex and be done with it.

From what I could gather, the Alkenny will be going to this festival after more than 2 decades. The last time, they went, Paris was conceived by her mother, though she couldn't convince her biological father to move in. And now Paris wants to do the same.

I was quite angry and more than a little disappointed that she would get fucked while I will be left here. Seeing as the canon started quite a bit into the future, I don't know if she will be able to convince her fuckbuddy to move in with us or if she would just get fucked and come back. Either could happen. And even if her 'husband' comes, he would have probably died in the canon. I don't know if it would happen now or not.

So, to avoid torture afterward, I decided to shift to a new house. After all, once she came back, she might need some space with her new husband. I am pretty sure, she won't join another tribe seeing as she was in this tribe by the time canon starts. And I don't want to hear them having sex a foot from my sleeping place.

Truthfully, I had another reason too for making a new house for myself.

I wanted a house that didn't look like a dilapidated hut. The current hut in which I resided didn't have any problems. It provided enough space to store my things and sleep comfortably.

I just didn't like the way it looked. It was a round hut, with walls made of mud and wood, and a conical roof made of straws. In my previous life, only the poor people of the remote villages would have only used something similar.

I could have made something good, something pleasant to look at, in half the time, the other people would have taken. I even had a great plan to make it.

But the tribe leader declined my request.

Yeah, we had to request these types of things from him. His reasoning was sound, that a new house would need resources that would come out of the clans' savings.

I argued that I would make it on my own with my own materials but he still declined, citing, that I would need more resources in the winter like logs to keep it up. I said I would collect the things on my own and won't use the clan's saving. He countered by saying that it would waste my time that could be wisely spent on collecting more food for the winter.

I left him and his hut in anger after some time when I understood that he won't budge from his decision no matter what reasons I present.

Only after going through half the lads from my group in the training yard, was I able to think clearly again. Now, I am breathing heavily lying on the ground, thinking about how it came to be, while one of the lads celebrated for defeating me with the other lads that I had gone through.

While lying there, I thought about the issue.

After thinking for a while, I reluctantly agreed with his reasoning. I could see where he was coming from. He didn't want to take any chances with the winter even if the last few winters had been easy with my help.

Once, I rested enough, I released a sigh, picked up my spear, and started walking in the direction of my home. I didn't bother acting as I was blind and walked in the direction of the home.

Though before I did that, I got an idea. I went to the leader and had him agree to take me to the 'Festival of Fall' with them.

My main reason was that Paris was also going to the festival. I was thinking along the lines that with the help of my eyesight, I would be able to just position myself to be her partner during the ceremony, and that way I would be with her and she might not protest much if even the 'destiny' wanted us to be together and if I found someone better, no problem.

But again, the tribe leader refused. He countered by saying, I was too young. I bluntly replied that I was old enough for my cock to work so he shouldn't have a problem. It was amusing to see him flustered at my blunt and crass words.

We went back and forth. In the end, he reluctantly agreed to let me come with the group for the Festival of Fall.